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Canberra Cityscape 3D lights


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I don't seem to have any 3D lights or poles visible at Canberra, just night textures. The airport(FTX YSCB) lights work just fine. The installation was performed as instructed - latest patch installed for AU Blue SP4 and followed by the latest ORBXLibs. And of course, I activated the FTX Night mode on my desktop prior to launching FSX.


I checked out Sydney, Anchorage and KHQM(PNW demo) and found them to devoid of any lights as well, just night textures. Any help would be appreciated.


I have the latest ATI graphics drivers installed for my Radeon HD 4850. My display settings are set as recommended in the user guide.



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Hi Evonsky, it's really strange that you have no lightpoles everywhere, it seemed it could be a library problem but if you have installed the latest libraries, this could have fixed eventually the problem.

Do you remember in which order you installed the sceneries you have? Cityscape Canberra, for instance, should be installed after YSCB airport, it contains some routines to upgrade YSCB too.

The switch day/night works to enable/disable the lightpoles, and it seems to have no effect on your sceneries.

If you open FTX central and under the menu tools -> FTX lights tweaker does a window open correctly?

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I may have installed YSCB after Canberra Cityscape, I will check when I get home.

The window for the FTX lights tweaker opens properly and changes the lights at YSCB. The lights at the airport seem to work just fine.

I notice no difference switching between day and night ops (restarting FSX each time).....no light poles except at the airport.

Could I have downloaded a corrupt or damaged libraries file? Is that even possible?

Thank you for your assistance.....and the Canberra Cityscape is fantastic. Really well done.

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It may be worth re-installing the latest Orbxlibs again Evonski. Grab them from here: http://fullterrain.com/support.hml#orbxlibs


It is indeed weird that the airport lights are working but not the generic 3D lightpoles annotated in the landclass textures or Maurizio's photoreal imagery. 


We'll work with you to solve the problem however, I am sure there is a simple answer :)

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Try this, go to the Orbx\Scripts folder and doubleclick the FTXLights_Night.exe file

It does the same thing as doubleclicking the desktop shortcut. I get the window telling me night mode is activated and my performance will be affected. But it doesn't seam to make any difference to day or night operation. What does FTXLights_Night.exe control?

I'm starting to wonder if It's my FSX install. If I recall correctly, I never got a clean install and I had to reinstall Acceleration several times to get it to work right. I was going to reinstall FSX and Accelleration, but I have misplaced my FSX box, so I ordered the Gold edition and it should be here in a few days. Everything has always worked for me until this, so it may be a long shot.

Could it be a conflict with an add-on? Like ENB Series? I tried with it on and off, but I was thinking of removing it alltogether.

I have an unregistered version of FSUIPC that came with the QW Avro, and I do have a fair amount of payware scenery...but none in any of the Orbx regions I have.

Any Thoughts? Thanks for all your help...the night flying experience is important to me and I am excited with the direction you guys are going with it......now if I could just get it to work on my system.

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Hi Evonski, i am sorry that you didn't succeed to make the nightlights to work. The switch activate/deactivate a library, lightpoles are annotated items, so you control the density by the autogen slider.

I don't think there is some conflict with FSUIPC or some other addons. The thing you have to check it's if in FTX central you have Australia region activated. Maybe it could be this, so simple but essential for have the libraries working correctly inside the region.

Otherwise it should be maybe your FSX with some problems, having updated the libraries, there is no reason because lightpoles are not shown.

If you are interested in the night light scene, for sure with Canberra you will have a favourable surprise, at least i think so ;)

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Meant to add Im getting this in the UK region not in Canberra Cityscape as  Evonski is.

problem occurred after i installed EGML,EGSG & EGTH (not sure what order I did it in ) and I did get a few poles(not all and flashed) but they seem to have gone after i disabled/enabled the lights in DX10 fixer (still gone in dx9) and ran the FTXLights_Night.exe lights at airports are OK and look fine

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It has to be for sure a library problem, because your autogen in Canberra (buildings and trees i mean) is correctly shown. Being the lightpoles part of the autogen, the only reason for this issue you have might be only a library problem. Maybe could we try with a older library version for Evonski? Just to try.... Also, in FSX scenery library what you see? Please post a screenshot of your FSX scenery library like this one



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Maurizio, would you like screens of the Scenery Library as seen in-game? Or the files themselves?


I also had a thought. I have World of AI and MAIW installed......and I didn't bother to change the plans to fsx. I didn't want any of the default AI running around so I left everything fs9. This makes the fsx AI disappear.......and AI is effectively moving scenery....could it be conflicting with the libraries? Also, I have...I think it's the owls nest, prop fixer for fs9 AI. Maybe it's messing with just the light poles and lights? Or am I off the range with this line of thought?

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Hi Evonski, thanks for the shot, the library is correct, but maybe it's not correct the position of the ORBX sceneries. Please try to untick everything in that panel above FTXAA_AIRPORTS, then if you have your lightpoles back we will see how to set as priority the other addons you have.

I can confirm by the way that World of AI suppresses the ORBX AI trafic, personal experience :) But i don't think it can affect by the way the lightpoles.

A perfect maintenance of your FSX is fundamental to obtain good performances, expecially when you manage with a lot of addons, or simply when you like to test and to write about a product. The optimum, as we do here, it's to have a clean FSX and to revise it time by time when we add something else new.

If you doesn't succeed with the library cleaning, maybe it's better to restart with a new installation of FSX, so to be sure that all works correctly.

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I will try that. And yes, I am way past due reinstalling FSX. Problem is I lost a disc. But I have gold edition in the mail. This issue has lit a fire to do it.

And I have it tweaked just so (no OOMs, ever). Just need to record and organize before I start over.


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I have given all suggestions a go, still no poles. I do still need to do a fresh install, and I will soon but, IIRC, I did have lights at the town east of Bowerman in the PNW demo and in the Tasmanian Demo. They went away after I installed Australia and/or SAK. Possible conflict with the demos?

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The User Guide for Taz states the demo scenery will "automatically be upgraded for you" when the payware installer is run.


I find no instructions for uninstalling the PNW demo in the PNW User Guide. And I do not yet have the full PNW yet. Should I manually remove the PNW demo?

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To keep this topic alive until Evonski replys (and not trying to hijack it). For me :


default. xml        22,079 kb    30/7/13 7:18 PM


addons             UT2 and ants airports (ants above FTX entries in the scenery library)




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Ed, you fantastic man, you. Whatever magic smoke you put in that file did the trick. Behold:





Thank you Ed, Maurizio, John and anyone else who contributed, for your efforts in unraveling the mystery of the missing lights. They are amazing.

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