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why does global vector get rivers right but not ftx australia


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 I have purchased nearly every iteration of FTX for years but I cannot for the life of me understand why I need to use global plus vector to even get close to the true river heights of the snowy river in


Victoria and NSW.


Even with the last update of Australia and all the other files like hogermesh, the course of this river is displaced up to 100's of meters vertically on sp4


Where as global vector places hundreds of streams correct in position and vertically including the Snowy River.


Is FTX ever going to even get a close approximation with Australia, or are you going to persist with the likes of Northern Irland which is a few hundred sq kilometres.


while I appreciate  global and vector, why is the original ftx Blue, such a dogs breakfast. is it ever going to be fixed or is the pursuit of the Euro and US dollar so much more attractive.




ftx global fss0256461 to many others to be bothered typing them all out



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Never noticed this.  Can you post more information?  Screenshot or two with gps coords.


I regularly fly over the southern alps and although I don't have an intimate knowledge of the area I can't say I've noticed any major glaring errors popping up as I fly over the mountains and valleys.


To describe the results of the thousands of hours of work that has gone into the Australian scenery as a dog's breakfast is borderline offensive by the way.





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..., why is the original ftx Blue, such a dogs breakfast. is it ever going to be fixed or is the pursuit of the Euro and US dollar so much more attractive.


ftx global fss0256461 *too many others to be bothered typing them all out

Believe it or not, creating a region-pack is even more work than being bothered to type your order numbers into your forum signature!


I suspect part of the answer to your question lies in the emphasis on flight (airports, mountain, terrain, landclass) and perhaps less on river altitudes, although clearly these will appeal more greatly to those who enjoy floatplanes, etc.  



... the course of this river is displaced up to 100's of meters vertically on sp4

With such a mature product, it is perhaps surprising there has not been more reports about the river altitude anomalies, particularly of this magnitude..


With regard to your jibe about pursuing 'the Euro and the US dollar', obviously any business needs to concentrate on developing new products to keep solvent, whilst making allowance for free upgrades to older products. otherwise the business makes no money, leaving you with orphaned products and no possibility of updates or new releases.


With regard to 'dog's breakfast' ... I would hope you would re-read your post and feel just a little bit of shame.  That said, some specific sites / screenshots of where you have met these problems would at least be constructive. 'Snowy river' -- entire length? (co-ordinates?)


Other aspects of the dog's breakfast (meaty-bites, egg, etc) in as much detail as possible helps fix problems.

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Try to remember that Au Blue was Orbx's first offering, and at the time was streets ahead of any other scenery (including photoreal, but that's only my opinion) Also whilst you are at it.. try to remember your manners when talking about a scenery most of us know and love on a forum that you have just joined. Teecee.

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I suspect part of the answer to your question lies in the emphasis on flight (airports, mountain, terrain, landclass) and perhaps less on river altitudes, although clearly these will appeal more greatly to those who enjoy floatplanes, etc.

With such a mature product, it is perhaps surprising there has not been more reports about the river altitude anomalies, particularly of this magnitude...

Hi Ian,

While I in no way agree with the way this topic was approached by Iainh, I do agree about the rivers. It is a real realality killer at times for me. More so on flat or gently sloping ground, where rivers tend to end up as a series of elongated ponds and often disappear altogether for miles and then reappear. I have not noticed it so much in the mountains. And I don't think it has anything to do with floatplanes, it just spoils a fantastic product. I suppose if you haven't flown over these in real life or you don't know the river, it is not so noticeable.

I did start a topic on this subject, in which I challenged the developers to fix this problem and make a fantastic scenery truly superb. Screen shots of examples were included. (Over NZ) It was not posted in the support section as I didn't think it qualified, it was more of a lighthearted suggestion. However, it didn't attract even one comment from a developer.

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 It was not posted in the support section as I didn't think it qualified, it was more of a lighthearted suggestion. However, it didn't attract even one comment from a developer.

Those two statements are indeed linked.


In order for things to be fixed, time permitting, they need to be specific.  I will now try and find your original thread and link it back to this topic.

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Don't forget people that the portrayal of geographic features in the sim is mostly based on converting publicly available geodata into a format that can be read by the sim.  It is the only possible way to get the entire world packaged up and into your sim.  If the data were not available and every geographic feature had to be hand placed and/or drawn, I think ORBX might just about be ready for the original AU Blue to be entering alpha testing some time this decade.


In areas like the Snowy River, if you look at the geodata that Google maps uses, it mirrors pretty well what is portrayed in the sim, suggesting that both users convert the data to display a similar look.  As I flew a test recce over the Snowy River last night I noticed that the river is indeed portrayed as a series of ponds.  This is probably as a result of the data indicating that the upper reaches of the river are noted by the surveyors as intermittent, and the data conversion puts them in as normally dry, and as a result FSX doesn't show a watercourse.


Now that the data conflict has been pointed out to the devs, they will no doubt give consideration for the area to be hand-mapped for another service pack in due course, but given the relatively unpopulated and remoteness of the area I suspect the priorities will go elsewhere first.


Finally, don't forget that for every tweak and enhancement, correction or addition that satisfies one user, there will be dozens more that other users would find more to their liking.  Devs have to draw the line between the amount of time spent correcting obvious and glaring errors in areas where the majority of simmers will notice them, and spending further hours in pursuit of corrections that might only ever be noticed by a handful or less of simmers.

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One last thought.. Learn to draw rivers and lakes and place them yourself..I was shown how to do them some years back by a very kind member and did Tassie (sadly the skill has slipped away.. due Old age).. it works and it really does improve the scenery. Teecee.

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Aren't regions supposed to cover all of the layers they were made for? If thats the case then the vector data is what was included at time of release for that region and so then Global vector doesn't apply? or possible you could move up vector higher in the priority list so it overrides what was originally included in AU? 


The scenery error is probably because the satellite couldn't properly see that area or was on a angle so that the hills block or obscured that portion of the river. It's explained pretty good in the PDF that comes with PILOT's  stuff. 

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