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Todays Flight


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On so many trips to New York City, I would spend as much time in the city as possible.


This is one of the most spectacular cities of the world.


Exiting the underground for Battery Park would have you coming out of the subway and getting an eyeful of the "Twin Towers".


Words can never express the sight.


So many people from around the world loved the view, and the time spent in the shadows of the towers.



Not only in New York City, but Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania:


God Bless the ones lost on that fateful day, their families, their friends, the emergency response personnel, and the ones that survived what is September 11, 2001.















God Bless America


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Hello, Dolf,


It is very noisy. You hear every sound. There are always so many cars and people at all hours of the day.


But, that is a part of the mystique of being downtown in New York City.


Some of my favorite entertainment comes from the street actors and performers at Battery Park. They can really knock your socks off with some of the things they do.


And, the occasional, much anticipated, visit to the "Gift" from France. From the Statue of Liberty, you can see nearly all of Battery Park. And, at one time, what was the enchanting view of the "Twin Towers".


The international restaurants, the mix of people from every country of the world, the smells of the city, and the noise. How I love the noise of New York City!


Some of the best air traffic controllers in the world, who occasionally don't mind really telling us where to go (LOL!!!!)!


Thank you for your comment Dolf.





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She's offered so many such a great opportunity for such a long time.


She doesn't get tired of accomodating as many as is willing to get here.


And, she has so many good hearted people who will help as much as is possible, as often as possible.


There have been many who have been hell-bent to break her, even in her own home. But, she has a strong back and is resolute.


Today, she is saturated in her home with those very destructive to her founding, and they will fail.


She's been slapped around, but with great resolve, shakes it off and stands up tall.


olderndirt, glad you got here.

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Very emotional, Adam. To say the least.


It's been 13 years, but it is just like yesterday.


A week after the attack, I flew the Hudson into La Guardia.


Going past the site of the downed towers, you could still see the smoke coming up.


And, the welling up.


Even the controllers had their moments as we passed along our thoughts and wishes.


Thanks for the fine comments, Adam.

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A terrible day for a whole nation and the World, so sad for the families still to this day.

A very emotional set of captures here, especially #2, that one says something beautiful to me.

My friend and neighbour to the south, this was a wonderful tribute to the day, very well done indeed.

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