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Mesh Advice Please


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I mainly fly in ORBX regions but want to fly to Europe using Global and Vector. Does anyone know of a satisfactory reasonably priced or even freeware mesh for Europe that is compatible with FTX Global and Vector or is it more advisable to bite the bullet and go for FS Global 2010 FTX compatible mesh? I know I can get FS Global Ultimate Europe Africa or FSGenesis Europe HD Terrain Mesh but they are fairly pricey.

Thanks for any advice



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I use Genesis mesh for the entire globe..it comes in about halt a dozen different downloads .

I am very satisfied with the product.

I can't remember how much it was..I got the package over a year ago....but just check out their site...it's not free...a bit pricey if I recall.

Apart from the odd anomalies(which all mesh products seem to have) I am very happy with it

Cheers stu

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Get the FTX compatible mesh, you won't be sorry.

Altogether the Global,Vector and The FTX compatible mesh are always being updated to work better and better with one another, so it really makes sense..........just my opinion though, hope this helps.

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Another plus for FSGlobal FTX Compatible is it will automatically place entries in the scenery library that you can engage or disengage which can be a big help if your trouble shooting what you think is a mesh related problem, say an airport elevation.

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Get the FTX compatible mesh, you won't be sorry.

Altogether the Global,Vector and The FTX compatible mesh are always being updated to work better and better with one another, so it really makes sense..........just my opinion though, hope this helps.


Another plus for FSGlobal FTX Compatible is it will automatically place entries in the scenery library that you can engage or disengage which can be a big help if your trouble shooting what you think is a mesh related problem, say an airport elevation.


Couldn't agree more! 

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Understand that FTX Global will "work with" any mesh product, i.e., it is not a case of a mesh being "compatible" in the sense that something will fail to work if you don't have the "right one". Mesh is simply data that defines the peaks and valleys of the terrain, and the satisfaction you experience with any mesh product will depend upon your own expectation of the terrain over which you are flying. If you insist on comparing what you see in the sim with actual photographs of a particular area and you use that to judge your mesh product, then you had better be prepared to pay a premium.

Mesh products in general start with real measured data and then mathematically interpolate between the measurement points to give added detail. The real measured data is typically available commercially and these are purchased by the mesh companies who then subject it to computer processing methods in order to arrive at their final product.

Commercial databases usually cost in some proportion to the number of elevation points they contain and the measurement accuracy achieved by their acquisition instruments. Mesh company products then tack on additional processing costs depending on how much computer processing is required to produce their mesh product. Most of us do not have such detailed expectations of EVERY location where we fly unless you are a real pilot flying from a familiar airport you know well and require the terrain to be so accurately depicted that you could use it for real life flight re-creation/training. Most of us (I think) want our outside scenery to look believable for the region. You have to decide your requirements for yourself.

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