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AU Gold region night street lights missing


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I have AU Gold. About a month after purchasing and installing FTX YBBN the taxi lights and runway warning lights started to disappear. I was advised to install the latest Orbx libraries to fix the issue. This I did by installing lib 130504 in June 2013. This returned most of the YBBN taxi lights, however, it removed the night street lighting (and poles) from the AU Gold region.
Knowing that FTX Global was soon to be released and that it would contain the latest libraries (and that I have very slow download speeds), I waited for the release of Global and purchased and installed it. Its installed library file is 130623. This has failed to return the missing night street lighting.
Cycling the Day / Night applets has no effect, as well as cycling (and hitting the apply button) the Global and Australia regions in the FTX Central control panel. Searching for any file with the .OFF suffix only shows the expected ones for YBBN (ie BNE_Domestic_lightpoles.OFF in FTXAA_YBBN folder).

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  • 1 month later...

Indeed this is pretty weird behaviour for the older style 3D lights to just disappear.

However, some good news. We are not far from releasing a free patch for our AU regions which adds the FTX Global type of lighting to them, meaning that will fix your issue as well as providing better FPS and denser, brighter lighting across the board.

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Thanks for the reply and update. I can easily wait for the ammendment to the street lights as I have been using Global at night in the AU Gold region.


I only directed to this post in someone elses post to attempt to aid problem solving in showing that it might not be a "new" issue with the Canberra scenery.

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