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"trees on the runway" report here please

Matt McGee

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For what is worth, I've been drawn to this thread by the exact same reason: Trees in Vagar


Beeing Vagar one of my favourite destinations, this is really a spoiler for me :)


I hope that the FTX team can find a quick solution to this.


Thank you and keep up the good work.  FTXG is still great stuff!


Bruno Silva

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For what is worth, I've been drawn to this thread by the exact same reason: Trees in Vagar


Beeing Vagar one of my favourite destinations, this is really a spoiler for me :)


I hope that the FTX team can find a quick solution to this.


Thank you and keep up the good work.  FTXG is still great stuff!


Bruno Silva



Holger's workaround  solved my issues for the Faroes addon (including V.5) :




In the meantime you could look for a file named 128b2an1.agn in \Scenery\World\texture; renaming it to .off might be a temporary fix though its effect would be global meaning all locations that use that particular landclass will no longer show autogen.

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These are at MGTK - I have FTXG (and all UTX at the moment  ;) )






I went back and checked, and indeed, Microsoft forgot to include the airport background/mask for MGTK.  Yesterday, I went in and added the background and corrected the placement of the taxiways, runway, and buildings.  The updated airport can be found here, and it was designed with UTX in mind: http://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=mgtk-mgmm_mundo_maya.zip&CatID=root&Go=Search




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After reading Holger Sandmann's initial findings shared in his post dated 11 August, I have difficulty accepting his suggestion that the fault behind the issue is that certain addons use non-standard class for their airport grass polygons. Where FTXG has been installed, the 'tree' issue can also be found in certain default FSX airports. See the screenshot below entitled 'CYZD Toronto-Downsview'.


CYZD Toronto-Downsview (FTXG+UTX-Canada v1.2+FlightOntario's Ontario Lanclass X (Ontario Custom Farmland Landclass and Ontario Default Landclass)







Based on this, I doubt very much that the responsibility should be placed on airport scenery developers who have, as I see it, respected for the most part the FSX's SDK either directly or indirectly through the use of third-party scenery tools.


Over the years, I've populated my version of FSX with a good number of both freeware and payware versions of Canadian airports. In the next week or so, I hope to have visited and tested every third-party Canadian airport scenery installed in my version of FSX and report my findings on this forum. I will also randomly pick default airports and include anomalies, if any, in my report.


All in the spirit of constructive criticism.








I just saw your post and loaded CYZD (without FTXG), and this issue appears to be with the default version of CYZD itself.  Although the trees can be excluded, I'm still working on a solution to get the grass "airport mask" to appear.  If you are interested in this workaround, please let me know. 

It has since been discovered that the standard "grass" LC in FTXG was changed to a texture that was more like that of a "meadow with trees".   Although that is not the cause of the issue with this airport, Holger has brought it to the attention of the developers, and they will be addressing it in a future SP.




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CYZD Toronto-Downsview (FTXG+UTX-Canada v1.2+FlightOntario's Ontario Lanclass X (Ontario Custom Farmland Landclass and Ontario Default Landclass)













I just took another look at this, and the problem is somewhere in UTX Canada.  You should contact them (I know I will) to address this.  Something in UTX is hiding this corner of the airport mask.  When UT Canada is disabled, the default airport appears correctly.




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Thank you for taking time to provide me with your feedback. I would have never thought of UTX as being behind the issue. I'll follow-up.


This is much appreciated.


Best regards,




No problem, JJ.


More specifically, something in "UT Canada Ground Polygons" is preventing a portion of the airport mask for CYZD to display correctly. When "UT Canada Ground Polygons" is disabled, the airport returns to its correct state.




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I have some problem with FTX Global and FlyLogic LSZP Biel-Kappelen airport....


there are some trees which I just can't chop, nevermind what I do.....




LSZP Biel-Kappelen with FlyLogic's Switzerland X, and KFP6



(different angle)

LSZP Biel-Kappelen with FlyLogic's Switzerland X, and KFP6


I have FlyLogics Switzerland X and all other FlyLogic products related to Switzerland installed, funny enough, all other airports/airstrips are fine only LSZP has this issue.

.... even if I turn everything of in the Scenery Library (exept default scenery) this bunch of trees is still there.... even after a reload of the sim.....which tells me its a FTX Global issue, since I dont have any other Global addons installed.




Same tree group, with only Default turned on....


I tried to create a exclusion area, different landclass, and even overlayed a photo to the default airport, with only default scenery running, no luck all the trees stay whatever I do.....

the exact location of this tree ensamble in FSX is:  N47° 5,45' E7° 17,58'

so please ORBX.... can you send me a lumberjack?


Richard Oberwinkler

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Guys, you should check out your scenery configuration (open it via scenery library in FSX)


I have just re-installed all my airports + UT Alaska, Europe and Canada and i added them first (lowest priority, highest number) and installed all FTX regions + global on the top.


Normally FTX place itself on highest priority, but encountering the "Trees everywhere problem" inn the sim. i realized that FTX had placed itself with lowest priority >:D therefore the problem. What a mess it made in my beautiful little FSX World.


Editing the scenery library listing, mooving the UT + Scenery Tech files Down with lower priority than FTX solved the issue completely ::) . 


Take Care


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the FSX priorities settings you described are correct  but don't solve all "trees on runway" completely.

According to Carlyle Sharpe there seems to be a small "error"-file in FTX Global. (default "grass" texture seems to show as a "grass+tree" texture.)
(Did you try his test file?)

BTW, my FTX Global installation was correct, put those folders automatically in a higher priority.

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Guys, you should check out your scenery configuration (open it via scenery library in FSX)


I have just re-installed all my airports + UT Alaska, Europe and Canada and i added them first (lowest priority, highest number) and installed all FTX regions + global on the top.


Normally FTX place itself on highest priority, but encountering the "Trees everywhere problem" inn the sim. i realized that FTX had placed itself with lowest priority >:D therefore the problem. What a mess it made in my beautiful little FSX World.


Editing the scenery library listing, mooving the UT + Scenery Tech files Down with lower priority than FTX solved the issue completely ::) . 


Take Care



Holger confirmed that there is a texture-swapping issue that is leading to trees at airports in some instances.  (There will be an SP fix for that in the future.)  That discussion is here http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/61929-ftx-global-what-is-it-all-about/page-6#entry601242




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I thinks i have to re send here.


I have many trees on the runways and taxi ways of nearlly all the airports of England Region.


All the patches and updates are installed.


I have not seen these trees isues on the other regions.


Is there any way to sort this trees issue of EU Englands


No other addon is installed , only FTX Global and EU England


Order #FSS0230903

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please start a separate support thread about the issue, with EU England in the title. This thread is meant for individual misplaced trees while your issue sounds like a general installation problem with EU ENG.


Cheers, Holger



Hi Holger


Have already done that. No reply yet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I did the patch for Bozeman and reinstalled the CRM.002 patch and I still have trees.I have no other KBZN files installed.FS Genesis mesh is disabled.I just go right thru them but would reaaly like to solve the problem.Thanks for any help.Ron

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I did the patch for Bozeman and reinstalled the CRM.002 patch and I still have trees.I have no other KBZN files installed.FS Genesis mesh is disabled.I just go right thru them but would reaaly like to solve the problem.Thanks for any help.Ron


You'll need to create your own support thread, this is only a thread to report errors, and no support is conducted here (too confusing)

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I do not have Bozeman payware just FTX CRM.I did the patch for Bozeman and reinstalled the CRM.002 patch and I still have trees.I have no other KBZN files installed.FS Genesis mesh is disabled.I just go right thru them but would reaaly like to solve the problem.Thanks for any help.Ron

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I do not have Bozeman payware just FTX CRM.I did the patch for Bozeman and reinstalled the CRM.002 patch and I still have trees.I have no other KBZN files installed.FS Genesis mesh is disabled.I just go right thru them but would reaaly like to solve the problem.Thanks for any help.Ron

You'll need to create your own support thread, this is only a thread to report errors, and no support is conducted here



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