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ftxglobal lights


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To Eugene Kirkunov

Eugene, hi, thanks for your good work in FTXG.

I am puzzled about the lights.

I tried to change the size of the lights by using the "FTX Lights Tweaker" in FTX Central tools.

I set the type to "Poole" (the star effect) and the size to the second smallest "5"

Could not see any change in FTXG.

The default setting seems close to "Holger" "11"

Also landing a Heli in a park in central Toulouse near several lights some were blue some white and most a yellow colour.

None of them had a light pole they float in the air.

Don't get me wrong I love the night and dusk lighting now but wonder if it can be changed to be less dominant?




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 thanx for the answer Holger. that is what I was hoping  you see I am on my way down to south America   I have not landed after dark yet at any big city

and I am flying f1 b200 an mustang down there so its nice to set autogen on sparse to get more performance in those birds, plus at 18agl auto gen does not matter....  Amazingly no autogen still looks superb. Managua Nicaragua. will be my next destination and I will plan my flight accordingly. for a late dusk arrival.!!  and by the way you guys really knocked this upgrade out of the park this hobby is the best!

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