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FTXG out of memory errors.

Paul Anderson

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Since I purchased and installed FTXG (my only FTX purchase to date) I have had several out of memory errors.

I have added no other scenery or airplanes afterwards, applied the update when it became available.

Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


Order Number: FSS0225734
Order Date: 2013-08-01






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OOM's are a very complex topic.

But two things in advance:


FTX Global alone does not cause OOM's - neither does any other 3rd party add-on alone!


... adding the HIGHMEMFIX=1 tweak to Your FSX.cfg does also neither cause nor prevent OOM's.

(It mainly helps You to avoid "skeleton airplanes")


But: OOM's may occur as soon as many various things come togehter within FSX at one point.

And the only real cause of OOM's within FSX is its 4GB VAS limitation.


To find out more about it all and why OOM's occur within FSX, please feel free to take a look at this link below ... Certainly one of the best guides regarding OOM's and FSX available at the web.

And also offering some real usefull tips how to at least minimize the chance of running into OOM's (because again: Due to FSX's limitations, they can still occur, even if all is set up carefully).

But again - for more info, please consider to read through this article here:



OOM's are also being discussed at the forums here (and also the guide just mentioned here right above):


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I've had FSX since it hit the shelves, sp1, sp2, then acceleration (actually had all versions since the wire frame days).

I do have HIGHMEMFIX=1. Running Accufeel and FSUIPC4. I don't have high density cloud sets, have a medium sized set garnered from several freeware offerings. Any plane textures with 4096 texures I have resized to 2048 which is what my fsx.cfg is set at. Virtual memory for the hard drive FSX is on is set at 4096.


System: display = NVIDIA GeForce GT 430 1 gig ram 2.40 GHz, cpu = Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.39 HGz, memory = DDR2 3.00 GB, mainboard ASUSTeK P5QL PRO, OS=Window XP 32 bit. 

Suppose I could try changing LOD radius from 6.5 back to default, or maybe getting a utility to check ram is ok, but

just find it odd I only started getting several out of memory abends since FTXG.


I started using GameBooster after the first couple oom errors and shut down everything but 2 items where they cautioned against it, but was not the solution.

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Hi Paul!

... OS=Window XP 32 bit and LOD radius from 6.5 ...


... this combination simply hardly works and may sure be one of the main reasons for the OOM's You encounter - and there may still be some more!

Going back to LOD=4,5 sure is a good start, but other than that i can just suggest again to really take the time to read this article here ...



... because You will find a lot of most use- and helpful information there regarding OOM's and FSX!

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So, what I gather is that FTXG (probably the ORBXLIBS as it's the biggest) has pushed me closer to the VAS limit.

I should probably disable scenery/mesh for Grand Canyon, OZX, Alps, Ants Aussie Airports, etc. until I wish to go there?

How big a part does ORBXLIBS have in FTXG if I have no other FTX/ORBX products?

Would I be missing some buildings and other objects (noticed that some buildings and hangers are different) if I were to disable?

Am quite pleased with FTXG and reluctant to mess around with it.    

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Hi Paul!

I don't know anything about the size of the VAS imprint of the ORBXLibs - but in general:

Everything loaded into FSX - simply said - uses some amount of VAS.

And i'd generally very much recommend You to keep the libraries installed with FTXGlobal - although this is surely better answered by a member of the ORBX team.


However i really think that the imprint of VAS useage of the ORBX Libs is - overall - rather minimal, so is mesh detail - but again: if loaded ALL into FSX aat once ... well ...

Huge photoreal sceneries for instance also always require - comparibly - lots and lots of  VAS and so generally spoken:

Disabling scenery You don't fly into at the moment within Your scenery library will definitely help a lot in regards to VAS!

Other than that - and i hate to say it, but:

Maybe really consider to get Win7 64bit if You don't have it yet! Because sure it costs money, requires a new set up and all that - but in regards to FSX nowadays it definitely is one of the best investments You can make - at least in my opinion and sure in regards to OOM's.

And again: Really:

Try out the advices given at the OOM article i have mentioned above by Kosta - and read through it carefully - it helps a lot!


And one very important thing to receive further support here:

Please add Your Order number into Your signature as described here:



I know You have added it in Your first post, but better put it into Your signature as well!


P.S. - and as mentioned in #3 above:

OOM's are also being discussed at the forums here:



I hope this all will help You a little bit at least!

Cheers, Christoph

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To add to Christoph's excellent post, have a look at the number of processes running on your system, hit Ctrl+Alt+Del and share with us how many processes are running, I can recommend to pay a visit to http://www.blackviper.com and have a read as to what services can be disabled without issues to run your system, although, keeping running on XP won't be much of a help at all for you I'm sorry to say

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Thanks for reply Wolter. Don't know how to attach pictures. Numbers below are from task manager, and not during an out of memory situation.



20 processes running, FSX is 938,800k (unsure of validity, goes nuts when another outside window like task manager introduced and have to kill it to get out). CPU usage: 4%, Commit Charge: 1296M/7.


Performance: (when I took this pic FSX was going nuts because of task manager window)

CPU usage 52% (going nuts)

PF usage 1.40 GB

Physical memory (K):

Total                3144740

Available          1650484

System Cache 1665068


Bottom line is I never had an out of memory problem before FTXG, so guessing it just pushed me to the brink in some areas. Thanks for your consideration.

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Hi Paul,


you're probably more savvy on puters then I am :)


Although I've been dealing with this animal named fsX for a wee number of years now and can assure you it ain't your straight one size fits all proggy, if I remember it correctly back from my XP days, set your cache fixed to 1,5 times your installed RAM and one thing that stood out for me as the biggest resource saver was to disable any fancy themes and select the windows "classic" mode, what get's me as a bit odd is that with FTXG at least at my end it loads faster and I get rocksolid 30 fps all over the place except the known fsX bottleneck with the likes of KSEA, simple reason FTXG only replaces the bog stock standard textures of fsX and alters a few LandClass files for the moment, hence with only Global active it should run smoother,


just as a matter of test, if you are willing to of course, could you disable all added sceneries except of course the FTXG ones, don't forget the disable the "Addon Scenery" folder as well as there are mostly the files that everybody tends to forget they had 'm installed ;)


as for posting screenshots on our forums please have a read here => http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/38447-how-to-post-a-screenshot-on-the-orbx-forums/?p=335815

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OOM's are a very complex topic.

But two things in advance:


FTX Global alone does not cause OOM's - neither does any other 3rd party add-on alone!


... adding the HIGHMEMFIX=1 tweak to Your FSX.cfg does also neither cause nor prevent OOM's.

(It mainly helps You to avoid "skeleton airplanes")


But: OOM's may occur as soon as many various things come togehter within FSX at one point.

And the only real cause of OOM's within FSX is its 4GB VAS limitation.


To find out more about it all and why OOM's occur within FSX, please feel free to take a look at this link below ... Certainly one of the best guides regarding OOM's and FSX available at the web.

And also offering some real usefull tips how to at least minimize the chance of running into OOM's (because again: Due to FSX's limitations, they can still occur, even if all is set up carefully).

But again - for more info, please consider to read through this article here:



OOM's are also being discussed at the forums here (and also the guide just mentioned here right above):



Chris, thanks a lot for the information. Since I have a new system I started to get greedy in everything and obviously I began to suffer for that. :)

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What I'm getting is that VAS limit (exceded = out of memory) is independant of operating system, ram, video ram, hard drive space (which I've barely made a dent in, most other things on another drive). 

Will try turning off Grand Canyon from OZX (large bgl files), and perhaps OZX if problem persists, that may be the tipping point when FSXG added.

Want to have things stable before adding FTX vector, land classes, and terrain mesh. 

Should mention I have fps limit set at 22 in game, usually hits the mark or a few decimal points lower unless around mega cities or airports, so I think FSX is tuned well for me after years of tinkering. 

Thanks to all who have responded.

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All great information here Everyone!

Thank You very much everyone for this great input!

@The Man RJ:

Great to read some of the information was help- and useful for You!


What I'm getting is that VAS limit (exceded = out of memory) is independant of operating system, ram, video ram, hard drive space (which I've barely made a dent in, most other things on another drive). 

Will try turning off Grand Canyon from OZX (large bgl files), and perhaps OZX if problem persists, that may be the tipping point when FSXG added.

Want to have things stable before adding FTX vector, land classes, and terrain mesh. 

Should mention I have fps limit set at 22 in game, usually hits the mark or a few decimal points lower unless around mega cities or airports, so I think FSX is tuned well for me after years of tinkering. 

Thanks to all who have responded.

Hi Paul!

If i got it all correct it is indeed true that "running out of VAS" can happen in any OS, but in a 64bit environment it is almost unlikey - at least things are realyl pushed really, really far!

The major thing now though is that Win7 64bit does at least offer FSX the chance to use its "32bit application-VAS limitation" of 4GB fully, while in Win XP 32bit it can't!

This does not mean, that Win7 64bit prevents OOM's within FSX, because it is still a 32bit application - but:

It's a much better option to have at least 4GB VAS available than less, which - again only if i recall correctly - is the case with WinXP 32bit or any other "older" MS 32bit OS.


In regards to lowering the FPS within FSX - and again only by my little knowledge here:

Doing so may certainly help to improve the performance of FSX, but it is not very much related to OOM's.


But inded: Turning off sceneries will help You a lot - simply turn them on again, when You want to fly there again!

Cheers, Christoph

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Have deactivated all addon scenery/mesh except for FTXG and some land class (which I understand should not be a big hit). 

Still getting out of memory errors around La Guardia.

Will try turning off SceneryTech land classes to see if there is some conflict with FTXG.


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Curiouser and curiouser ...

With all addons turned off except orbx/ftx, left La Guardia and circled the big apple, took longer but fps dropped and eventually got the out of memory error.

Turned off the orbx/ftx entries in scerery.cfg and did the same pattern. No out of memory error.

Activated all addon scenery EXCEPT orbc/ftx entries, Smooth and no out of memory error.

Sure, I saw some trees in streets where they shouldn't be, but I can live with that.

My conclusion for now is somewhere in the orbx folder there is a problem (for me).

Don't know if it should be up to me to track down which entry. 

If I see a post that there is a solution, I would try it and consider future global purchases if it works.

Sorry to be bending your ear on this.

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FTXG out of memory problem solved.
Noticed in ORBX documents folder it came with ORBXLIBS VER 130623 23rd July 2013 and there was a new one VER 130909 9th September 2013.
Installed, enabled, activated and no problems. Activated landclass entries and ditto.
Happy camper here.

Confidence restored, let the addons roll!


Please mark this thread resolved.


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Maybe not completely out of the woods yet.

On a flight around my own neighbourhood (which is not very complicated scenery), I changed time to dusk to check out the street lights.

Pretty, but wasn't long before I got another out of memory error.

Since I rarely fly at night this is not a big deal for me, but may suggests the lights are a factor.

The lights tweak in FTX Central appears inoperable for me (have FTXG only).

Any thoughts on this? Would setting less than dense autogen reduce number of lights? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So no developer/technical people input in this time?

I asked Kosta and he said my system was weak, have changed bp=0 to 1 and poolsize=8388608 (8mb), reduced graphic spikes in big cities but can still get OOM.

I find it hard to believe that the 3d lights at night add no overhead when before they were just lit spots on scenery tiles.

Is there a way to disable lights so I can test?

Again, no biggy, mostly daytime flier.

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Hello Paul,


Unless you have this already,


Without the 3GB switch,

32 bit FSX can only access 2GB of VAS.


The switch would be my recommendation.


I think Kosta is right, it probably is a borderline system for a default FSX installation

let alone with addons.


I wonder if the extra autogen has pushed your system from just about to run out

to just did.


I think the way to remove the lights is to go to scenery\Global\scenery and disable

3D_Light_NEW_DDN_1_5.BGL and 3D_Light_NEW_SDN4.BGL.

Changing the suffix to BGX should do it.




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This thread has been here for awhile, I appreciate the members thoughts.

Still no developer/technical input and is still active and unsolved.

I like the FTXG product, the forum entry is tagged as HOT so guess I'm not the only one with the OOM problem, but at what point does this topic become deactivated, or solved, or software product support officialy suggested?

How often should I check back here?

I do understand that there are a lot of open items on the forum. 

Is the reponse problem symptomatic of my having an older (but workable) system that can't be checked with newer hardware/software or?  

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