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Small problem


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Hi..    tiny problem I need help with..

I started my FTX long ago with no "Acceleration" pack so I installed the hotfix so I could use the AuBlue mission.    All was fine.   

Months later I have bought the "Acceleration" pack and now my AUBlue mission has no Jane on the Ultralite, no Welcome naration voice, nothing?    I installed the latest Au Regions FTX Sp2 but it made no differnce?

whats gone wrong?   Did installing the Acceleration pack over the No Acceleration hotfix cause it or something else?

I wanted to show my brother the AuBlue mission otherwise I would not have noticed it not working.



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Try installing Acceleration on a clean installation of FSX (Uninstall FSX, re-install it, install Acceleration and then install your add-ons). Hopefully that should do the trick ;)

Tom :)

thanks...  but..

LOL  Was hoping not to have to do that.  I have soooooo... many add ons.    any other ideas that may fix the problem.

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Did you install Acceleration on top of FSX SP2. That might be something. I believe Acceleration should be installed only on top of FSX SP1. If SP2 was installed then that needed to be uninstalled prior to Acceleration.

Just a thought.


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yep...  I uninstalled the Microsoft SP2 then the installed Accel -pack.  I remembered that from a topic here in the forums.

Still have no Jane in her ultrlite and no Welcome voice and naration ?    very odd. 

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I did turn off FTX mode first, always do.

But if you install the Accel -pack over the sp2 it corrupts as mentioned in Microsoft forums??

They say you must uninstall SP2 before installing the add on pack.  Now Im confused.   LOL

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I think your last comment is quite unfair and I believe if you look at the various topics in these forums you would have to agree that that is just not the case.

Your problem seems to be twofold in that one is a Microsoft problem while the second is related to FTX.

In relation to the Microsoft issue, FSX SP2 is included in Acceleration so I can understand Microsoft advising not install Acceleration over SP2. Once Acceleration is installed, there is no need to install the separate SP2 pack as it is already there. In short, To get your base FSX system right, uninstall SP2, then install Acceleration.

The second issue relates to the hotfix for the AUBlue mission. That hotfix was released for those who do not have acceleration. I don't know the ramifications of having the hotfix installed with Acceleration, however the architect of that hotfix is currently tied up with the Avalon Airshow and will be there until the show finishes on Sunday.

My suggestion would be to uninstall the AUBlue hotfix, and then get your base FSX correct. If you still have a problem with the mission, then I am sure John would be only too happy to provide assistance once the Airshow is finished.

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I think your last comment is quite unfair and I believe if you look at the various topics in these forums you would have to agree that that is just not the case.

Your problem seems to be twofold in that one is a Microsoft problem while the second is related to FTX.

In relation to the Microsoft issue, FSX SP2 is included in Acceleration so I can understand Microsoft advising not install Acceleration over SP2. Once Acceleration is installed, there is no need to install the separate SP2 pack as it is already there. In short, To get your base FSX system right, uninstall SP2, then install Acceleration.

The second issue relates to the hotfix for the AUBlue mission. That hotfix was released for those who do not have acceleration. I don't know the ramifications of having the hotfix installed with Acceleration, however the architect of that hotfix is currently tied up with the Avalon Airshow and will be there until the show finishes on Sunday.

My suggestion would be to uninstall the AUBlue hotfix, and then get your base FSX correct. If you still have a problem with the mission, then I am sure John would be only too happy to provide assistance once the Airshow is finished.

I have been with you (Orbx) since the early days of the AUblue release and its not "unfair" of me to have an opinion that the support is not as good as it use to be.

Its only an opinion....

I do notice that if one says a negitive comment about the support forum one gets a reply straight away?  LOL

 .. its not the end of the world to a get a negitive comment about this support forum.

Maybe you should have asked yourself why someone would consider posting a comment like that in the first place.

Feedback, good or bad is still welcomed in most forums as it used to grow and become better. 

These forums are the best I have ever seen on a products support but in my opinion as I said sadly they are not as good as they use to be.

The topic is titled "Small problem" and does not effect my FTX flying unless I want the mission.

In the early days if a FTX owner had a problem Orbx support staff would bend over backwards to help solve the problem, stay with them for heaps of posts to the problem was solved or worked around. Now often you get one reply and not much after that. Most replies come from other FTX owners now.   Sorry guys your support is still good but I think as I said not as good as it use to be.   :)

Now as I said all this is only an opinion ( feedback) and from being with the forums for a long while.

I do not want this to start an argument or sarcastic posts in a tic for tac war.

I hope you can except this opinion as "feedback" because thats all it really is.........

Besides its my turn for a rant.   LOL   

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PS:   My mission was working until to I instaled the FTX SP2 ?  Not blaming that but thats when I noticed it not working.

 Im not that worried I will get it back later when I do a clean install when the FTX DVD is released..

So delete this topic if needed.    I just paniced when the mission was not working..      besided I have had a bad week.

My Mum had a heart attack so I have had very little sleep this week going back and forth from the hospital.

So mountains out of mole hills for me this week...    :)


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Hi mate, sorry to hear about your mum, hope she makes a full recovery.

The FTX SP2 shouldn't have any effect on the mission. Could you navigate to your \Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Missions\ORBX\AUBLUE folder and give us the details of your AUBLUE.spb file. Right click to show its properties. I need the file size and date created,

Cheers, Martin

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Sorry guys, just ignore my rant above, Im running on very little sleep and lots of worry.


The information you requested:


File size:  49.8 KB (51,073 bytes)

Size on disk: 52.0 KB (53,248 bytes)

Created: ‎Sunday, ‎9 ‎November ‎2008, ‏‎10:22:00 AM

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This is what I mean...     Pehaps you could read my post.   The Hotfix is for non-Acceleration users.

I have Acceleration installed and still no Jane or narration in the AUBlue mission.

I have and always will check the hotfixs and patchs first.

Please take the negitive feedback with the positive feedback.  I love your products.  ;)

Edited by Mark freeman

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Please accept my apologies. It was rude of me to use sarcasm, and unacceptable. We are proud of our support here at Orbx and hope that we can earn your respect again as we work with you to resolve the issue.

All the Orbx staff based in Melbourne at working at the Avalon Airshow this week, without internet access except from my iPhone, which does not work too well at the event. That's perhaps why we are not responding as quickly as usual. Also, our support team leader Wolter, has had some personal health issues lately and has been away for a little time. That's why we added Matt and Stian to the moderator team to also provide as much support as we can.

We do take all reported issues seriously, and in this instance I mis-read your post from my iPhone, so that's my bad mistake - sorry about that.

I am not sure why the mission does not work with FSX Acceleration installed - very mysterious to us. We will have a test of it at the airshow booth tomorrow and see if it works for us with Accel installed. It could be something as simple as the sequence things we installed in.

As for Paul (whoever he is, but he's insightful) forecasting my use of sarcasm - he's 100% right - I am famous for it, and I have refined my sarcasm skills over 45 years now. I am still not as good at it as I would like to be though ;)

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John dont worry about it.. as I said Im having a crappy week.  Worry and very little sleep makes me over react and jump up and down over silly little things.

I had my Dad in hospital last week, they thought he had a stroke, turns out to be high blood pressure. This week my Mum had a heart attack and I almost lost her.

She is on the mend slowly thank goodness. 

I love my flight simming with FTX, its one of my favorite hobbies.

I know your support is the best around, Ive said it in other posts that the product support is great and its more a case of frustration when things go wrong than anything you or your team posts here.  I think the worst thing about forums is the written word cannot show "tone".

So often text is read the wrong way or taken the wrong way and its not what one intended.

I will always buy your products. I will always be a FTX fan.

As for this problem it only effects the mission.  I started out with no Acceleration pack so I installed the hotfix you mentioned. This worked fine, the mission was there and was ok.      With that hotfix still installed months later I bought and installed the Acceleration add on pack and the same week I installed the FTX SP2. Then I noticed the mission had no Jane and no welcome to AUblue narration ???  So I have no idea why?

Oh well..    it will be back at the next format and total reinstall.


Mark Freeman

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Thanks for the info on your file. You have the hotfix version of AUBLUE.spb installed. I don't know if it will help but try installing the original version of the AUBLUE.spb

Ready for a silly question.. LOL    ..... where do I find the original version of the AUBLUE.spb ?    Is there a Orbx backup folder perhaps?


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no luck, I used the original version of the AUBLUE.spb and still no Jane or Welcome voice.  In fact installing AUBlue to a dummy folder just to get that file has for some strange reason turned off all my other regions now in my real FSX/FTX.    oh dear...    From the frying pan to the fire.

A format and total reinstall by the look of it now.

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no luck, I used the original version of the AUBLUE.spb and still no Jane or Welcome voice.  In fact installing AUBlue to a dummy folder just to get that file has for some strange reason turned off all my other regions now in my real FSX/FTX.     oh dear...    From the frying pan to the fire.

A format and total reinstall by the look of it now.

All is not lost mate, either do as Wolter says or manually add the FTX entries to the scenery library if they are not showing. Strange though as I've done a few installations into dummy folders without any probs ???

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Thanks, I installed your (Uhu_Fledermaus) AUBLUE.spb and still no Jane or "Welcome to AUBlue" voice?

The aircraft sits there with the engine running, looks fine, sounds fine but no Jane or welcome voice.

There must be something more wrong somewhere?   

The last time I used the mission was a month ago before I purchased the Acceleration pack.  The mission was working fine. I had installed the no Acceleration pack hotfix months before. 

I installed the Acceleration pack and downloaded the FTX Sp2.  And if I recall an aircraft from Carenado was installed in the mean time.

Some where in that time the mission went bad?

PS:  Can anyone post a screenshot of the scenery library so i know what to put back and in what order.  Holger mesh is gone from the list as well as Ozx airports have gone, purchased Orbx airports are gone, free airports from orbx are gone.  gold, green red ftx all missing from the lsit now.  Arhhhhhhhhhhh...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had the same problem with the mission in FSX + Acceleration.

Months later after installing AU BLUE, I just wanted to hear Jane

again and... same symptoms, no joy.

But I have found the solution!  8)

I bet you have disabled or uninstalled some of the default

aircraft, eh? The mission won't work unless the Beaver, Goose,

Extra 300, Stationair, Maule, and possible the Cub are there.


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I had the same problem with the mission in FSX + Acceleration.

Months later after installing AU BLUE, I just wanted to hear Jane

again and... same symptoms, no joy.

But I have found the solution!  8)

I bet you have disabled or uninstalled some of the default

aircraft, eh? The mission won't work unless the Beaver, Goose,

Extra 300, Stationair, Maule, and possible the Cub are there.


I went back to my old hard drive to check...    and....

Your right... if I recall I moved the Cub and the Maule to a "hold" folder becasue I never used them.  There was a post here somewhere about load times for the aircraft screen if you transfer the aircraft you do not use to a hold folder.     My problem was solved through a clean install of the lot onto my new hard drive.  So the problem is fixed and I had forgot all about the hold folder with the two missing aircraft.    Lessons learnt I guess.    It had me stumped why Jane and the mission would not start..    LOL                :)



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