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World of problems [FTXGlobal, Black squares, Poor Visuals]


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I recently DN FTXGlobal and I've got some problems. First I will post a pic of what I see while flying. Black objects scattered all over the place. Second, maybe it's me but I was expecting something visually better than what I'm seeing. Any help, suggestions or comments would be appreciated.



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Thanks for looking over my problem. Yes this is FSX & I'm not sure about the graphics settings you mentioned, any idea what they should be? I've read over so many suggestions & done so many things to get this working & looking good that I can't remember what I did & when. I'm also running REX & UTX. I did try running FSX without UTX but I get the same issues. I guess I'll look for that DX10 patch & try that. I've been spending so much time trying to correct the problems I haven't any time to do any actual flying, LOL! Also I'm running Windows 8.0 not sure if that has anything to do with what's going on.

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The simplest thing would be to use DirectX 9 mode (untick the DirectX 10 preview)  You can look at using DirectX 10 later (using Steve's commercially available patch for FSX), but keep it simple for now.

The sliders look to be in the sparse end of the spectrum.


As a start, find your fsx.cfg (in the appdata\Roaming subdirectory) and delete or rename it.  This will cause FSX to rebuild the settings.

Restart FSX

Not being sure what your computer is, I'd start with middle-of-the road slider settings:


Autogen: Dense, Water Low 2.x, LOD Radius Max Slider, Global Texture resolution max slider, Terrain Resolution 15cm/pixel or above, Mesh Complexity 100% and Mesh at 10metres, Scnery COmplexity always at maximum.


If you want more visuals, then these can be nudged to the right to find the best performance-vs-visuals level for you.  Beyond that, you can directly change some settings in fsx.cfg, but that can wait until you have maxxed out the basic things.


It might be worth looking up HIMEMFIX=1, and adding that separately.  It is the only tweak I use.

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My PC has an Intel i3 8G mem Asus HD7770 GPU, more than enough HD space running Win 8.0. I'm not sure where these settings are that you are pointing out. Are they found on FSX in the settings? It appears my system is running DirectX 11

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FSX itself will only run DirectX-9 (or DirectX 10 if you choose the preview)  Your system is DirectX-11 capable, but FSX does not have the shader code to use it.


Use DirectX-9 for starters


1.  Find and delete or rename your fsx.cfg file (as described above, it is in the C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX subdirectory -- this will remove any previous tweaks

2. Restart FSX

3. From the FSX Main Menu, choose "Settings" (Bottom Left)

4. Choose the "Customise" Radio Button

5. Ensure that DirectX 10 Preview is UNCHECKED for now.  Other settings as shown are a good start




6. Choose the Scenery TAB

7. Settings as shown are a reasonable start (This is my Laptop, so I back off the autogen setting)




The scenery setting sliders determine how much (or little) is displayed.


Once you have that sorted, you can adjust graphics card settings (via Nvidia Inspector or Tray icon)

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Hey Ian I really appreciate your answer. I do have another concerning DirectX. My system (Win8.0) shows I'm using DirectX11, is this a problem? What do I need to do if it is? Also I've been looking over Steve's fix, from what I've read it appears to be a good program. But it just seems like I'm putting out a lot of money just to get the basics going. Thanks, Walt

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It's not a problem if your system shows it supports DirectX11. What it'd dismaying is the newest version your system can use, FSX will only run in DirectX9. There is no conflict between the two.

If you're happy with FSX as is in DX9-mode, I wouldn't bother with DirectX10 or the patch tool. It is an excellent tool, but only if you want to use DX10.

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Thank you both for your answers. Well it seems to me I've got so much running along with FSX its difficult trying to understand what's what. I do have DirectX11 running on my sytem, no choice there, its what came with the computer & Windows 8.0. So from what you've said there's no point in purchasing Steve's product. As I said before I also have REX, which deals with environmental conditions so I'm pretty sure that program would not be the cause of any problems. Not really completely certain though. Then I have UTX which I'm thinking could have something to do with what's going on, again I'm not sure. Then there's FSX itself & trying to place the settings correctly to get everything in order. I've seriously considered uninstalling everything & starting over but I think that would be a monunental task involving lots of time and gnashing of teeth from me, LOL! What upsets me is that I had everything going along pretty well until I D/L PNW & could not get it working, then used the uninstall to get back where I was. Everything kind of went downhill from there. Then I purchased the Global package thinking it would perhaps clear things up & it appeared to be a great product from what everyone has said. I was looking to get something along those lines of the screenshots & video I saw. I'm still hoping I'll get there. ::)  Thanks again for your help!  Walt

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I think you are asking your PC for a little too much.

What I see in your screenshot, apart from the mis-displayed lights is what in Fs9 days

was called the (dreaded) blurries.

It is a sign that your PC cannot keep up with your demands of it.

My suggestion would be to follow the advice of Ian and Alex and return to Dx9 for now.

As Ian says, lower all your sliders in the Display section until you can see clearly defined


Once you have achieved this, you can then raise them in stages until you reach the best

compromise between what you want to see and what your PC will let you see.

I think also that you are at a slight disadvantage with an AMD graphics card which people

seem to find is less FSX friendly than the NVidia equivalent.

There are other ways to improve clarity, such as zooming your view out to say 70%, flying a little

higher and slowly, at least to start with.

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Nick, thanks for your reply. I find it difficult to understand how I could be pushing my PC, I just bought it. Granted it's not top of the line but I think an i3 processor with 8GB of ram isn't the low end of things. I also just added that Asus HD7770 GPU thinking it would be an improvement over the on board graphics that came with the system. I'm not sure how I would get my system back to using DX9, & it appears Alex feels there is no conflict with my running 11. As far as trying the zooming you mentioned to improve the  clarity, how does one do that? If I'm hearing things correctly (sometimes I don't, LOL) you guys feel that the problem lies with my PC and not with any program tweaking that might be needed. Correct?  Thanks, Walt

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Hi, in fact Intel I3 is more dedicated to office programs than gaming because it's a small dual core. To have good result with FSX, CPU should at least be a quadcore one.

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I'm not sure, others will tell you probably more. But I would suggest to turn off the UTX for now. Take things one step / piece at the time. That way you can systematically eliminate settings / add-ons which can cause issues. When you get reasonably happy, start adding / tweaking. And I would start with clear skies, perhaps summer, noon time... And you can zoom in / out with the + / - on the keyboard... :)

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Thank you both for your answers. Well it seems to me I've got so much running along with FSX its difficult trying to understand what's what. I do have DirectX11 running on my sytem, no choice there


Glad to see you've got things running better!


I just want to clear up this statement above though... As you have said, your PC has DX11 installed. I would say most of us running newer PCs have DX11 installed. However, FSX as was mentioned runs using DX9 (or DX10 if you fix it with Steve's fixer tool).


This does not mean that you have the wrong version of DirectX installed... It just means you have the latest version.


Think of it this way... Let's say you have an old photograph on your hard drive. It was saved by an old version of MS Paint 15 years ago as a bitmap file (.BMP). But now you have a shiny new version of Adobe Photoshop... It's newer and can do a whole lot more than your old MS Paint program ever could, but you can still open and edit your old photograph ;)


FSX is like the photograph... DX9 is the old system that Windows used to run games and display complex 3D graphics in Windows (It's like the old MS Paint program in our example)... DX11 is just the newest version with even more featutres, (like Photoshop in the example) but it still runs your old DX9 games and programs.


Hope this helps make the whole DX9/10/11 issue a little more understandable :)

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I think also that you are at a slight disadvantage with an AMD graphics card which people

seem to find is less FSX friendly than the NVidia equivalent.

Hey Solstice


Its unfortunate that people still come up with these inaccurate, unnecessary and ridiculous statements at this stage of the game in your experience, your HD7770 graphics card is more than adequate for you at this time :)

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Thanks guys! I can see loads of improvement over what was going on before. I get it about DSX11 but I know sometimes things are not backward compatible so that was a concern, thanks for clearing that up. And thanks for the info on the GPU. I guess I'm going to have to tool around with the settings to get that houses in the water problem resolved. Not sure where to start. One other thing, is there a list of the freeware airports that are available for the Global program? Thanks for all your assistance! 

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I've set FSX as the above that Ian posted. I used the uninstall that was recommended on this site to remove PNW. I've been playing around with the settings but so far nothing I change eliminates the houses/trees in the water & on taxiways. I have to say it's got me pretty frustrated. I've tried different airports and its the same.  :wacko: I just thought of a possible problem. At some point I believe I inadvertently hit the "Flush scenery indexes" tab. Not sure what that does but it doesn't sound good.

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Thanks guys! I can see loads of improvement over what was going on before. I get it about DSX11 but I know sometimes things are not backward compatible so that was a concern, thanks for clearing that up. And thanks for the info on the GPU. I guess I'm going to have to tool around with the settings to get that houses in the water problem resolved. Not sure where to start. One other thing, is there a list of the freeware airports that are available for the Global program? Thanks for all your assistance! 

Don't worry about DX11. This has NO IMPACT on FSX. Just follow Ian's recommendations, go by his pictures, take one step at the time, don't uninstall PNW, just disable UTX, set some simple weather, best clear skies, daytime, set everything as Ian suggested and take it from there. Don't worry about any other add-ons, freeware airports and such. Just get your FSX working properly, use it as a base line and take it from there...

I'm pretty sure the "houses in the water" is UTX issue (unless you've messed up the PNW installation completely somehow, although I wouldn't know how - it is automated and it works, proven thousands of times). There are many threads about it here, but for the start just disable it and see what happens.

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Ok I'll try the suggested thread. As for not using UTX, I ran FSX, FTX & REX without UTX and still had the same problem. Can anyone tell me where this terrain.cfg file is located? I've looked all over & cannot find it, even did a search & came up empty.

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What upsets me is that I had everything going along pretty well until I D/L PNW & could not get it working, then used the uninstall to get back where I was. Everything kind of went downhill from there. Then I purchased the Global package thinking it would perhaps clear things up & it appeared to be a great product from what everyone has said. I was looking to get something along those lines of the screenshots & video I saw. I'm still hoping I'll get there. ::)  Thanks again for your help!  Walt

Hey Walt


The terrain.cfg file is in the FSX root folder, hope you dont mind me asking...but what do you plan on doing with it? :) I would highly recommend to stick with the basics and get PNW reinstalled properly, I suspect that something went wrong on the install, and with the uninstall. If PNW was partially installed and then partially uninstalled (If this is possible?) I can envision that senario causing you major grief.

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Well I think I'm on the right track. After a long struggle I decided to try out the advice of Ronski, follow that thread & see what happens. I'm not a computer genius but after figuring out how to move & place files I replaced the terrain file with the one offered on that thread. So far things are looking up. I'm not sure I'm seeing the quality I was expecting but it looks like the buildings/trees in the water issue has cleared up (Whew!). I really appreciate everyone's help on this problem. At this point I'm hesitant to meddle around with that PNW thingy. What exactly does that do, is it necessary? I'm still looking for a list of freeware airports that I can go to & check out the details of the scenery. Thanks again for everyone's help.   Walt 

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