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FTX wont install

Kim Sibbritt

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After almost 10 years with FS9 I have just moved on to FSX.From seeing all the wonderfull pics & videos of FTX I have purchased the intire catalogue [almost $2,000 ord.no.FSS0216605]

I have just tried to install the Australia base pk but get these error messages :

Unhandled exception error.

D\Flightsimx\Scenery\World\Texture\003g2wi1.bmp is denied.

When I try to open FTX Central I get error message :

D\Flightsimx\Scenery\World\Texture\002c2fa1.bmp is denied.

When I try to open FTX Aerol I get error message :

D\Flightsimx\Texture\Runway18dds is denied.

I have run the registry fix tool but it makes no difference.

I am no computer tech,I have no idea what these errors mean or how to fix them.I have tried unistalling & reinstalling 3 times but no change.

.I am running windows 7, 64 bit.

I install everything as Administrator,no firewalls,no virus scanners.

I am so disheartend I feel like sending all the product back for a refund

Can anyone please help.




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Hi there,


welcome to Orbx and sorry to hear about your installation woes.


I assume that D\Flightsimx\ is the correct path to your FSX installation? The error message indicates that either FTX Central cannot find the files it needs to copy or that there is an access permissions issue. "003g2wi1.bmp" doesn't exist in the default version of FSX and we need to create a duplicate of "003g2su1.bmp" (and other files) with that name. If FTXCentral cannot find "003g2su1.bmp" in \Scenery\World\texture or is not allowed to create a new file in that folder then it will give that error message. Please try the following:


1. Check that D\Flightsimx\ is your actual FSX folder and that a file named  "003g2su1.bmp" exists in D\Flightsimx\Scenery\World\texture

2. Right-click on your main FSX folder, select Properties and uncheck the "Read-only" Attributes checkbox, and, in the Security tab, ensure that you have "full control" as both administrator and user


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger,

I very much appreciate you speedy reply. First I must have a little fan gush.I had all your sceneries in FS9 your work is just outstanding !!!

Now to the problem at hand Yes FSX in on the D drive I only ever keep the operating system on the C drive.

The bmp you asked about is there however it appears as '003G2su1' The middle letter is a capital G not a lower case ?

The same with the other error message I got regarding '003g2wi1.bmp' It is also in the list but has a capital G instead of a lower case g ?

The error message when I started FTX Central regarding '002c2fa1.bmp' is there & is correct.

What do we do now.


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Hi Kim,


thanks for the words of appreciation!


Well, we've established that FTX Central is looking in the right place and that your original FSX installation is complete. The file movement scripts aren't case sensitive so it's not a matter of not finding "003GSu1" and others..


That leaves the issue with your system not allowing to create duplicate files as the likely culprit. Have you tried the steps in my second point above?


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger

Yes I have followed all your instructions.It seems the old addage 'the definition of an idiot is someone who repeats the same action expecting to get a different result' doesn't seem to apply to FSX.This time Orbx installed without any error messages.However when I started FTX Central & tried to apply Australia I got an 'Unhandled exception error' message. I've attached the details in the hope you can use it to track down the problem :


*** Exception Text **************

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'D:\Flightsim X\Texture\BLDG2.dds' is denied.

   at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)

   at System.IO.File.InternalCopy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite)

   at System.IO.File.Copy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite)

   at FTXCentral.FTX_Environment.CopyBuildRestoreBat()

   at FTXCentral.FTX_Environment.ApplyRegionChanges()

   at FTXCentral.FTXC.Apply()

   at FTXCentral.FTXC.lblApplyButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)

   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)

   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)

   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)

   at System.Windows.Forms.Label.WndProc(Message& m)

   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)

   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)



************** Loaded Assemblies **************


    Assembly Version:

    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5466 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)

    CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll



    Assembly Version:

    Win32 Version:

    CodeBase: file:///D:/Flightsim%20X/ORBX/Scripts/FTXCentral/FTXCentral.exe



    Assembly Version:

    Win32 Version: 8.0.50727.5420 (Win7SP1.050727-5400)

    CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.VisualBasic/



    Assembly Version:

    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5467 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)

    CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/



    Assembly Version:

    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5468 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)

    CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/



    Assembly Version:

    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5467 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)

    CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/



    Assembly Version:

    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5420 (Win7SP1.050727-5400)

    CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Runtime.Remoting/



    Assembly Version:

    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5420 (Win7SP1.050727-5400)

    CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/



    Assembly Version:

    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5420 (Win7SP1.050727-5400)

    CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/



    Assembly Version:

    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5467 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)

    CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/



    Assembly Version:

    Win32 Version: 3.5.30729.5420 built by: Win7SP1

    CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Core/



    Assembly Version:

    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.5467 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)

    CodeBase: file:///C:/windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/



************** JIT Debugging **************

To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this

application or computer (machine.config) must have the

jitDebugging value set in the system.windows.forms section.

The application must also be compiled with debugging



For example:



    <system.windows.forms jitDebugging="true" />



When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception

will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer

rather than be handled by this dialog box.




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Hi Holger,

Updates are on my to do list.I've used up all my current download allowance on all the FTX scenery.My new allowance wont kick in till the 18 july.

Progress at the moment though,I now have partial installation,

Correct landclass displays

Correct coast lines & rivers display

Correct roads display

But I have no autogen,the landscape is flat

I still get an error message when trying to use FTX Aero : 'Runway 18 & Taxiway markings are denied.

This so frustrating.Ive been installing other products 'Ground enviroment X,Traffic 360,REX, Shade & Grass inhancements,all installed without any problems.

The one scenery I most wanted FTX is making me pull my hair pull my hair out.Well if I still had any let left,it would.

I am VERY gratefull for the help you are giving me.


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Hi Kim,


I'd appreciate if you could let me know which steps you actually took otherwise I'm losing track of what to check. 


If you don't have download bandwidth for the current Orbx Libraries you can try the following: check if there's a folder named "Backup" in D\Flightsimx\ORBX\Scripts\. If not create a new folder by that name and then try running FTXCentral again.


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger,

Yes the "Backup" folder is there containing BLDG2.dds.

The steps I have taken so far are

:1 Followed your original instructions in your first reply exactly

.2 Completed a new clean installation of FTX. This time it installed without any error messages.I now have : Landclass,Roads,Coastlines &Rivers,but no Autogen & I  am still getting the' access denied' message when I try to run FTX  Aero Runway 18 & Taxiway textures.


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Hi Holger,

An update,just installed NZ north & south island base packs.No problems untill I went into FTX Central to apply the region.I got the error message 'D\Flightsim x\Texture\BLDA2.dds is denied.'

When applying Australia the error message was BLDG2.dds.What are these two textures that are denied ?

Is this whats causing the Autogen not to display ?


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Hi Kim,


those files are autogen building sidewall textures that are part of a default FSX installation in its main \Texture folder. If you still get error messages about those then either they don't exist -- check in D\Flightsim x\Texture\ -- or the file access permission issue has not been fully resolved (your continuing error message with FTX Aero seems to indicate the latter). With FTX Central set to Australia/Oceania, how many files do you have in \ORBX\Scripts\Backup? 


Not sure though why autogen wouldn't show up because that's not dependent on those textures (we just replace them with more appropriate types for the respective regions). Perhaps post a couple of screenshots so that we can do a visual diagnosis. See http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/38447-how-to-post-a-screenshot-on-the-orbx-forums/


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger,

I have taken  two screenshots but I can not find anyway to attach them to a reply.  I have read the posting guide provided and looked under "attachments" but can not find the "choose file" button described.  Therefore I can not select the file from the computer to attach.  What am I missing?

The BLDG2.dds & BLDA2.dds are both present in D\Flightsimx\Texture & also are the only two files in the Scripts\Backup folder.

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I don't want to get in the way of Holger's excellent detective work here but it does seem like a permissions problem you're having with Windows. What version of Windows are you running and do you have User Account Control (UAC) disabled?

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Hi Holger,

I've done more digging & sorted how to post the screen shots. This is the area around my home airport of Jandakot YPJT.As you can see there is no Autogen every thing other than the airport scenery itself is flat .







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Hi Holger,

This just goes from bad to worse.I switched back to the default textures to check that autogen was working there,it was .But now FTX Central wont switch back to the ORBX textures.I am becoming very disillusioned with this product.I have paid all thus money & have nothing to show for it.


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Hi Kim


I just had a quick look at the error message you list and have spotted the following:



    Assembly Version:

    Win32 Version:

    CodeBase: file:///D:/Flightsim%20X/ORBX/Scripts/FTXCentral/FTXCentral.exe


The Codebase file indicates it is looking for a directory in your D Drive that has a space between the Flightsim and the X, (D:\Flightsim X)  rather than D:\FlightsimX.  I don't know enough about the way FTX looks for its directories but that is showing a red flag to me.  Perhaps Holger can advise further.
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Hi Holger,

Yes there is a space 'Flightsim X'.I've just had a computer tech out to check through my system.All admin rights have been set correctly.I have then uninstalled the entire flightsim & started again.All FTX base packs have been installed ,the only problem this time was with Canada Northern Rockies where I got the access denied message for D\Flightsim X\Scenery\World\Texture 029b2m1qq.bmp. Still no Autogen anywhere,& FTX Aero still shows error message 'Access denied to Runway 18.dds & Taxiway marks.dds. 


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Hi Kim,


so you're able now to switch freely between different FTX Central regions without error messages? Also, selecting "Default" returns an area to the default FSX state and brings back autogen?


Does the FTX block of entries sit at the top of your scenery library menu or do you have other entries above it? I can't really think of a reason for our autogen not displaying since we only replace autogen textures and not objects, especially in NA and Australia. Our custom landclass textures (in the region's "...08_CUSTOM/texture" folders) have associated .agn autogen files. If those files are present, and the autogen display slider is above 0, and no third-party file is active that suppresses autogen, then our autogen will display.


FTX Aero swaps the default "runway18.dds" and "taxiway_marks.dds" files with custom versions. It first makes copies of the existing files (residing in the main FSX "Texture" folder) in the "\ORBX\Scripts\Aero\Backup" folder and then copies the replacements into the main \Texture folder. Again, your error message suggest that FTX Aero either can't find those two files or it doesn't have permission to create the backup versions into "\ORBX\Scripts\Aero\Backup".


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Kim


Two things I would like to add:


1.  I often get the unhandled exception error message when changing regions, I just click ignore and restart FTX Central and the issue is resolved.  So if you get the error message try and click through it.  My FSX install is C:\FSX which is about as simple as it is possible to be, I'm guessing that buried deep in the coding is a single line that is still looking for the default install path and it pops up under occasional circumstances.


2.  Having reinstalled FSX several times last year when my computer was having a problem I know how much of a pain it can be but I also know the value of systematic investigation when trying to find a cause for inexplicable errors.  Because of that, if I were faced with your situation, I would firstly uninstall FSX again, and install using the default C:\ Drive install path.  If autogen showed up OK as it should, I would then install the FTX region pack once again using the default install paths.  If autogen showed up OK it would point to a possible permissions issue in your UAC for the other drive.  If autogen didn't show up or you got error messages, it might be indicating a problem with a firewall or other virus protection software, or once again a hidden UAC problem.


I don't know how much you have gone in to UAC but I discovered recently that not only did I need to set up UAC as per the recommended settings, but I also had to set ownership, sharing and permissions for various folders in order to have free access to the files within.  With that in mind it is possible that although your UAC settings may appear to be in order, there may be more advanced settings that are responsible for your woes.


I feel for you, I really do.

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Hi Holger,

When I change between regions I  still get error messages ;

North America - 'D:\Flightsim x \Autogen\RoofDescriptions.spb  access is denied.

Oceana & Europe -  'D:\Flightsim x \Texture\BLDG2.dds access is denied.

FTX Central hangs & nothing happens,so I close it down .When I next open it the region has changed ?

Still no Autogen. FTX scenery all are placed in the scenery library above everything else.

When I first reinstalled FSX I had all Autogen displaying.After installing FTX all Autogen is gone.

I dont know what could be causing a conflict,as I mentioned in my previous reply Ive paid a computer tech to completely go through my system to make sure everything is set up correctly.

As for the FTX Aero the Runway18 & Taxiway files both show up in the Backup folder & the ' FSX_ SP2_originals folder.

Would copying the two FTX Aero files into the main FSX Texture folder over-ride the blockage ? If so where are the Aero files located ?

I can certainly live without the FTX Aero, but Ive got to somehow get the Auotgen working.  there's no joy flying over a flat landclass.


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Hi John,

Unfortunately changing FSX back to the C drive is not an option.Its not big enough only a 250 gb SSD used for the operating system.

When I first installed FSX all the Autogen was displaying & only after installing FTX did it dissapear ?

I paid a computer tech to set up all the access protocols as I had read about in various forums including NEVER let FSX install to the default position , if he missed something I dont have the skills check it without a step by step path to follow.


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Hi Kim,


there's no requirement of ours to run FSX on a specific drive. Mine resides in D:\FSX and everything works just fine. What is required is a correct FSX registry entry and file access unimpeded by settings or software. Sadly, it looks like a fundamental issue with your setup remains in this regards, something that has changed little if at all since your first post.


Manually moving files around won't help because the next time you run FTX Aero or Central the same issues will occur.


Can you perhaps run one of the registry checkers and take a screenshot of its user interface with your FSX path? Also, with FTX Central set to Oceania, take a screenshot of the \ORBX\Scripts\Backup folder, with Explorer set to View > Details so that we can read full file names and dates.


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Kim,


Does sound like a windows permission issue.

You could try the hidden admin account, 


Logging on as Administrator does not give you full elevated permissions on everything, sadly, this is by design and the real admin account is hidden.


1. Type cmd into the search box,   right click on the cmd.exe and select  'run as administrator'

2.  In the cmd window, type the following;


net user administrator /active:yes  then press enter.


3.  when acknowledged as successfull, close and reboot the computer.

4.  The start screen will now have a new account to access, ie,   ' Administrator'.

5.  log on with this account.   You should now have full elevated permissions.

6.  to hide it again,  repeat  with  :no at the end


There is also the possibility that the permissions in the registry may be set to deny access,  very rare, but can happen with some installs.


open regedit, and if you right click on each directory and select permissions,  check there is no denied access.

Go to advanced and make sure the checkbox 'inherit from parent permissions' etc etc. is ticked


At  least it may help track down the denied access issues.



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Just another thought,


If you right click on your FSX folder, select properties, then security, advanced, then permissions.


you can change permissions on everything contained in the FSX folder. no need to go through them all.


Make sure you select your user name and have full control on the folder, then tick the box which say's;


'Replace permission entries on all child objects with entries shown here that apply to child objects.'

then apply or OK.


This will reset all files and folders contained in the FSX folder with full control.

you may have to do this with the registry as well.  


hope this helps,



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Hi Holger & Ron,

I've attached the two screen shots you requested Holger.

I've applied the second suggestion from Ron & now have partial Autogen.Strange I would have thought it would be all or nothing ?

Have attached two screen shots to illustrate.

The first is an area around YPJT, here I now have Commercial Buildings showing but no Houses .

The second is near YSTW, the yellow Landclass tiles have full Autogen,but the green tiles have none.

Look forward to your take on this.










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Hi Kim,


thanks for the screenshots. It seems to me that the registry entry is OK, especially since a few files have been copied into the Backup folder. However, there should be many more, about 125 files, depending on which AU/NZ regions you have installed. You can cross-check in the \ORBX\Scripts\Custom.au folder; it contains the replacement files and FTX Central should make a backup copy of the default version of each file in the \Backup folder. Its failure to do so again points to the issue with access permissions. 


I'm a bit surprised that you state that Ron's suggestion helped (somewhat) because I've already suggested that step as #2 in my very first response to you. 


In any case your scenery screenshots show that you have a mix of default and Orbx landclass textures active plus default autogen trees (what little there are), which is no surprise given that FTX Central isn't able to copy all the required files. Have you tried cycling FTX central since implementing Ron's suggestion?


Cheers, Holger

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I have followed this thread since 26/6 and i am sorry for interrupting (wont happend again, i swear)

But Something is fundamentel wrong here,i think.

Pictures is sometimes better to tell the story and mutch easyer than words to get to the point.

Im awere that you are a former user of the FS9, so there is a bit of chances there.

Here is my path for FSX.

Your install path for ORBX wil be D:Flightsim X, and nothing more.

When i first install ORBx-AU, i tryed it and make sure that it was installed propely and worked. With HolgerMech and patches.





Im really sorry if i brake some roules here, but i cuttent resist.

For the record i can say that ive never had/have this kinde of problems.

But still i am curious.

Kind regards



Btw. just ignore this, if its too stupid.

And Sibbritt, just hang on,  it wil be great when solved. ::)


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Hi Holger & Henrik,

Your comments are very welcome Henrik, the more suggestions people come up with the better chance I have to get FTX working.The only difference I could see between our two setup entries was in the Orbx Scripts.Under the 'Type' heading yours show ' XML- fil ' ,mine show as ' XML- Document ' I dont know if this makes a difference & I've attached a screen shot .

Holger I have tried cycling between regions in FTX Central.Still no improvement.Some areas are worse than others.I've attached a screen shot of the Europe Region near  Cardiff in Wales.As you can see the landclass is a complete mess there.

I've uninstalled & reinstalled the complete flightsim twice now & exactly the same problem occurs with FTX.I thought I had followed all the directions for setting up admin & user account controls correctly but obviously I have missed some crucial step.I knew my way around FS9 & XP,but with FSX & windows 7 I dont have the tech. skill beyond very basic.I need hands on help.

Are there any FTX experts living around Perth, Western Australia ? I will gladly pay them for their time to come & sort this problem out.






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Hi Sibbritt.

I know that this is way over my head and im sure that Holger is the right person to help you, however i have sometimes experienced, that my FSX.CFG hang and wont allow me to change

contry, lets say from Unitet State to Australia. In that case you could try refreshing the CFG, as always back up your old CFG file, before deleting it or simply make it an OFF file (fsx.OFF)




Best regards



Btw. i think that the Fil/Document thing, is becaurse my OS is Danish???

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Hi Holger, Henrik & all,

A forum member Ron who lives close to me kindly came over & spent 3 hrs going through my system.All permissions are set as should be,no viruses are present,registry paths are correct,but FTX will just not install properly.I cant think of what else to do except wiping the whole computer,reinstalling windows 7 & starting again.


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Assuming that FSX itself is not corrupted in some way, I suspect that uninstalling all FTX entries and starting installing those again might be helpful for problem solving.


1. Remove ORBX entries, by following the instructions here:



2. Confirm that FSX SP2 is installed and working normally

3. Shut down and restart computer


4. Start Reinstalling FTX, perhaps starting with FTXAu, and then the latest SP4 patch. (Confirm that it works before proceeding)


If you get any errors STOP, do not proceed, note the details, and lets work from there.

This will assist problem solving, and stop problems from compounding.

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Hi Ian,

Unfortunately no difference.When I try to apply the Australia region in FTX Central I get the same error message 'Access Denied to D\Flightsim X\Texture\BLDG2.dds'.I click continue & FTX Central hangs.When I go into the flightsim there is a mixture of FTX & default LC .Trees, Coastlines,Rivers & Roads appear to be FTX,but Autogen displays commercial buildings but no houses.Every other product I've installed ,including Ground Enviroment X has worked perfectly.After every suggestion by forum members I've tried, nothing works.The only logical assumption I can make is that there must be something inherently wrong with FTX ?Though way this is only happening with my flightsim is a mystery.All the FTX airports work fine, I guess I'm just going to have to put up with another LC.Such a pitty.


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Hi Ian,

An update.I've been playing around manually loading the various FTX files one at a time into the scenery library & then checking  to see what it looks like in FSX & have discovered that file 'FTXAU48_CUSTOM' is the problem.All the other files work,but this one loads the TREES & LC & removes the Autogen Houses & allows some default LC to also display. 

Another question , The folder' FTX_ NA' contains 3 files :




What are they for ?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,

Sucess at last.I have wiped & completely reinstalled windows 7.Then started again installing FSX & FTX.Everything now works.

I also uninstalled Google Chrome which I had been using & reverted back to Windows intertnet explorer.

I remembered reading somewhere that FSX needed WIEx for some reason.

Whether it was that or the operating system it all works now & looks great.

Thank you everyone who offered advice.


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Hi All,

Sucess at last.I have wiped & completely reinstalled windows 7.Then started again installing FSX & FTX.Everything now works.




Interesting.  I had to do exactly the same thing a couple of years ago.  Installed Windows 7 and had all sorts of permission and installation problems.  Got annoyed and re-installed, didn't change anything in the install routine, but the second time everything worked.


Never ever underestimate the power of computers to frustrate.

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