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NZQN : Massive framerate hit, jerky flight & other problems


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Hi folks, Purchased NZSI yesterday and have had no problems until ... purchased NZQN airport today (order # FSS0311027) and have run into some problems as follows :


1. When I fire up FSX and go to NZQN my frame rate drops from being very respectable >40 to between 0.5 and 6. If I relocate to another airport, say Dunedin, the frame rate jumps right back up again.


2. At NZQN the graphics appear very "blocky" and any movement is terribly jerky - even just taxi-ing.


3. Also very strange is that my mouse pointer is changed from the usual 'arrowhead' and has become a + symbol that is non-functional as I move it around the 2d instrument panel.


4. The menu bar at the top of the FSX screen is completely garbled.


Could someone please tell me what I am doing incorrectly and how I can set about fixing this for NZQN ??


MANY thanks



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Hi Dave..I'll leave the technical stuff for some of the admin guys to help you with.i have had ZQN since it was released and have never had an issue with FPS so you have done something wrong.

As to the mouse pointer showing as a cross...you have selected the mouse to be the equivalent of an IR tracker..probably did this in error..i do it sometimes myself.

Go to your drop down menu when fsx is running and click on mouse and select the mouse as pointer option..that will fix that up for you

Good luck with the rest mate


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As Stu already remarked,no fps hit either at this end almost sure you took a wrong turn somewhere, no worries, happens to all of us ;)

simple checklist

Did you update NZSI to the latest version v1.30

Did you have FTX Central set to Oceania before in stalling NZQN

Did you run the latest Libary files after the install of NZQN

Did you try and switch FTX Central to default and then back to Oceania hitting the Apply button on both counts

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G'day Stu - thanks for that mate, much appreciated :) Yes, with so many folks using these sceneries and having no owrries it must be something I've done !! It is not unknown for me to be a prize drongo so this could well be just another fine example. Mouse pointer fixed, still working on others. Cheers, David.

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G'day again Wolter, Thanks for the reply :)


I THINK I have the latest version of NZSI - it was only downloaded from FSS some 48 hours ago. How do I check ?


Confirm, FTX Central is set to Oceania.


Those library files, I don't think I ran them as I just followed the on-screen install instructions. Is there something else I should have done? How do I run those "latest Library files"?


Just tried the FTX Central switch you suggested but that appears to have had no effect.


Cheers and all the best



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G'day again, just done some experimenting following on from Wolter's advice.


I went to FTX Central and set "Global" and hit "Apply". Fired up FSX and went to the following locations and noted frame-rates :


Iceland : BIRK : FPS in cockpit 30-65, exterior view 15-19 : flight no problem

US : KSAN : FPS in cockpit 10-12, exterior 10-11 : flight no problem

UK : EGNT : FPS in cockpit 12-14, exterior 11-13 : flight no problem

NZ : NZQN : VERY VERY slow to load terrain data : FPS in cockpit max 4, exterior <2 : menu-bar instantly garbled, graphics blocky & jerky, flight --- hmmmm least said the better :(


Quit FSX

Back to FTX Central and set "Oceania" and hit apply; repeated above ...


BIRK : FPS at 31-47 and 13-28 : flight no problem

KSAN : FPS at 13-16 and 10-12 : flight no problem

EGNT : FPS at 12-14 and 11-13 : flight no problem

NZQN: VERY VERY slow to load terrain data : FPS in cockpit max 3, exterior <2 : menu-bar instantly garbled, graphics blocky & jerky, flight --- hmmmm least said the better :(


HELP !!! :)


Thanks and all the best




PS : Just done flight from Cooktown to Cairns in Far North Queensland, Australia - good frame rates and smooth flying. Something is amiss somewhere :)

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Hi Wolter, thanks for that but ..... unfortunately this has made the whole situation decidedly worse and now my entire FSX is not flyable!


I downloaded and installed, as per the on-screen instructions, the latest library files and the NZSI update\patch.


What I find now is that no matter which airport I select as my starting location I have ....


1. On-screen graphics that are appalling - the screen fills with strange, flickering vertical and horizontal lines and bars and coloured blocks,


2. The frame rate has dropped below 10 in all situations,


3. ALL airports, even those outside of the ORBX products that I have installed are affected,


4. On-screen menu is garbled in every flight I try.


5. My mouse pointer has gone back to an unusable "+" symbol again and I made absolutely sure that it was not my actions that changed this (see above posts).


In essence, I am now faced with a worse situation than I had yesterday and my FSX is simply not useable.


Can you please tell me how I can uninstall these ORBX products and get back to FSX the way it was before I installed ORBX ?


After days of experimenting and seeking help they are making my FSX experience worse, NOT better and I am bitterly disappointed after spending significant amounts of money to buy NZSI and NZQN.


Should I really be having all these problems and frustrations with payware ?


Sorry :(



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Hi again Wolter,


I have just done some more experimenting to see if I can get any closer to the root of this problem and here is some extra information to update what I wrote above ...


1. When I try to start a flight in any ORBX region (NZ, Tasmania or Iceland) I find that FSX loads VERY slowly The loading "Terrain Objects" between 34-69% is almost at a standstill and can take up to 3 minutes to complete. Then again the "Adjusting Scenery Objects" between 80-85% comes to a real slowdown again and can take almost 2 minutes to complete. Once loaded inside the ORBX region, FSX is basically unusable as described above.


2. When I just had the Tasmania demo or Iceland demo (so no NZSI or NZQN) I did NOT have these problems.


3. If I start FSX and select an airport OUTSIDE of the ORBX regions I have (say Cairns International or Singapore or Paris etc) I do NOT have the above problems and as long as I stay outside of the ORBX regions everything is fine. However, funny thing is that, as soon as I opt to go into one of the ORBX regions - kapow !! - all the problems mentioned above appear.


4. This is holding true for me no matter what region I have as 'Active' in FTX Central - makes no difference is "Global" or "Oceania" is active.


Hope this extra info provides something useful as a clue to what is happening.



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Hi folks, after trying everything I could think of the only way I have been able to solve this problem was to adapt Wolter's instructions from another thread where he explained how to remove the KBZN airport. I have removed my installation of NZQN and all the related files from my FSX installation and this has removed the problem. I am now back to the situation I had with just NZSI installed.


I do not wish to appear as though I am being overly disgruntled (or ungrateful for all the hard work that ORBX have done or the attempts to help) but I would like to make the following points to the ORBX team :


1. Why are the add-ons supplied without an easy "uninstaller" or, at least, clear instructions in the readme file explaining how to remove them?


2. For me NZQN has simply not worked so I have spent money on a product that I cannot use. Does ORBX have any policy in place to address this?


3. I really hate it when I can't get things to work :) I'll continue to scratch my head and try and get to the bottom of these problems and report back to this thread if I have any success.


Happy flying :)



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G'day again Wolter, okay - I reinstalled making absolutely sure that Oceania was s\applied BEFORE installing NZQN and then I re-ran the laltest library files. Sadly, the same results - frame rate back to >1 now, graphics all corrupted and fuzzy and on-screen menus gone to garbage. I just do not know what is going on :( Cheers, David.

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  • 9 months later...

Hi all, I'm having this precise same issue.

Basically, all my other FTX scenery work a treat, except NZQN. When I un-install NZQN, all my woes go away, so I've isolated it to just this scenery installation. NZSI is also installed... it works fine without NZQN installed.


FTX sceneries are a massive pain in the ...! It's never smooth sailing; and why on earth are there no un-installers!


Anyway, rant over... why is this happening?



Problem fixed by updating library USING FTX CENTRAL 2

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Hi David


Sometimes FSX and FTX problems stem from permissions issues with Windows, and ORBX has no control over that!


Your problems have all the hallmarks of a conflict somewhere causing your CPU and or GPU to be fighting itself.


What I would do if I were you is start from square one.  I know it sounds like a long painful process but it can save you time in the long run.  Uninstall FSX and delete the FSX folder.  Then Google and find out how to maximise permissions and sharing properties across all your folders that might be accessed by FSX and FTX, including your user\roaming folders etc.  


Reinstall FSX making sure you install to a folder outside the Program Files area.  C:\FSX or D:\FSX or similar are common pathways.


Ensure FSX loads and runs smoothly.  Once confirmed, install NZSI and confirm smooth running.  Then, before anything else, install NZQN and confirm it too runs smoothly.  If it doesn't then there's definitely something weird going on.


If you get NZSI and NZQN running smooth, you can then install your other products.  If you run into jerkiness or poor performance at any stage it should be feasible to track the offending conflict down.


Every couple of years I completely uninstall and reinstall FSX and all add-ons, it takes a couple of hours to get up and running and over the next few evenings I slowly reinstall everything else (over 100 sceneries and 30+ aircraft etc).  Always seems to run a bit smoother for a while!  


If you have further problems could you list your computer specs and operating system etc.  Makes investigations a bit easier.

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So, I'm not new to the scene. My FSX is relatively a fresh install. It's installed on the C: drive in a folder named FSX to avoid those pesky permission and UAC problems.


As I previously outlined, all FTX sceneries work well, including NZSI, but ZQN is laggy. I thought it was fixed... it's not.


Interestingly, when I'm in windowed mode, the lag stops (which is why I thought I had fixed the problem). As soon as I return to full screen mode... hello lag!


i7 4790K @ out of the box speeds // GTX780 // 8GB RAM (I think its 1600Hz DDR3 or 5, cant remember).

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Yeah. Problem solved by forcing VSync OFF using NvidiaInspector and modifying my fsx.cfg file.

I don't understand FTX... Is there not a uniform method of developing scenery? As I've previously said, other FTX airports worked fine.

Also, I must voice my displeasure at NZSI. It's rubbish when compared to GodZone scenery... Just saying.

I think FTX should start adopting world practice. I don't know how FSDT and others develop their airports, but god do they look and perform good!

Please don't take my comments as a cheap shot; I'm a supporter of "Australian/NZ made", but seriously, I feel as though as I have to criticise FTX on their perceived short comings.

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Also, I must voice my displeasure at NZSI. It's rubbish when compared to GodZone scenery... Just saying.



All I can say to that comment is you're in a very very tiny minority.  We can't expect to change your opinion but I think the developers can take heart in the praise that they've received so far, which outweighs criticisms by many many times.

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I can never understand why those that have system problems with Orbx files when thousands of other users do not insist that it is Orbx at fault with their "rubbish" scenery.. you don't like the scenery, take it out and then please.. go away. Teecee.

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Also, I must voice my displeasure at NZSI. It's rubbish when compared to GodZone scenery... Just saying.


I have recently bought both NZ terrain sceneries NZSI and NZNI and had never the feeling that these products are below the common ORBX quality. In the contrary several local airports and adjacent sceneries are very well done not to say close to a special airport scenery. Please  provide one or two pics on that area where you think they are poor. May be there is an undiscovered installation prob on your system...

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Maybe you guys are right.

I'm NOT displeased with ORBX scenery on the whole. I have other countries aswell... They're stunning. I maintain NZSI is rubbish particularly in the mountainous areas. This is my view, when comparing to the other scenery maker for the region, indeed, I arrive at the same view when comparing NZSI to FTX North Alaska.

I admit, the problem I had was due to my hardware/software settings and configuration. However, given that all other FTX sceneries worked, and worked extremely well with those very same settings... Well it just left me perplexed.

I would post pictures, but I'm time poor at the moment.

John Dow, my sincere thanks for your assistance throughout

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