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John York

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Just installed a new Dell 27" monitor.


My goodness, what a difference it makes from my previous 22" Samsung.


I'm seeing things I never noticed before and can actually see the cockpit instruments now!  So no more guessing. :D



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Make sure you are running it in digital mode ( thats using the cable with the white plugs ) , rather than running it in analogue mode ( thats using the cable with the blue plugs). The improvment in clarity is quite noticable.

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Hi fellers.


Yes, sorry.  I should explain.  Firstly,  with photography.  Even though, as you know, I'm over the hill,  I've had quite a few shoots to do over the last few months which kept me quite busy.  Also, people have been reading them, so I've also been busy revising a couple of my books.  Then, of course, there's golf.  What a time waster that is!  But its fun.   I've also discovered Kindle and have been busy reading the authors work that I've been missing because the paperbacks these days have such grey paper and grey ink that they're a pain to read.  The whole thing's a problem.  I should get a job.  I had more spare time when I was working!


 And, as for flying,  I must confess I got impatient waiting for Orbx to expand the US scenery so I've been downloading the freeware Blue Sky Western United States photo scenery.


I still occasionally fly in Australia and New Zealand and, as you know, I fly in the UK and Europe photo scenery.


I have been keeping my eye on you all though and have been in touch with Iain privately a couple of times while I've been away.


Now, to answer your questions about the subject.  I wouldn't hesitate to have two more of these monitors but space is at a premium in the apartment where I live. Lastly, sorry, but I want and prefer analogue mode.  The monitor is HD and backlit anyway so I can't really see it would make that much difference.


See you around chaps.  Thanks for your kind words.



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Congrats on the new monitor :) I'm running a 22" still - I remember how big it looked and how clear everything seemed compared to the 19" I was running before...The difference going to 27" must be even greater. Might take the plunge after my finances have recovered from the total sim PC overhaul coming this summer...

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Thanks JimmiG.


As I said I had a 22" and thought it was the 'cat's whiskers' when I first had it.  I got it mainly for my photography interests so it was a pretty high spec' one.  When I started flying however I became increasingly concerned about the view it offered both inside and outside the cockpit.  I suppose my sight deteriorated even though I have new spectacles every couple of years and I was finding it difficult to read the instruments, especially in aircraft like the F1 Cessna Mustang and some of the helicopters.   Outside, the view was quite restricted too unless I flew with outside view on and I suspect you must feel that too.


The 27" monitor has changed all that.  I can read the Mustang's instruments now without having to bend forward and the outside view is incredible.


If you're going for a complete PC overhaul, I would thoroughly recommend you do your best to include a large monitor 27" - or bigger if you can in your budget.  It will completely change your flying experience for the better even if neither of us can have three of them! ;)



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