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First Time OOM's

Andrew 737

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Yep, the defence was crap, but Roo and RVP saved the day :) Hope the back 4 shapes up a bit better on Sunday!


Didn't get near the pc last night so no progress on the OOM front. Will also be out tonight and Friday night, and on Saturday I fly to Jakarta for a week, so it may be a while berofe I get this sorted out.




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Yep, the defence was crap, but Roo and RVP saved the day :) Hope the back 4 shapes up a bit better on Sunday!

Didn't get near the pc last night so no progress on the OOM front. Will also be out tonight and Friday night, and on Saturday I fly to Jakarta for a week, so it may be a while berofe I get this sorted out.



Ok safe flight - ill report back in the meantime


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Hi Guys

I have never really suffered from OOMs during any GA Flying. I have got all FTX UK and Airports.

I run TML 1024, Dense Autogen, 5760 x 1080, REX and 50% UT2. My ground textures were 7cm but after my OOM reduced to 30cm.

Flew EGSC - EGHI in the A2A C172 and got an OOM 8 miles out of EGHI

Any suggestions gentlemen?


Hi Guys


Altered the paging file as per Chick's recommendation

Texture resolution to 30cm from 7cm

Autogen dense with 2500 trees per cell and 1700 buildings per cell

Clouds 60 miles

Water low 2x

Everything else the same as above

I did use ASE but the weather wasn't too cloudy at 4000ft; I left EGSC at Dusk and Arrived at EGHI at Night - not sure if this is different to daytime?

I also set EGHI trains to low, cars to low, no GA people flow, grass low - still bloody beautiful - my Favourite (by a country mile) EU Airport.

I will test in the day with more clouds and again report here - so far so good :)

Even though settings are lowered it was still 'Beautiful and realistic' - I'm a happy bunny the evening

Monitored the VAS as per Chumley's recommendation - max 2.7gig :)


EDIT - flight was smooth as silk the whole way from take of to landing and taxi :)

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Andrew 737, on 16 Sept 2013 - 10:59 PM, said:

I've not had a chance to monitor VAS yet - have you 'confirmed' the C172 is as memory hungry as the NGX?

Hello Andrew!

Yesterday I did some tests. I loaded FSX with default Cessna, A2A C172 and PMDG 737NGX at EGHI. Then I monitored "fsx.exe" at the Taskmanager and the FSUIPC VAS Value:

Default Cessna Taskmanager 1,438 GB used, FSUIPC VAS 2,000 GB free

A2A C172 2,035 GB used, " 1,222 GB "

PMDG 737NGX 2,447 GB used, " 745 MB "

Then I made a Testflight from EGSC to EGHI with the A2A C172. The Values and frames were ok and since I reached EGHI there was no OOM warning. But as more as I spend time at EGHI, the VAS goes down to the magic 300 MB and I heard the OOM Sound.

Yesterday I also found the reason why I have 300 MB less VAS... I used FS Tramp (FS Navigator for FSX) and this tool uses exactly this 300 MBs I needed. Now I deinstalled it and get the values above.

As my FSX Installation is over 3 years old, I will make a fresh install if I have my new PC. Maybe this also fixes this problems.



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Hello Andrew!

Yesterday I did some tests. I loaded FSX with default Cessna, A2A C172 and PMDG 737NGX at EGHI. Then I monitored "fsx.exe" at the Taskmanager and the FSUIPC VAS Value:

Default Cessna Taskmanager 1,438 GB used, FSUIPC VAS 2,000 GB free

A2A C172 2,035 GB used, " 1,222 GB "

PMDG 737NGX 2,447 GB used, " 745 MB "

Then I made a Testflight from EGSC to EGHI with the A2A C172. The Values and frames were ok and since I reached EGHI there was no OOM warning. But as more as I spend time at EGHI, the VAS goes down to the magic 300 MB and I heard the OOM Sound.

Yesterday I also found the reason why I have 300 MB less VAS... I used FS Tramp (FS Navigator for FSX) and this tool uses exactly this 300 MBs I needed. Now I deinstalled it and get the values above.

As my FSX Installation is over 3 years old, I will make a fresh install if I have my new PC. Maybe this also fixes this problems.




Brilliant information - thank you

I will use the FSUIPC in-sim monitor too on my heavy cloud test later - I will report

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Hi Guys


Altered the paging file as per Chick's recommendation

Texture resolution to 30cm from 7cm

Autogen dense with 2500 trees per cell and 1700 buildings per cell

Clouds 60 miles

Water low 2x

Everything else the same as above

I did use ASE but the weather wasn't too cloudy at 4000ft; I left EGSC at Dusk and Arrived at EGHI at Night - not sure if this is different to daytime?

I also set EGHI trains to low, cars to low, no GA people flow, grass low - still bloody beautiful - my Favourite (by a country mile) EU Airport.

I will test in the day with more clouds and again report here - so far so good :)

Even though settings are lowered it was still 'Beautiful and realistic' - I'm a happy bunny the evening

Monitored the VAS as per Chumley's recommendation - max 2.7gig :)


EDIT - flight was smooth as silk the whole way from take of to landing and taxi :)

Did EGHI to EGLG tonight same settings including the tweaks as above but added TrackIR to it too - again perfect; no OOM and no FSUIPC warning chimes either

I think I'm good now so thanks all for your help gents :)

BTW - finding Panshanger (EGLG small field no lighting!!) at night was something else!!!!

Edit - updated UT2 GA as well and I could see AI aircraft lights everywhere so there was plenty AI too

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  • 4 weeks later...

A little trick that works on some machines when getting close to OOM. If operating in window rather than full screen, minimise FSX completely (do not shut Fsx down), wait at least 10-15 seconds then maximise FSX again. If your one of the lucky ones, memory actually frees up and the warning resolves. Only works on some machines, but it's worth finding out if that includes your machine. No idea why it works or why it works only on some machines.

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A little trick that works on some machines when getting close to OOM. If operating in window rather than full screen, minimise FSX completely (do not shut Fsx down), wait at least 10-15 seconds then maximise FSX again. If your one of the lucky ones, memory actually frees up and the warning resolves. Only works on some machines, but it's worth finding out if that includes your machine. No idea why it works or why it works only on some machines.

I have heard similar - just switch to non maximised windowed mode and then back again.

Although since my settings trade offs and tweaks I haven't heard the warning again

Thanks though

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Just a short stop over here as my time sadly is a bit tight at the moment, but one thing that i can just highly recommend to everyone who wants to stay clear of OOM's as well as anyhow possible, is to really take a detailed look into DX10 (If You haven't done so anyways).

I know:

Doing so requires some time and i know that some of the DX10 AA for instance might not work as fine as AA does under DX9 (although it looks really very very good nonetheless), but(!):

Switching to DX10 at the end of the day sure ain't that hard as it may sound at first - i dare saying so, because although i learnt a lot through FSX, i am still a PC-tech-rookie - and yet:

Even i was able to get DX10 working properly on my machine - especially now were the DX10 fix is available and with the kind and fantastic help i received at the forums here and over at AVSIM from other helpful flightsimmers (Thank You all again).


There are some issues remaining with various sceneries under DX10, but most of them may hopefully be adressed sooner than later.

And fact is:

This is still FSX here, which always demanded some compromise from day one of its release anyways.

So, no 100% guarantee can be given, and also DX10 is not the ultimate super solution for ALL issues, but for me personally speaking i can now also just repeat what many other flightsimmers have also pointed out:

DX10 has a great potential to surpass DX9 under many circumstances, becasue Dx10 really generates a stable FSX environment and especially in regards to VAS and OOM's i can just say:

DX10 manages VAS much, much better than DX9 does - therefoe far, far, far less OOM's!

I have been testing DX10 with PMDG's great 777 and other aircrafts at various resource-demanding sceneries and under various weather conditions and until today i never ever ran into an OOM with it - even if using the same or even higher settings than i used under DX9.

And with SweetFX there also is a "DX10-ready-ENB-Mod-alternative" available (just mentioning in case).

Now to sum it all up - and only my two cents here:

To stay clear of OOM's - please feel free to consider having a detailed look at what DX10 has to offer!

Switching to DX10 requires some careful considerations in advance and it DX10 - again saying - may not be (and actually can not be) "the best way" to go for everyone - but then again:

Although no 100% guarantee can be provided that ALL works super fine afterwards - at least in regards to OOM's DX10 can help a real lot to avoid them!

Cheers, Christoph

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A little confused here about what page file size to use.  I have FSX on it's down SDD (D drive) and win 7 is on the C drive.  I suppose I should have page file settings for each... 16 GB of RAM here, plenty to go around.  Suggestions? 


EDIT:  for whatever reason, I hit that OOM wall real hard right at 3 GB (measuring this with windows task manager).  I would really like to get closer to 4 G, or at least over 3.5 G.

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DX10 manages VAS much, much better than DX9 does - therefoe far, far, far less OOM's!




well, actually dx10 in some cases manages VAS a little worse than dx9,  due to some of the special graphics processes, however DX10 does not mirror your video card's VRAM usage in the address space like dx9 does.  so DX10 has a larger VAS pool to work with.   Ripcord,  do you have a 1gb video card?  if you do, and you have high AA settings and textures that load up the video memory, that may be why you can't get past 3gb,  or if you are using a 32 bit version of windows, that will also take up some of your VAS with OS processes.

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well, actually dx10 in some cases manages VAS a little worse than dx9,  due to some of the special graphics processes, however DX10 does not mirror your video card's VRAM usage in the address space like dx9 does.  so DX10 has a larger VAS pool to work with.   Ripcord,  do you have a 1gb video card?  if you do, and you have high AA settings and textures that load up the video memory, that may be why you can't get past 3gb,  or if you are using a 32 bit version of windows, that will also take up some of your VAS with OS processes.

Hi ShawnG!

If i - although i pointed out that i am no PC guru in my first post here clearly - did miss various technical details or messed up something - then i really apologize nonetheless.

The thing though still is, that since i use DX10 (and not only me as far as i can tell from various threads all over the web since DX10 gained some recent popularity again within the FS community due to Steve's Dx10 fix) i have not experienced any OOM  - and - again saying:

My "VAS useage" does not go crazy anymore and stays within certain limits!

So whatever the specific technical reasons might apply here, such as the larger VAS pool useage which You have pointed out to (Thank You again for the technical explaination), i for now am happily enjoying the improvements DX10 brought to my PC in regards to OOM's and FSX. And what works on my end, may be working on someone else's PC too.

No more - but also no less, and that's why i offered my 2 cents here. ;)

Cheers, Christroph

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well, actually dx10 in some cases manages VAS a little worse than dx9,  due to some of the special graphics processes, however DX10 does not mirror your video card's VRAM usage in the address space like dx9 does.  so DX10 has a larger VAS pool to work with.   Ripcord,  do you have a 1gb video card?  if you do, and you have high AA settings and textures that load up the video memory, that may be why you can't get past 3gb,  or if you are using a 32 bit version of windows, that will also take up some of your VAS with OS processes.


Interesting about DX10.  I keep wondering about how that will impact me if I go that route.


I have x64 win 7 and 16 G of RAM.  Video card is Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 with 2 G video RAM.


EDIT:  I have downloaded Process Explorer by Mark R at MS -- available here http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx

This measures VAS so I see now that I am able to get over 3 GB a little bit. 


I have been running tests at ORBX EGHI which is a bit memory hungry.  I have gotten it now so I can fly in and out of there in the EH-101 but I cannot even taxi away from parking in a Carenado B200 before the whole thing just craps itself.  And this is with reduced sliders -- damn, I should be able to get at least 'some' AI traffic.  Maybe I should remove the static aircraft there and try that.


The thing is I had a more or less stable rig before, with far less memory and video muscle, but I was able to handle FSX so much better.  Still got the occasional OOM but it was so rare I didn't even realize what has happening.  Then I specifically went out and ate the expense (a few months ahead of schedule) to build a new rig and now it is actually far worse.  I got twice the rig, almost three times, and it is almost unusable.  Freaking maddening.


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If it hasn't been stated in this thread already, make sure that you disable any scenery areas that you do not need in the Scenery Menu before flying in very dense scenery areas with complex payware planes, and autogen and AI at high settings. A pain in the neck, but it will make a difference.

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Interesting about DX10.  I keep wondering about how that will impact me if I go that route.


I have x64 win 7 and 16 G of RAM.  Video card is Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 with 2 G video RAM.


EDIT:  I have downloaded Process Explorer by Mark R at MS -- available here http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx

This measures VAS so I see now that I am able to get over 3 GB a little bit. 


I have been running tests at ORBX EGHI which is a bit memory hungry.  I have gotten it now so I can fly in and out of there in the EH-101 but I cannot even taxi away from parking in a Carenado B200 before the whole thing just craps itself.  And this is with reduced sliders -- damn, I should be able to get at least 'some' AI traffic.  Maybe I should remove the static aircraft there and try that.


The thing is I had a more or less stable rig before, with far less memory and video muscle, but I was able to handle FSX so much better.  Still got the occasional OOM but it was so rare I didn't even realize what has happening.  Then I specifically went out and ate the expense (a few months ahead of schedule) to build a new rig and now it is actually far worse.  I got twice the rig, almost three times, and it is almost unusable.  Freaking maddening.



yeah that was my experience when I got my new rig last year,  which is why I started looking into the issue.  basically when I had my Q6600 I couldn't increase settings without effecting my frame rates horribly.  with the new rig, frame rates are not an issue after some tweaking, but OOM errors started popping up everywhere.




DX9 mirrors your used video memory, and since we both have 2gb cards that is potentially half our VAS if that memory is full.  Now most folks don't get anywhere near maxing out a 2gb card with fsx, but it can happen if you load 4096 textures all over the place, have supremely high AA and AF settings etc...  then you load things like the NGX and high detail scenery, and add to that the fact that fsx doesn't automatically clear memory usage from scenery after you are gone from that area, you are carrying the data from every airport you pass over en route.


solutions:  dx10 (better after the fixer, but still has some issues to be aware of before diving in)  dx11 in p3d does not mirror VRAM in VAS either,  we don't know what the issues will be with that yet, but I'm sure there will be some.  or fly dx9 and make sure you limit AA, texture size, LOD, and clear your scenery library of anything you won't be using on that flight.

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If it hasn't been stated in this thread already, make sure that you disable any scenery areas that you do not need in the Scenery Menu before flying in very dense scenery areas with complex payware planes, and autogen and AI at high settings. A pain in the neck, but it will make a difference.


I guess this is another thing that I need to experiment with.  It is a nuisance, but I would at least like to understand what the effects are.


I realized that I had been testing my Carenado B200 at EGHI with NA settings. Trying it again with EU settings, and using UK2000 airports.  Was able to get out of Bristol without a hitch and ran smoothly all the way to Birmingham until I got on final before getting the inevitable OOM.


No way in hell I could fly a NGX in this environment.

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OK I broke down and pushed my traffic sliders practically to zero, and (predictably) found that this helped.  I was actually able to fly this same Carenado KingAir from Cardiff to Bristol (UK2000).  OK that is not Gatwick or Heathrow, but it took it to be progress.  Then I started gradually inching the traffic sliders back up.


Then it hit me - I have Traffic 360+ installed. Before I had it removed waiting for the patch.  So then when I got the new rig I went ahead and reinstalled it and patched it.  So now I have removed it again and I believe this Traffic 360+ was a large part of the problem with the constant OOMs. 


Still not having a ton of success at EGHI in anything other than default aircraft, but I have more testing to do there.

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Now trying all this in DX10, still without SteveDX10 Fix for the time being, just for testing purposes, and I find that the OOM problems are all pretty much gone.  And this is with Traffic 360+ reinstalled and running at about 45%.


I still get a CTD after 10-20 minutes, and the offending faults are ai-player.dll and terrain.dll -- based on internet searches I am attributing this now to having my sliders just a bit too high. 


Will overclocking to 3.9 help this?  Or does that only assist with frame rates/performance?

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  • 7 months later...

I just picked up a bunch of scenery yesterday and I got two OOMs.  One in Canberry and the other over downtown London (looking for the Globe Theatre, no doubt...sigh).  I have Windows 7 and I'm wondering what others with Windows 7 are doing to manage the situation.  What settings work best and impact the visuals the least.




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I just picked up a bunch of scenery yesterday and I got two OOMs.  One in Canberry and the other over downtown London (looking for the Globe Theatre, no doubt...sigh).  I have Windows 7 and I'm wondering what others with Windows 7 are doing to manage the situation.  What settings work best and impact the visuals the least.





Switching to DX10 via Steve's DX10 fixer ...

and following some other guidelines which are available and in fact quite easily to find actually via a dedicatd search on the web regarding the matter "FSX and OOM", such as this one from Kosta, which was - by the way - also outlines in post #35 here in this thread.



... well: At least this is what i did and it really helped a lot to keep my sim clear of OOM's, so i hope it helps You as well.

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Switching to DX10 via Steve's DX10 fixer ...

and following some other guidelines which are available and in fact quite easily to find actually via a dedicatd search on the web regarding the matter "FSX and OOM", such as this one from Kosta, which was - by the way - also outlines in post #35 here in this thread.



... well: At least this is what i did and it really helped a lot to keep my sim clear of OOM's, so i hope it helps You as well.


Hmmm...I had Steve's DX10 fixer configured on my old rig but I use ENB for some antialiasing...I haven't found a replacement for that yet so I reverted to DX9.  Maybe it's time to look for something similar for DX10/11.  Also, with the DX10 fixer, some of my add-ons weren't working too well...wish I could remember which ones because, on my new rig I didn't carry some of them over.  I'm puzzled why DX10 would help with the issue.  I'll also have to ponder if other add-ons might be using some VAS but there isn't a lot other than Orbx scenery.  The airplane I was flying was the Carenado PA46 360P...not a resource heavy airplane.  I also had weather set to Clear Skies and no weather or traffic add-on loaded.  I also had just rebooted and started out in Canberra.  Perhaps, I could...

  • Reduce my autogen slider another notch (I had it full right and moved it to Dense...still got the OOM).

Reduce my texture slider

use the max trees and max buildings override in the fsx.cfg...but to what setting?

Nearly all of my scenery is Orbx...very little photoreal.  Perhaps, though, there's something being loaded at FSX startup that's using some VAS in all that.  I'll have to delve into it.



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Hmmm...I had Steve's DX10 fixer configured on my old rig but I use ENB for some antialiasing...I haven't found a replacement for that yet so I reverted to DX9.  Maybe it's time to look for something similar for DX10/11.  Also, with the DX10 fixer, some of my add-ons weren't working too well...wish I could remember which ones because, on my new rig I didn't carry some of them over.  I'm puzzled why DX10 would help with the issue.  I'll also have to ponder if other add-ons might be using some VAS but there isn't a lot other than Orbx scenery.  The airplane I was flying was the Carenado PA46 360P...not a resource heavy airplane.  I also had weather set to Clear Skies and no weather or traffic add-on loaded.  I also had just rebooted and started out in Canberra.  Perhaps, I could...

  • Reduce my autogen slider another notch (I had it full right and moved it to Dense...still got the OOM).

Reduce my texture slider

use the max trees and max buildings override in the fsx.cfg...but to what setting?

Nearly all of my scenery is Orbx...very little photoreal.  Perhaps, though, there's something being loaded at FSX startup that's using some VAS in all that.  I'll have to delve into it.




Hi Gregg!


The latest version of Steves's DX10 fix (2.30) has almost all issues ironed out which were there duringe the first releases. 

If set up correctly, Steve's DX10 fix should really work very well.

Also antialising can be set real nicely!

Please consider to directly contacting the AVSIM DX10 fixer subforum as i am pretty sure that You will receive proper and most helpful support there for any issues regarding Steve's DX10 fix:



In regards to ENB:

An alternative may be SweetFX (not fotr tuning AA though under DX10, just for bloom and so on)!

Getting it working correctly under DX10 can eventually be a bit of a challange though - but it is certainly doable - but that's another topic/story.


What are Your system specs by the way?

It may be helpful to add them to find possible solutions for Your issues.


Overall the PA46 or any Carenado plane (and many others) should in fact not cause an OOM - but (!) - as, generally speaking, OOM's only happen when more than one or two factors come into play at once, it is almost impossible to find that "one cause"! Anyways: Overall the PA46 should not cause to many troubles in regards to OOM's.


Have You tried the "scenery configurator tool" as suggested in Kosta's blog entry which was also posted in post #35 and #69 for instance?

This can also help a lot as only those sceneries really needed for a specifc flight will be loaded into FSX.


And in regards to "Texture Max Load":

It is best to set it either to 1024x1024 or 2048x2048 at max, if OOM's occure.


I know, that these may just be some basic suggestions as a starting point for further "investigation", but i hope they are nevertheless useful for You.

Cheers, Christoph

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I can still manage to get an OOM, depending on the combination of the plane and the scenery, but it takes a couple hours of flying. Both recent instances involved the Carenado E50 Phenom coming in for planning at Berlin EDDB. And in both cases I'd flown a couple hours getting there.

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Hi Gregg!


The latest version of Steves's DX10 fix (2.30) has almost all issues ironed out which were there duringe the first releases. 

If set up correctly, Steve's DX10 fix should really work very well.

Also antialising can be set real nicely!

Please consider to directly contacting the AVSIM DX10 fixer subforum as i am pretty sure that You will receive proper and most helpful support there for any issues regarding Steve's DX10 fix:



In regards to ENB:

An alternative may be SweetFX (not fotr tuning AA though under DX10, just for bloom and so on)!

Getting it working correctly under DX10 can eventually be a bit of a challange though - but it is certainly doable - but that's another topic/story.


What are Your system specs by the way?

It may be helpful to add them to find possible solutions for Your issues.


Overall the PA46 or any Carenado plane (and many others) should in fact not cause an OOM - but (!) - as, generally speaking, OOM's only happen when more than one or two factors come into play at once, it is almost impossible to find that "one cause"! Anyways: Overall the PA46 should not cause to many troubles in regards to OOM's.


Have You tried the "scenery configurator tool" as suggested in Kosta's blog entry which was also posted in post #35 and #69 for instance?

This can also help a lot as only those sceneries really needed for a specifc flight will be loaded into FSX.


And in regards to "Texture Max Load":

It is best to set it either to 1024x1024 or 2048x2048 at max, if OOM's occure.


I know, that these may just be some basic suggestions as a starting point for further "investigation", but i hope they are nevertheless useful for You.

Cheers, Christoph


I might give the DX10 fixer another try but there is something about the ENB antialiasing that I haven't been able to get elsewhere....so far...not yet. I've tried using SweetFX but I haven't gotten good antialiasing out of it yet.


My system is a 4770K, 16 GB RAM, SSD, nVidea 770GTX with 4GB RAM, Windows 7 Pro.


I haven't tried Kosta's tool (yet) but I did turn off a few sceneries that were non-Orbx...I only have a few that aren't Orbx.  I do run Global and Vector, have PNW, NCA, NRM, CRM, England, Wales, Scotland, Australia and NZ along with about 15 or so airports. 


Just ran some tests and it's interesting.  I'm watching FSX overall memory...I don't have a VAS monitor yet.  Still, I usually get warnings from FSUIPC and the OOM soon after going over 3 Gig memory usage. 


For all tests I reduced textures to 30cm and am running "Dense" autogen.   


Orbx Canberra airport (default settings) and CityScape every feature turned on.  When sitting on the ground at Canberra aiport I had 2.5Gb memory usage.  Taking off and turning toward the CityScape I had about 2.7Gb memory usage.  Momentarily minimizing FSX had no positive effect. Looking out the left window increased memory usage by 200Mb.  I kept flying, looking straight ahead, turned south after I passed the big needle thingy (cool) and memory usage gradually grew to just over 3Gb until I got down to the Williamsdale VOR and it dropped suddenly to 2.3 Gb.


Second test, I turned off the CityScape.  Flying the same aircraft, same conditions.  My memory usage started under 2Gb, climbed to as high as 2.4 Gb and then dropped back down to 2.0 Gb at Wiliiamsdale.


Third test, I turned on the CityScape and turned off the airport entirely.  Memory was about 1.9Gb, over the CityScape it grew to under 2.3Gb looking all around, gradually reduced to 2.0Gb by Williamsdale.


All this leads me to conclude that the airport is the larger user of VAS.  The city seemed to use about 300Mb...the airport, as configured (default settings), appears to use about 700Mb.  Now, the question is, what features?



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First test:  I changed my settings from "FSX Ground Poly (Entire Field) + Static Airliners" to "Default FSX APX (No Ground Polys)" and memory use never climbed above 2.4Gb. 


Second test:  I did "Default FSX APX (No Ground Polys) + Static Airliners".  Again, memory use never climbed above 2.4 Gb.


Is it the Ground Poly's?


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I can still manage to get an OOM, depending on the combination of the plane and the scenery, but it takes a couple hours of flying. Both recent instances involved the Carenado E50 Phenom coming in for planning at Berlin EDDB. And in both cases I'd flown a couple hours getting there.

Hi Richard!

Sure - no doubt here and i fully agree:

As long as we are limited to the 4GB "VAS-wall" due to FSX/P3D's 32bit architecture, there is no 100% cure for OOM's.

But as You have also pointed out, by describing Your experience (...it takes a couple of hours of flying...), there are at least some ways to significantly lower the chance of running into an OOM!


I might give the DX10 fixer another try but there is something about the ENB antialiasing that I haven't been able to get elsewhere....so far...not yet. I've tried using SweetFX but I haven't gotten good antialiasing out of it yet.


My system is a 4770K, 16 GB RAM, SSD, nVidea 770GTX with 4GB RAM, Windows 7 Pro.


I haven't tried Kosta's tool (yet) but I did turn off a few sceneries that were non-Orbx...I only have a few that aren't Orbx.  I do run Global and Vector, have PNW, NCA, NRM, CRM, England, Wales, Scotland, Australia and NZ along with about 15 or so airports. 


Just ran some tests and it's interesting.  I'm watching FSX overall memory...I don't have a VAS monitor yet.  Still, I usually get warnings from FSUIPC and the OOM soon after going over 3 Gig memory usage. 


For all tests I reduced textures to 30cm and am running "Dense" autogen.   




Hi Gregg!


Please do not (!) use antialising via ENB or SweetFX or so ...

Only (!) - and as outlined in the DX10 fixer manual - do set antialising via the DX10 fixer GUI,

via the nVidea control panel

and via the nVidea inspector!

Otherwise there will always be issues in regards to antialising!


Your system should well be capable of running FSX smoothly overall (which still does not keep You save from OOM's as soon as You get close to 4GB of VAS, but that's why we're talking here anyways, so ...)


Just to clarify:

Kosta is not the author of the scenery configurator tool, his blog entry as outlined above, just links to this great and useful tool!


Maybe give "Process Explorer" a try:


It is very reliable to check the VAS numbers in FSX (and other programs)


I don't think it is necessary to set resolution to 30cm (i always have mine at 7cm if i remember correctly and never have issues with it) as it is more important to keep "Texture Max Load" within the fsx.cfg at 1024x1024 or max. 2048x2048 - but never ever so to speak tune it up to 4096x4096 if OOM's are causing You troubles!

Please also keep that in mind when You install textures from programs such as REX, Active Sky or various 3rd party add-on airports and so on!

Again - only some basic advices, but at least some starting points, which i hope are usefull for You!




First test:  I changed my settings from "FSX Ground Poly (Entire Field) + Static Airliners" to "Default FSX APX (No Ground Polys)" and memory use never climbed above 2.4Gb. 


Second test:  I did "Default FSX APX (No Ground Polys) + Static Airliners".  Again, memory use never climbed above 2.4 Gb.


Is it the Ground Poly's?



That sure can be a point and that's one of the main reasons (performance/memory useage) why ORBX's developers and other 3rd party developers offer the opportunity for users to "customize" their sceneries and/or textures for individual user's requirements.

OOM's are always triggered by various factors which come into play - but there are ways to at least stay clear of them for quite a very, very long time if all is tuned properly.

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Please do not (!) use antialising via ENB or SweetFX or so ...

Only (!) - and as outlined in the DX10 fixer manual - do set antialising via the DX10 fixer GUI,

via the nVidea control panel

and via the nVidea inspector!

Otherwise there will always be issues in regards to antialising!


Your system should well be capable of running FSX smoothly overall (which still does not keep You save from OOM's as soon as You get close to 4GB of VAS, but that's why we're talking here anyways, so ...)


Maybe give "Process Explorer" a try:


It is very reliable to check the VAS numbers in FSX (and other programs)


I don't think it is necessary to set resolution to 30cm (i always have mine at 7cm if i remember correctly and never have issues with it) as it is more important to keep "Texture Max Load" within the fsx.cfg at 1024x1024 or max. 2048x2048 - but never ever so to speak tune it up to 4096x4096 if OOM's are causing You troubles!

Please also keep that in mind when You install textures from programs such as REX, Active Sky or various 3rd party add-on airports and so on!

Again - only some basic advices, but at least some starting points, which i hope are usefull for You!



That sure can be a point and that's one of the main reasons (performance/memory useage) why ORBX's developers and other 3rd party developers offer the opportunity for users to "customize" their sceneries and/or textures for individual user's requirements.

OOM's are always triggered by various factors which come into play - but there are ways to at least stay clear of them for quite a very, very long time if all is tuned properly.


I do have to admit that I haven't seen much difference in the comparison stuff I see between DX9 and 10.  Maybe I need better glasses...probably do. ENB is one of those tools I'd love to not have but it works so I just leave it alone. My sim does run great in general...smooth down to about 25 FPS...up until I got the new scenery.   :wacko:  But, if all it was was turning off ground poly, I'm pretty happy.  I'm glad the issue was that easy to find.  VAS is hardly ever an issue for me.  I do also have London to deal with but, I'll admit that I probably won't fly over downtown again until (and if) I get a better version of London...stating it bluntly, it's really ugly.  (*sigh*)  I'll get out there and enjoy the countryside, villages and the rest.



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As a follow up, I took the Flight1 Mustang up for a flight and VAS was fine.  (Also loaded ASN.) That's the hardest hitting aircraft I have both in terms of VAS and FPS.  It feels like Australia, globally, is getting a little long in the tooth compared to the other FTX areas?  Or maybe it's just where I'm flying.  I'm having a tough time getting the colors natural hear as well.  But these are some really nice airports! 

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I do have to admit that I haven't seen much difference in the comparison stuff I see between DX9 and 10.  Maybe I need better glasses...probably do. ENB is one of those tools I'd love to not have but it works so I just leave it alone. My sim does run great in general...smooth down to about 25 FPS...up until I got the new scenery.   :wacko:  But, if all it was was turning off ground poly, I'm pretty happy.  I'm glad the issue was that easy to find.  VAS is hardly ever an issue for me.  I do also have London to deal with but, I'll admit that I probably won't fly over downtown again until (and if) I get a better version of London...stating it bluntly, it's really ugly.  (*sigh*)  I'll get out there and enjoy the countryside, villages and the rest.




Hi Gregg!


ENB and/or SweetFX are great tools and if You like the way they enhance Your sim (i and many others do also really like the many options these two tools have to offer), then there is nothing wrong in using them!

Sure - if You do not like them, remove it all.

But nevertheless: 

Please better do not(!) use them to tune antialising (AA)!

Better go with nVidea Inspector.


And if You want to use Steve's great fix for DX10, then please follow the instructions regarding AA as they are provided in the fixer's dedicated manual - as only then good results will be gained.

Or feel free to ask for proper support at the dedicated DX10 fixer subforum over at AVSIM at any time as this can really help a lot if You have any questions regarding that matter!


Furthermore please bare in mind that the ENB mod does only work under DX9 anyways!

So if You want to have a similar tool to ENB available for DX10, then removing any ENB files from Your FSX main folder and installing the proper DX10 SweetFX files is mandatory as otherwise FSX maybe crashing (due to a DX9 ENB file still persistent in Your FSX folder)!

All this certainly requires some time trying around and attention, but then again:

If You have any questions, check out the proper DX10 fixer forums at AVSIM or browse through the DX10 subforums here at ORBX:


In the end the effort needed may well be worth it!

But sure and it really needs to be mentioned: All this requires time and patience.


As a follow up, I took the Flight1 Mustang up for a flight and VAS was fine.  (Also loaded ASN.) That's the hardest hitting aircraft I have both in terms of VAS and FPS.  It feels like Australia, globally, is getting a little long in the tooth compared to the other FTX areas?  Or maybe it's just where I'm flying.  I'm having a tough time getting the colors natural hear as well.  But these are some really nice airports! 


Great to read that.

But still:

There are so many factors comming into play to really get a proper picture in regards to what causes which VAS load and why ...

I for instance have no issues at all whenever flying in ORBX's great Australia.

Sure Brisbane, Canberra and/or Melbourne, as rather large sceneries have an impact on performance and VAS, just as many other sceneries of that size. But even there, i really have to point out that:

If all is tuned properly, OOM's should not really happen there!

Now i am not saying, that they do or will never happen there, but it should not be the case at all on a frequent base!

And in regards to colours:

Personally speaking i think this is a complete different topic.

It is a bit like talking about OOM's in so far as finding potential solutions for it or reasons for it can vary a lot, such as:

What monitor is in use?

Is it tuned properly in regards to contrast, saturation or whatever ...?

is there ENB and/or SweetFX in use ...?

... and so on, and so on ...

In the end it will always be a compromise as it is all still a desktop-flightsim, but a well balanced compromise can certainly be achieved also regarding colour settings - but then again:

This is another, very long story.

As for now i am wishing You all the best for Your tunings in regards to avoiding OOM's!

And sure:

Happy flyings and landings!

Cheers, Christoph

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