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I am confused about PNW Pack 8...


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I know that Holger has answered this... well sorta...


The order of installs as I understand it goes:


1. Install a new product... such as Sekiu...


2. Install any patches for that product... such as Sekiu 1.1 (which isn't out yet)...


3. Install the regional patch. But in the case of a minor patch you install the major patch (again) like PNW pack 5 then the minor ones like 6 & 7.


You have said that with pack 8 numbers 6 & 7 are no longer required. But what about 5? Do we still put 5 in again and follow it with 8 or does 8 stand by itself as a major patch? Am I making any sense?


I am sorry to be so thick headed here. :(


4. I do know to finish up the patching and/or install process with the most recent ORBX libraries.




Tom Wunder

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Another "easy" way to tell just what patches are current and which ones are now defunct, go to the FTX support page... If there's only the one patch listed next to a product badge, that's the only one you need... All previous patches are rolled into the New one. If there are multiple patches, you'll need to install all of them in order...

Easy peasy ;)

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Thank you Rob,


That makes sense. I guess my confusion was aided by the fact that I downloaded PNW SP8 from the link on the new releases forum. But then it doesn't take much to confuse me. ;)


Tom Wunder


Post Script for Rob... Actually I just looked on the support page and both PNW SP5 & PNW SP8 are still there for download. So I guess Misha's statement about only needing 8 so long as 5 has been installed is what I will have to live by in this case. But I do appreciate your input. :)

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For the record I did install PNW SP8 last night followed by the obligatory re-application of the most recent ORBX Libraries (March 2nd) and all looked really good at Sekiu. Of course it looked pretty good before that too. :)


Have a great day,


Tom Wunder

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Hi Tom,


good to hear that worked out.


As for why SP5 is still available at our support site that is for the benefit of people who purchased PNW on DVD. The installer on those DVDs are of the original PNW release version, which they will need to patch to SP5 level and then on to SP8 level.


Cheers, Holger

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Hello Holger,


I am one of "those people" who have PNW on DVD. I have a shelf full of those FTX DVDs. I only switched to download versions once the DVDs ceased to be available. So I will make a note that for any future install of PNW I will have to put in SP5 before whatever the current SP is at that time. Thank you.


Have a great day,


Tom Wunder

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