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Pls check to see if I've got it right


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+ FTX Global Base - replaces FSX Textures, permanently active


+ FTX Global Vector - replaces FSX Vectors, permanently active


+ Pilot's FS Global - replaces whatever terrain mesh is present, permanently active


FTX Central


FTX Europe, activates

  - FTX Global openLC Europe

  - Any European Regions

  - Any European Airports


FTX North American, activates

   - FTX Global openLC North America (when released)

  - Any North American Regions

  - Any North American Airports


FTX Global, closes any European or North American Regions, Airports or openLC.


FTX Global Airports, are permanently active once installed


Other Airports, freeware or payware, Orbx or not, are permanently active once installed.




Still figuring this one out as I have both Orbx Southern Alaska and Ultimate Alaska X.  Also, I'm interested in looking into the Aerosoft VFV German series, but have no idea about compatibility or maybe load order or whatever.  I assume the Aerosoft airports would not be an issue, note assume. :)

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OpenLC is part of FTX Global and not a specific region.

The only openLC I'm aware of is FTX Global openLC Europe, with FTX Global openLC North America somewhere in the plan which to my mind makes it specific to a region.  Am I missing something?.

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Hmm, I've read through some of the manuals and they are very interesting and rather general.  I must have missed the part that explains exactly what happens when all the different processes are implemented by FTX Central.  I had thought my question was reasonable, I guess not.

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The easiest way to think of it is this:


Open LC, wherever it is located, is part of the FTX Global family of products (along with FTX Global Base, and Vector). As such, set FTX Central to Global.


The FTX Central options of Europe, Oceania and North America are there only for FTX full regions. 

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If you have FTX Global active and select Hybrid mode then all your regions are active so you can fly between Europe and USA or USA and Austrailia.


Open LC Europe compliments FTX Global by improving the regional difference to Global textures, there will be other Open LC products released for other areas of the world.


There was nothing wrong with your question, if you dont ask you never find out.


Hope that helps


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There was nothing wrong with your question, if you dont ask you never find out.

Thank you Taph.


i guess some consider me a nuisance, but i really want to understand how to optimized my experience.  Over at an unnamed Support Forum I managed, in spite of my best efforts, to irritate the product developers and their fanboys trying to get them to help me to get their product to do something it was said to do in their product description.  Eventually, realized the advertising was incorrect, I wouldn't say false because I believe it was a miscommunication.  I just checked and they were true to their word and actually corrected the product description to be very clear on that actually important point.  A great product, but I'm not welcome there anymore.

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I think some of the confusion is caused by naming the British Isles and Ireland as "Europe" within FTX Central. Even though they are very close together most people think of them as separate entities and especially the  people that live in the UK.


The British Isles are a region. There are no regions in Europe but it is covered by Land Class.

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Hadn't even thought of that complication.  So, this is wrong:


FTX Europe, activates

  - FTX Global openLC Europe

  - Any European Regions

  - Any European Airports


So, is the FTX Global openLC Europe always in place one installed like GTX Global Base?.  And then FTX Central/FTX Europe opens up what?  And how are the British Isles opened?  I am definitely confused and I definitely need to spend some quality time with the docs, I've been dealing with a different thing lately.  I'm just wishing for a chart that tell me push this button, regardless of the label, and you get this.  Ofc, I may just not have found it yet.

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Hadn't even thought of that complication.  So, this is wrong:


FTX Europe, activates

  - FTX Global openLC Europe

  - Any European Regions

  - Any European Airports


So, is the FTX Global openLC Europe always in place one installed like GTX Global Base?.  And then FTX Central/FTX Europe opens up what?  And how are the British Isles opened?  I am definitely confused and I definitely need to spend some quality time with the docs, I've been dealing with a different thing lately.  I'm just wishing for a chart that tell me push this button, regardless of the label, and you get this.  Ofc, I may just not have found it yet.


Correct, that is wrong ;)


Should be:


FTX Europe, activates

  - Any European Regions

  - Any European Airports


And the Europe option does indeed include England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland and Northern Ireland FTX full regions... It's true that collectively these are called "The British Isles", but they are most certainly a part of continent of Europe, just as the "Midwest" or "The Eastern Seaboard" are part of the North American continent ;)


Like I mentioned earlier, while OpenLC Europe covers the geographical area of Europe, it is an FTX Global product (Part of the FTX Global product line), so Global should be selected in FTX Central. All other FTX Central options are strictly for the FTX full regions.


think of it less as "where am I flying?" and more "What product range am I using?" (Global products, North American full regions, European full regions etc)

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