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FTX Global not even as good as basic FSX scenery!


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I agree with Nigel.  If he's flying out of an English south coast airport, more than likely he will often fly to France. 


So, like me, he either activates FTX Europe to get his EU England Orbx textures and is disappointed when he arrives in France, or, vice versa, if you see what I mean. 

In other words it seems that Global FTX and Europe FTX are mutually exclusive.


Perhaps I have misunderstood the whole thing.  ???

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The European continent is currently under development as well as the continental US and other regions around the world.


In areas only covered by FTX Global, expect to see a more generic appearance until those areas are released as regions. The flight from England to France is a good example. For now, hybrid mode may be an option to use while flying between developed and non-developed regions.

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Moving forward

For  Gordon Madison and Jeff Gilmour

I have finally made some time and have run FSX from a fixed position (flying from Shoreham) with increasing Autogen upto max (it was Normal) and flown a circuit each time without problerms.

I have also reset the LOD_RADIUS to 6.500000 and flown again, also without problems.

I found that setting the Autogen up in FSX and immediataly flying caused a s/w crash. But setting it, exiting and restarting FSX worked.

Also, curiously, the progress bar showing when FSX loaded, stopped appearing after Autogen was set Very Dense!


My next move, I think, to start building some confidence is to install FTX EU England and maybe also Shoreham scenery.

But I'll do them seperately to avoid compounding problems.


Thanks for you advice



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Hello Nigel,


Sounds like you're getting closer to the intended result, would you care to proffer a screen shot or three from the same location, so we can see the detail improvement made by increasing LOD & Autogen settings.

Be careful setting Autogen to "Extremely Dense" though, as even the most powerful computers of today will still struggle at this level of Autogen, problem being FSX 32bit program restrictions do not allow for access to the vastness of new technology. This is why P3Dv2.1 will become the new Flightsim of choice  for those wishing to achieve all the realism their hardware can muster. (once it has all the bugs fixed & all available software made specifically for it).


Could you give a brief description of your Flightsim PC specification wise, and do you run any tweeks in the FSX.cfg file.


Cheers Jeff

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Thanks, yes I will try another 3 photos from roughly the same place as before, but I will send those from upstairs in a while.

The PC spec I have here:-

16GB Corsair/Crucial PC3-12800 1600MHz DDR3 Memory (2 x 8GB sticks)

Intel Core i5 4670K Haswell Processor Overclocked to up to 4.4GHz


Windows 8.1 64 bit

I have so far used Kostas tweaking guide to modify the cfg


But there are many different advice documents and many have slightly conflicting advice, though of course some will be in agreement.



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Nigel...good strong system.

I'd suggest putting those specs in your signature here. This helps everyone get a good picture of your overall installation.


The DX9 issue in FSX has always been a limiting factor for performance. In my own experience I saw FSX become much more well behaved with the DX10 fix. Your 780 really wants to get up and run...choking it down with DX9 is reigning it in considerably. I'm not hyping the DX10 fixer but seeing that you have such a strong card I'm recognizing an opportunity for big improvement. You've already overclocked, now the card needs to run up to it's own capabilities.


For now, I'd keep tweaking and flying until I found the sweet spot with that system and stay within your comfort zone when adding levels of scenery.

Take your time and research potential add on's too. Throwing too many things at the system at once makes it more difficult to chase out any conflicts.


We're always here to help if you have questions.



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I'm another who is totally confused about this scenery stuff. But after reading all this about your problems and the reply's, it may be worse now. :-[  I have come to one conclusion, and that is, I'm not buying, Global, or Victor.

Instead I'm sticking to one spacific area. I did buy PNW and thought it was great, but now I have P3d v2.1 and I'm told it's not compatible,,,,yet. Iwould also love to buy more Orbx scenery, but until they come up with a way to install them.

I hope it's not to much longer, I may have to look at other scenery choices? If I have to put that much money into scenery, I'm not able to do it.



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Hi Nigel,


Well your system is certainly no slouch, maybe you can handle "Very dense" to "Extremely dense" Autogen in most situations after all.

The key here to remember is that FSX is CPU intensive, your i5 4670 is well up to the task, while a great graphics card as you have, will offer performance at the upper levels, the sim is still bound by 32bit operations and 4Gb RAM with DX9 modulating the performance available from the better platform DX10, which was not fully available until DX10 was fixed by a very clever man.

The additional hardware at your disposal will set you at the top performance that FSX can output, while supplying additional resources to other flightsim utilities such as mapping/navigation, and maybe a few other toys that make the simulator experience "as real as it can get" I speak of head movement tracking TIR5Pro,  Goflight panels and all the other Flight specific hardware, yokes/throttles/pedals more realistic Aircraft models. Flight Simming can be addictive afterall.

I just saw Gordon chime in with his response and totally concur, DX10 fixer is a winner when it comes to unleashing the power of DX10 over the limitations of DX9, your thourobred 780GTX wants to kick free of the DX9 saddle and run free with the other wild stallions.

I have viewed your recent pictures, and can say, what a vast improvement!! that is exactly what I would expect to see with FTXGlobal on a high end system.

I think your going to love the FTX European experience when you have time to install,  FTX Shoreham will cause you to catch the FTX addiction as the rest of us have (be careful though some have been known to sit at the computer dribbling and muttering incoherently when presented with FTX Airports and Regions)   :wub:  :D   :wub:


As far as your system goes having all that power, the FSX.cfg will need only a few minor essential tweeks.





you might even benefit from increasing TML from default 1024 to 2048 to see a higher resolution.






Cheers Jeff

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Hey guys, couldn't help to [somewhat] follow this thread with this very misleading title. It seems to be impossible to explain to the originator, that by purchasing the FTX Global he'll get replacement for the Microsoft land class tiles. Thus - if Microsoft decided that at Shoreham the skyscrapers are the way to go, FTX Global will put the skyscrapers there as well - with better overall look and feel:




Only by purchasing the England regional pack he'll get this very customized and a fairly accurate representation of the area:




No need for exotic install procedures, just to run the provided installer, no need for the dx10 preview to mess with... :)

I would also suggest that this thread almost exhausted all the possible and impossible scenarios?! :)

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Gordon and Jeff,

Thanks again for the tips and the encouragement. I will follow those up.



Hopefully this thread shows I am coming around to accept what I was told from the start, that the FTX layers (Global, Regional, Airfield) are going to be good for me in the long run. So maybe reconsider if you can.



I think my responses in this thread have shown my change of mind, or perhaps you were looking Larglo's recent post mistaking it for one of mine?

Yes the thread title doesn't relate to the situation now. But isn't that the way of many threads - start out with a problem or statement and by discussion and exchange works it around until hopefully the problem finds a solution or the statement meets agreement or becomes a talking point?

Your photos look good and I assume the first is Shoreham with just FTX England and the second with FTX Shoreham added?


I would like to think I can still post a few more times on this thread, until I have got England and Shoreham bought and installed. I hope it will all go smoothly, but those who have posted here will know the situation and maybe better able to help if it doesn't.



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For what it is worth Nigel - FTX Global transformed my simming life in the vast improvement it provides over default FSX in countless areas such as Papua New Guinea, Georgia, Burma, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia etc, so now it is a fixture for me. As an aside the RAAF notes that their pilots learn to 'use' the aeroplane in Australia, but learn to fly it in PNG, which in their mind qualifies their pilots to operate in any terrain in the southern hemisphere. Not pressing you to become a mad bush pilot, but just trying to point out that FTX Global does give value for money to me. Looking forward to more of your valuable contributions - I may even start poking around UK.

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I'll let the other members debate the pros and cons of the various products.


Remember gentlemen, with the addition of the Lockheed Martin platform the sim community entered into a new level of technology.

This platform is vastly different in its structure than FSX and the first release had a number of issues that needed to be smoothed out, as with all new software.


We have had to re-engineer all of our products to integrate smoothly with the LM platform and the bug issues had to be resolved. We have a list of products that are P3Dv2 ready. PNW is high on the list of regions that are soon to be re-released.


This is a very large task, taking into account the aggressive development of new products at ORBX. We have a good, dedicated team working at multiple levels to integrate the many layers of technology needed to make this all happen. There is no magic wand, it is a painstaking process and is thoroughly tested prior to release.


The largest aspect of building a good sim is creating a streamline, immersive environment that operates smoothly. Your choices should be well researched and fit your needs.


ORBX has a large selection regions and sceneries. Imagine building the entire planet one river, road and tree at a time. Add to that seasons and time changes, animations, weather and "Flow" objects.


If your region is not available now, keep checking back and enjoy the regions that are available.

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HIGHMEMFIX=1 was already set


TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD was at 1024 and I have set it to 2048. No problems, tho' didn't see any noticeable change either.


I will sometime look at what I need to do re DirectX10


Will likely go for FTX England and FTX Shoreham tomorrow.


Thanks again


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Your photos look good and I assume the first is Shoreham with just FTX England and the second with FTX Shoreham added?

Hi Nigel:

Not quite, the first screen shot is FTX Global (what used to be MS Default) and Vector 1.0 ONLY. The second screen is FTX England + Shoreham airport. I bet that's what you were originally looking for... :)

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HIGHMEMFIX=1 was already set


TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD was at 1024 and I have set it to 2048. No problems, tho' didn't see any noticeable change either.


I will sometime look at what I need to do re DirectX10


Will likely go for FTX England and FTX Shoreham tomorrow.


Thanks again




Your system is impressive!


Do yourself a favor and get the DX10 fixer and follow Paul's guide. You will be able to enable flare and bloom without any perfromance loss. FSX DX10 is smoother, better looking, and as it has been stated, more stable.


Lastly, ask questions here. There are many forums that all they do is misinform and confuse the customer.

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The roads going into the sea which was the initial thing you noticed doesn't seem to have been explained as well as it could have been, nor has the term landclass, an understanding of this would help you Nigel to grasp exactly what is going on.


Assuming, (rightly or wrongly) that I am correct in this surmise I will attempt to explain.


Landclass is a descriptive term used by the FSX engine to determine what kind of background scenery tile to display at a given location. There are quite a variety of different landclasses, (I counted 116 in all), cool forest, bean crops, small city (several variations) deciduous forest etc, the list is pretty comprehensive.  Each of these landclasses are represented by a particular texture tile, basically an image file that looks like the described landclass, The tile is square, and has (as far as I can work it out) a single orientation, this is most clearly seen if you fly over the default scenery somewhere like Nebraska at altitude (10000ft) where the flat land and rather unchanging landscape means that the land class tiles form a distinct repeating pattern.


However, in areas that have a wider variety of scenery, including the UK, the way the basic layout works is that a very roughly defined area (defined by a polygon of approximate shape to the area) is then specified as a particular landclass, the sim will then call for the texture representing that landclass and fit it into that polygon shape, repeating if a single tile doesn't fit but now of course you don't see a square, you see the landclass texture displayed only within the confines of the polygon.  


So, you have a small city polygon and corresponding texture, the texture displays a mid resolution image of a built up area with the houses, gardens and minor roads etc you would expect to see, this is fitted into the polygon that represents the outer limits of the small city and butts up against similar polygons which in turn are displaying farmland, forest dessert or whatever is appropriate to the region. The nature of the tiles then means that it is inevitable, that you will often see small "roads" which are depicted on the texture file, coming to an abrupt end in a field, forest, or as in your pictures the sea. The thing is though Nigel, the sim does not see these as roads, they are merely a texture background, actual roads that the sim traffic can travel along are depicted and handled in a completely different manner and are a separate layer in the depiction order, FTX Global does not deal with the roads, what is does is provide a far better quality of landclass texture file than the default, the polygons defining the landclass though are still the default, FTX Global Vector though does address the roads and the polygons in a better fashion and as such improves the overall appearance, yet you will still get the texture "roads" running off into the sea etc because they are just an image, not an actual, placed or positioned road.  


The overall advantage of FTX Global is that it provides a far better texture set for the world's terrain than the default set which frankly renders most of the world like it was practically barren, especially the northern hemispheres winter textures. (not snow, bare land) and that is what it was intended for.


Once you get to the regional packages, then you begin to appreciate the imense amount of work that has go into the careful reshaping of the polygons and the purpose made texture sets and landclass files that go into these products, which is why they cost what they do, it takes many many hours of pretty tedious fiddling to draw the countryside that accurately and to create the illusion of reality, but the overall experience we get makes it worth the layout.


I hope this goes some way to helping you understand exactly what you are seeing, and why, plus to help you better appreciate what you bought.


FTX gobal is a vast improvement over the default, and to appreciate it fully you need to fly somewhere other than the UK, which is really a very small region. 

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You have correctly deduced two aspects that were confusing me and I must say given a very well arranged description, which has helped me understand and appreciate the situations.

I am about to buy and install FTX England and by all accounts should be enjoying a better experience (I appreciate still with the underlying benefit of FTX Global)

In another day or two I will go for FTX Shoreham and that will, I understand, be another step change.

I am looking forward to it


Thanks very much for taking the time to explain this to me

Best regards


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Assuming, (rightly or wrongly) that I am correct in this surmise I will attempt to explain.


 in areas that have a wider variety of scenery, including the UK, the way the basic layout works is that a very roughly defined area (defined by a polygon of approximate shape to the area) is then specified as a particular landclass, the sim will then call for the texture representing that landclass and fit it into that polygon shape, repeating if a single tile doesn't fit but now of course you don't see a square, you see the landclass texture displayed only within the confines of the polygon.


Kim, that was an extremely clear description! Thanks for making the effort.

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I have installed FTX England (over FTX Global base) and already have a problem!

FTX Central shows - Default (selected) and Europe, FTX Global, FTX Global (yes twice!) not selected!

I assume Europe is FTX England, but which of the two FTX Global's do I choose?!

I believe if I want to fly from England, but go outside the region (i.e., France) I need the Hybrid mode and both FTX England and FTX Global selected?





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Glad the previous post was of some use Nigel. Not having FTX global myself (lack of loot)  I am only able to make a suggestion for your current dilema.


Fire up FSX, go to the scenery library and look at the list, you should see 4 items connected with FTX england, MESH, CUSTOM, CVX and SCENERY.


Click on one to highlight it and then click the "move up" button, repeat or press enter until the item is at the top of the list, repeat with the others until the four are the top items in the list, look for FTX_AA_ORBXLIBS, bring that to the very top. Click OK and let the database rebuild. Check the scenery. If this fails then you need help from someone more experienced with the combination than me as I am out of ideas for this one from that point on.


Hope it works though!

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Hello Nigel,

Before you go moving the FSX Scenery library order around.

One of FTX Central's primary purposes,  is to manage the "Scenery Library Order" automatically,  along with FTXC's "Insertion Points" for those occasions when you wish to set a specific order when other Third party scenery is installed.

Please go to the fullterrain.com support page here: http://www.fullterrain.com/support.html to obtain all the patches you will need and then install the the latest "ORBX Libraries 140201", EU EUROPE 001 002 003 FTXGlobal 1.10 & 1.20, make sure you read the installation information contained in each banner and set FTX central to the correct icon appropriatley.

Whenever you install a new Orbx Region, Airport, or patch update it is crucial to update the libraries.

To clear up the "double global icons" issue you will have to install the latest Orbx libraries first, then open FTX Central and click the appropriate icon for the patch you are installing clicking "APPLY" then close FTXCentral to start FSX database rebuild. You can have FTXC set to any region or FTXglobal when installing new libraries.

As you are new to Orbx Regions, and the function of FTX Central, whenever you click "APPLY" wait for a green tick over the Region or Global icon then you're set to close FTX Central and test your new scenery.

If you are flying Exclusively within a Region then just click that Region.
If you are flying between a Region and an FSX default area (not Orbxed) tick the Hybrid option with the Region Icon ie; (Europe).
If you are flying Outside a Region (not Orbxed) ie:(exploring Globally) then Just select FTXGlobal icon with Orbx Trees.

Follow this order : installing necessary patches and library. See you soon as you have some downloading & patching to do.

  1. Install latest libraries first to bring FTX Central back to proper format. (Make sure it is the FSX/P3Dv1 version) FSX Defalt Icon will disappear being replaced by the "only one" FTX Global icon (The New default) along with "One" Europe icon. then
  2. Open FTX Central to see Global & Europe Icons, Click FTXGlobal Icon click "APPLY" then close FTX Central, start and close FSX
  3. Install FTX Global 1.10 & FTX Global 1.20 patches, then Return to FTX Central select Global again click "APPLY" close. Start and Close FSX. then
  4. Set FTX Central to Europe to install EU ENG.001, EU ENG.002, EU ENG.003, then
  5. Install the latest Libraries 140201 "AGAIN"
  6. Return to FTX Central, select Europe tick Orbx Trees and Hybrid checkboxes. Click "APPLY" Start FSX and Fly.

This process will give you all the current patches and updates as well as set FTX Central to Hybrid mode for your "Europe Region" allowing "FTX Global" textures to be seen around the Globe, including those trips across the channel to France.

Cheers Jeff

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Fixing your immediate problem is actually pretty easy - simply download and install the latest ORBX Libraries from the above linked support page.  You'll also want to install the FTX England patches as soon as practical.  MAKE SURE TO READ THE DIRECTIONS FOR THOSE, namely the setting the region correctly first part.


My suggestion, to make this all safest, is to do the following:


0.) Grab a beer, or perhaps a scotch.

1.) Download the FTX England patches and the latest FTX ORBX Libraries.

2.) Install the Libraries

3.) Set the region to FTX Europe in FTX Central

4.) Install the first FTX England patch

5.) Install the libraries again

6.) Set the region to FTX Europe again

7.) Install the second FTX England patch

8.) Install the libraries again

9.) Set the region to FTX Europe again

10.) Install the 3rd FTX England patch

11.) Install the libraries again

12.) Set the region to whatever you want

13.) Drink another beer and enjoy being done with that nonsense for time being ;)


There's a lot of redundancy in there, but with the england patches likely installing older libraries (That lead to the FTX Central issue you're seeing) it's the safest way probably.  It's also not actually that time consuming, and once you have them downloaded I suspect you'll be onto step 13 within about 5-10 minutes.



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Hi Nigel

No Problem at all, I know it seems a little daunting just getting up to speed with all this stuff, but you should be ready to fly a brand new English countryside once you're patched & Updated. I'll bet you have a grin from ear to ear when you take to the skies again for the first time.


@ Stefan   LOL -  No Need to re-install the libs that many times, did you read post #65 above. Setting FTX Central right again will only require installing the latest libs twice, once  before installing the patches/updates and  once again  when Nigel has completed all those updates/patches.

Nigel's support issue has morphed ever so slightly from his initial problem, this is simply because he began his Orbx journey with Global rather than a Region, Global has a newer version of FTX Central than the Region he later installed, which can be corrected simply by installing the latest libs (of that fact you are quite correct).  

Now that Nigel has decided to move along to FTX Europe, he needs to take care of the outstanding FTX Global patches (1.10 &1.12) first before installing the Regional Patches (EU Europe .001 .002 .003.) The process I have described to him, will save him a great deal of time and effort, and bring him completely up-to-date so that he will not have to repeat the process of installing the Latest libs again, until he focuses his interests on FTX Airports within FTX England, or he ventures further a-field to Purchase other regions and Airports in Europe or elsewhere in the Orbx World or when a newer version of the Orbx Libraries is created.


Cheers Jeff

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Likely, and resolves Global updates as well, at least for Nigel's particular needs. FTX Central is not the issue, its only a difference in versions newer over older, FTX Central is contained in the Libs update, simple to fix and a routine we all must do from time to time.  FTX Central is near on bullet proof, the problem only occurs if an older lib & Central is installed over a newer one.


Cheers Jeff

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I have installed FTX England (over FTX Global base) and already have a problem!

FTX Central shows - Default (selected) and Europe, FTX Global, FTX Global (yes twice!) not selected!

I assume Europe is FTX England, but which of the two FTX Global's do I choose?!

I believe if I want to fly from England, but go outside the region (i.e., France) I need the Hybrid mode and both FTX England and FTX Global selected?






I would avoid doing ANYTHING to your scenery library. And you do NOT need to uninstall and reinstall ANYTHING.


The reason you're getting default, two Globals and Europe is simply because FTX ENG was developed and released BEFORE FTX Global.


As such, when you installed FTX ENG, it copied an older version of FTX Central onto your system and THAT (and that alone) is what's causing your problem. It's nothing to do with your scenery order.


Once your installer completed, it flashed up a message telling you to "always make sure you are using the latest Orbx Libraries!" I am willing to bet you didn't pay attention to this message and did not install the latest libraries ;)


Doing so will put everything back to how it should be and your FTX Central will be good as new... No need for complicated adjustments to library orders or even any need to reinstall anything.


Also, the libraries do NOT need to be installed after every step as has been suggested... Just run the libraries installer LAST and you're good to go. 


Go here to get the new libraries:






Please be careful when it comes to advice on the forums... Sometimes a lot of well meaning folks can end up giving you incorrect advice and make your life more complicated... We all want to help each other out, and kudos to those here who have tried, but please make your life easier... Orbx staff will eventually get to you and give you the advice you need :)

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Thanks all, for your most recent advice.

I hadn't 'til then messed with scenery orders and so followed the advice of installing the latest libraries and patches (using Stefan's order tbh)

I have flown England (around Shoreham) and it is feeling a lot more like home!

I am now motivated to install the Shoreham scenery and will (tho' not sure I have to) install the libraries again - after checking for any patches to Shoreham.

I'll send a couple of photos from same spot as previous.



P.S. I almost thought against installing Shoreham as it now looks more familiar with FTX England, but I realise that at least the tower isn't in there (the art deco one that features in 'Poirot'!) and no doubt a good deal else that I haven't spotted.

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OK all installed and looking very good.

I think this is where I wanted (expected) to be about 3 weeks ago!

But I am glad I am here now and more than grateful to all here who have helped and given that all important encouragement.

I think this is probably, for me, a good point to stop posting to this thread and open a new one if I encounter a different problem or need to mention something.

To close therefore here are the shots of Shoreham as I now see it.

Thanks to all again - great to have the support.






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you questioned if you should re-install the ORBX Library again after installing Shoreham scenery.  It can not be repeated enough when the proceedure is to ALWAYS re-install the latest library after installing any region or airport. 

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It's good to see you have successfully installed the packages.


Yes, always update your sceneries. ORBX provides comprehensive instructions on the support page, so visit there often and watch for patches for your installed regions and airports.

Follow the instructions closely and you should be good to go.


Thanks to every who contributed in the effort to bring Nigen up to speed. I'll consider this thread resolved.


Happy flying Nigel.  Cheers

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