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Desparately Slow Load Times


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For some reason my load times, particularly the period in which auto-generated scenery is loading, has slowed to a crawl.  Recently it has taken 25-30 minutes for auto-gen scenery to load.  Whenever I start up or change locations or refresh or load a saved flight plan, I know it's going to be a half hour before the scenery appears.  This all happened recently and the only changes I've made over the last month are the uploading of FTX Global Base 1.30, the latest Orbx library 140927, EU Airport Pack 5, NA Airport Pack 18, and FSX Assist, which I purchased to see if it would help me with the loss of my Logitech Joystick during flight.


These are my specs:


AMD FX-6120 Six Core Processor 3.50 GHz, 10.0 GB RAM, 64-bit Operating System with Windows 8, and an AMD Radeon HD 6700.


Any assistance or advice would be greatly appreciated.




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Hi Garland,


we've had a thread about the sim appearing to get stuck at 6% loading a few weeks back. If that applies to you have a look here: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/83371-scenery-loading-stuck-at-6-after-installing-crm/?p=765465


Also, having lots of add-on aircraft, including AI, in your active FSX folders slows down loading considerably.


Cheers, Holger

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I posted this on the P3D forum earlier today, meant to post it here, I'm on FSX.


Interesting topic.  I agree, LOD, Autogen levels, and, probably, other factors all add in to the total time to load. For me there's no doubt about it, highly detailed mesh seems to take the lion's share of the load time in my rig.


I have all 3 Pilots Ultimates meshes installed, that's a little over 100GB represented by 8 folders in the scenery library. I use the 10 meter setting except in NA where I have Orbx addon A/Ps and change it to 5 meters when I fly there. I run my autogen at 4, LOD at 6.50.


I just timed loading a saved flight from clicking on "FLY" to being seated in the cockpit. With all 8 folders activated the time it took was 3 minutes 30 seconds.

After a reboot of the PC and using the same saved flight with 7 of the 8 folders deactivated the time it took was 41 seconds.

If I reloaded the same flight without exiting FSX reload times were in both cases noticeably quicker than the first time loading for each.

I also note that the saved flight is in Italy with Global and OpenLC EU and with FTX Central set to Global with no "hybrid", (still awaiting Vector 1.2 release to purchase)


In addition to the 6% pause I have also noted another slowdown in the 26 to 30% range as well.


Also in reading some articles the use of features like SuperFetch may or may not be good for SSD's and can vary depending on the age and technological particulars of SSD drive itself.


But if it was taking me even just 5 minutes to load I'd be looking at my hardware closely, assuming all the software is properly installed and set up, and I'm not running a lot of un-needed programs in the background, etc.

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