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Pre sales question re ftx global vector


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I originally posted this in General discussions but have not received a response. I was under the impression that Orbx Staff scanned this area. If more specific information from me is required or a link that resolves the question please advise at your earliest.

I purchased FTX Global (base) for FSX several months ago and find the product amazing. I sim fly, for the most part, around CYOW (Ottawa International, Ontario), CNL3 (Brockville, Ontario), CYGK (Kingston, Ontario) and some flying in the Adirondacks KSLK (Saranac Lake, NY) areas.

What's missing in FTX Global (base) is detail to the lakes in and around Ottawa and Kingston - specifically some reasonably large lakes are missing. I would like to purchase FTX Global Vector to compliment (base) and restore lakes that have been omitted.

Is there anyway to establish that the missing lakes in Global (base) would be restored by Global Vector?

Finally I purchased an airport addon for Courchevel, France (LFLJ) from a company called LLH Creations which was recommended by very helpful members of this forum and it works great with FTX Global (base).

Would there be a conflict with this addon and Global Vector?

Thanks in advance for any help. Appreciated

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Hi :)


FTX Global did adapt all the textures, but you will still have the default LandClass that came with fsX


With FTX Vector all Coastlines and lakes etc will be adapted to what it looks like out there, depending on the part of the earth and the available source data 


please find attached an in depth explanation of how all the different packages work together to achieve the best possible result



FTX Definitive Guide.pdf

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What's missing in FTX Global (base) is detail to the lakes in and around Ottawa and Kingston - specifically some reasonably large lakes are missing. I would like to purchase FTX Global Vector to compliment (base) and restore lakes that have been omitted.

Is there anyway to establish that the missing lakes in Global (base) would be restored by Global Vector?

Thanks in advance for any help. Appreciated

If you ask for screen shots of the area, you'll probably have some kind soul respond fairly rapidly. I received a couple screen shots of my home field, ID85, when I was trying to decide whether to buy Northern Rockies or another region 1st. Unfortunately I use P3D, so I can't take the screenies myself. :(



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Thanks Wolter and Brian for the pdf Guide and suggestions.


Wolter I use FTX Global (base) and do not have the original FSX terrain. However you indicated that FTX Vector uses the available source data that is out there. If that includes data from sources like Google Earth or that used by Plan-G the free flight planner, Vector should be golden. Thanks for sending the guide - I did a cursory view of this prior to acquiring FTX Global base. Now I am looking for greater detail and trying to see what works best.


Brian great suggestion on potential Vector screenshots of the area in question. In that vain I have produced a few screen shots of a flight plan and map of the area - I have also created an FSX Flight Plan for easy location. The plan goes from Ottawa to Bass Lake to Kingston Ontario. The area detail I am looking at - is specifically Bass Lake. 


So if there is a kind soul out there who has FSX and FTX Global Vector some screen shots of the area in question would be great.



Here is a link to the Flight Plan and Maps of the appropriate area - much appreciated for any help.






And thanks again Wolter and Brian.




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Hi guys,


as announced the upcoming v 1.2 of Global Vector will completely replace the current rivers and lakes in North America with more detailed and accurate coverage. In other words there's no real point in taking screenshots of something that will be very different in a few weeks. See http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/74992-vector-v120-change-log-in-development/


As for the question re Courchevel a quick forum search brings up the following user video: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/82163-p3d-v22-courchevel-sloped-runways-absolutely/?hl=courchevel


Cheers, Holger

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Thanks Holger for the heads-up on the pending release of Vector 1.2 and the Courchevel link. I am also happy to see that the LLH version of Courchevel runs fine with the current version of Vector. 


I will wait for a few weeks and request area screenshots post release. FTX Global (base) is an amazing product and I am anticipating the detail that Vector promises to bring to the table. We are located in one of the most densely populated areas of Canada with a proportionately large number of flight sim enthusiasts, who like me, look for product detail. Coupled with long cold winters - a good market area I would guess.   :D


Cheers, Stofvel

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hi Stofvel,


I have Courchevel and several other LLH airports, they work fine with Global, Vector and Open lc EU.


regards Reg.




ps, if you like flying in Europe you really should consider getting vector and openlc.

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Hi Stofvel


I was not able to get a Google Earth search to zero in on the Bass Lake that you show in your flight plan..it did zero in on a couple other Bass Lakes tho.


After simming with Vector and experiencing how much detail it does add overall, it is now a no brainer for me and I personally would be pretty hard pressed to base my decision to purchase based on screen shots of one area (lake). :)





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Hello Reg and Doug,


Thanks Reg for the Courchevel update with Vector, much appreciated.


Doug thanks for the update and your search.


Did you actually attempt the flight plan - or did you do a search on Google Earth?


The reason I ask  - there are indeed several Bass lakes in the region but only one which appears both on Google Earth and Plan-G at the location indicated on the Plan-G Flight Plan I uploaded. The lake is about 2.5 km long and about .5 km wide at its widest. The map (in the upload) is fairly definitive - but I might be asking too much.


Holger (this post)  indicated there was a more detailed update to Vector forthcoming in a few weeks.


Orbx products are great and the help provided through its members has been nothing short of great. I don't have deep pockets hence my hesitancy on purchase of any product without due diligence.


I am very very happy with Orbx FTX Global (base) - and almost every area I have flown, that I am familiar with, has been bang on. Bass Lake was actually the first landmark (albeit a small one) I have sim flown that was inaccurate. The issue for me is that - it is my backyard. :(


From the many other posts I have read, I am not the only one who suffers from this backyard accuracy malady :smile:  lol.


If the new release of Vector includes the area in question I'll be the first at the store download door  (providing the price is commensurate) - if not I am quite content with FTX G b. 


At the end of May 2014, I created a youtube video with FTX Global (base) and the Carenado Phenom 100 along with LLF Creations Courchevel it's called "Carenado Phenom 100 FSX/P3D - Lyon to Courchevel - HD". The scenery off of FTX G base alone is spectacular and appropriate credit was given at the end of the video to Orbx FTX G and others. 


My thought is that if you see  great product(s) what better way to pass it along to your fellow simmers than a video. 


Thanks Doug and Reg - much appreciated.

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Hi Stofvel


I don't use Plan-G, but here is where I ended up...hopefully its the right spot...the red aircraft on the Google Earth shot is where I took the sim screenie from and doesn't look very accurate hahaha :( I found that as I flew to CYGK, about 50% of the water holes showed fairly accurate, I was surprised as that area being the center of the universe and all lol... but there is a lot of water holes in that area lol. It will be interesting to see the difference that the new version Vector makes!? :)  My current backyard happens to be in a full ORBX region (PNW) so I am fortunate to be able to enjoy some very accurate detail of my area..maybe in the near future your area/backyard will be made a full ORBX region :)



P.S  I am originally from St.Catharine's/Niagara Ont.





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Thanks Doug I sure appreciate all your help.


The Google picture (bottom) is indeed the Bass Lake which is of course, the lake at the centre of the (my) universe  :) and quite right it is not accurate :( in this version of FTX Global base AND Vector - here's hoping the new release has it covered. I did not realize the inaccuracy (on FTX GBL base) until we did a FP a few weeks ago and flew the region - somewhat disappointing. The Ottawa (CYOW), Montreal  (CYUL) and Toronto (CYTZ) area and the lakes in between are the most densely populated areas in Canada and hence a veritable gold mine for flight sim add-on manufacturers with an eye to detail (yes this is a shameless promotion of (my) universe central ::) - but a population density map bares this out). 


I have never been to the PNW but it appears to be a beautiful spot and the St Catharine's and Niagara region are Ontario's tourist havens.


Thanks again Doug for all your help in this - it sure saved me some grief. 


All the Best!




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Hello Wolter


I don't have the original FSX default terrain. It was replaced with FTX Global (base) sometime in January when I had access to a system that allowed me to rekindle my interest in FSX. Actually started on a monochrome screen when I had infinitely fewer wrinkles :-[ .


I knew that FTX Global (base) changed the entire terrain appearance of FSX to a more realistic representation but was not aware it duplicated its discrepancies. When I came across the error in my particular region I recognized from the promotional material for Vector that it simply corrected inaccuracies (no matter the source) in lakes and rivers. Unfortunately, though, not in the current version of Vector, but thanks for the clarification.  In a commercial product it is common to expect more. I paid more for FTX Global (base) than FSX cost at release.


I do await perusing the updated version of Global Vector 1.2, Holger indicated was forthcoming in a week or so...I will be at the store door the second changes are verified.


Don't get me wrong Wolter, I think FTX Global (base) is amazing and I have said same in credits given to Orbx in any movies I have produced and in any commentary or requested info asked of me. As I and others have noted many simmers, I think, for whatever reason have a tendency to fly their own backyards with greater frequency - spotting an error, no matter the source, is disconcerting - but no disaster.

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No worries Brian, my wrinkles aren't getting lesser either ;)

but anyways I just wanted to make sure we where on the same channel so to speak as people alas quite often tend to confuse things specially with FS related items

and as to getting the SIM look exactly like your back yard, well Utopia sounds closer by to me, but hey we all may strive for our fs Nirvana, we at least try to get as close to it as is possible within the restrictions and limitations of the current sim but who knows what the future may behold for us all :D;)

not sure if you have seen this but in case of a nice read about FTX and it's inner workings => FTX Definitive Guide.pdf

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Hi Stofvel




I knew that FTX Global (base) changed the entire terrain appearance of FSX to a more realistic representation but was not aware it duplicated its discrepancies. 


Best to (re-)read that guide that Wolter linked to above because that statement is dead wrong; Global Base is a landclass texture replacement product and does not alter the position or detail of a single lake or river!


Cheers, Holger

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Wolter and Holger,


Your clarification of FTX Global (base) was clear - as I have already indicated, whether it was an FSX or an FTX Global (base) issue as a result of the originating fault with FSX it was FTX Global Vector that I hoped would clarify the discrepancy with the lake location and shape - the advertising for the product indicates this.


THE QUOTE (S)" When I came across the error in my particular region I recognized from the promotional material for Vector that it simply corrected inaccuracies (no matter the source) in lakes and rivers. Unfortunately, though, not in the current version of Vector, but thanks for the clarification."


the source = FSX or FTX Global(base)




I do await perusing the updated version of Global Vector 1.2, Holger indicated was forthcoming in a week or so...I will be at the store door the second changes are verified.


I also understand, via Holger, that a forthcoming version of Vector (vs1.2) may resolve the lake problem as this area of NA is being redone. I indicated that I would wait until this version was released and if the lake position etc is more accurate I would purchase Vector. I don't expect photo realism or "Utopia" but many areas within FTX Global (base) or FSX for that matter, again as I have indicated, are spot on for location and formation AND these certainly look infinitely better with FTX than FSX. The Lake in question is visible from an altitude of 100km (or higher) on Google Earth or other basic flight planners - certainly larger than many other landclass images.


The fact some areas are not yet as accurate as others via Vector indicates it is a work in progress - which is to be expected. No need to be defensive. For me the lake discrepancy in my backyard was the first error I came across... again not via FTX Global (base) but via FTX Global Vector in the information provided to me. 


I have no intention of seeking a refund for FTX Global (base) because there is a small error as a result of FSX discrepancies. I am saying that I will wait to see if an upcoming version of Vector corrects an issue in my area before purchase. If not than I am content, for now, with FTX Gb.


I look forward to the upcoming release of Vector 1.2.


Hope I have clarified the issue.

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  • 2 months later...
Post Release Follow-up October/November 2014


Thought everyone should know that I indeed purchased FTX Global Vector 1.20 as promised (not quite available two weeks after my original post Aug 14). I flew the route and there it was - my Bass Lake. The very puddle in my backyard! ;)


Thanks Doogles for your original fly over and help with this. The Orbx Vector Team have done a great job so please pass it along. I haven't had the time to see much else with FTX Glbl Vector 1.20 but will put it through it's paces this weekend. So far it is an impressive sight to behold. Bravo!



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As a flier out of YGK myself, the new Vector 1.2 is much better compared to what I see out of the window.


Make sure you have the Global airport packs which include a spruced up version of CYGK


Also make sure you have the Ontario landclass from flyontario group. At least until OpenLC NA comes out, this seems to to be the best landclass file for the area.

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Thanks Glenn for the heads up on Ontario landclass from the flyontario group. Didn't know :\

I do have CYGK from Global Airport packs + most of the NA and Euro Packs. I fly the Carenado Phenom much of the time and noticed that 1.2 Vector produces a noticeable frames hit on the system via the MFD in GPS mode - a lot of puddles :)

The system I use has a recent generation i7 processor and a capable video card so i assume update tweaks in the future will return the frame rate to near normal.

All in all 1.2 is a great addition to the sim experience and thanks again Glenn for the flyontario info.


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I will be honest and say I still think utx Canada does a better job overall but Vector gets better with every release. For a relatively new product, vector does a remarkable job considering it covers the globe.

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Thanks Glenn for the info.


After much sourcing I started with FTX Global Base and Active Sky Next for add-ons and pretty well stuck with these - there have been other add-ons since (not including the aircraft) that advance the sim experience, this includes EZ dock (EZCA), Ultimate Traffic 2 and the simmers utility, Pete Dowson's FSUIPC which holds it all together to prevent system - not aircraft crashes ;) .


I am sure I looked at UTX as well, but as you mentioned, the global perspective did hold sway with FTX. The same concept applied to FTX Global Vector - however previous versions (1.15 and previous) were somewhat inaccurate - at least for our neck of the woods :) - version 1.2 changed that.


The only non-standard terrain I added was one from LLH Creations which included "Courchevel (LFLJ)" which a few members from this forum recommended. It worked well with FTX Global base and was used in a video I created back in May 2014 using the Carenado Phenom 100.


Here is a link if you're interested:




I didn't have FTX Vector or EZdok when it was made.


Thanks again Glenn.



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Nice video.


UTX Canada (and USA) have been around a long time. They are very specific and have had numerous patches, hence I think its reasonable to expect them to surpass Vector as it stands. As Vector improves, hopefully will have a Canada and USA which will equate to UTX from an accuracy point of view. OpenLC North America will be the icing on the cake of course. I'm looking forward to that very much.

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