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The Dream continues..


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You're right, Roger, but the excitement is tempered by exhaustion.

The integration of the yokes is a big job and is certainly presenting a challenge. I've modified my centre box section to hold the cross-over tube.

Now, I'm trying to work out a good solution to the pitch and roll integration within the frame. I want to install hall sensor pots and this may mean I need to modify things a bit to accommodate.

Matt has done all the hard work, engineering the centring springs and shock absorbers. I was able to easily adapt them to the frame.

So, it's off to the drawing board and the net to source some components and make them work.


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Another little update after an epic day.

Old mate from Sunny Coast,(Tom),arrived early and we headed down to Bunning to buy 8 lengths of 90 x 45 untreated pine, coach bolts and 150mm long screws.

We then came back, cut the pine to the correct lengths and added the 90mm timber to the existing frame.

It seems easy, but it actually took us most of the day. When we finished, we attached the castors to the new base and then turned the unit back over.

Here's some pics:

Adding the 90 x 45 lengths of pine to the original base:



And then trying to put the modified centre section back into the base, (notice the big "wally thumper" for persuasion...):



The truth is, I was beat and I decided to tackle this little job in the morning. Time to go take a shower and put the feet up.

There's always tomorrow.....


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It almost seems like a daily thing now, this updating caper....

Anyway, I got the yokes in today and started on the logistics of getting them to operate properly within my base.

I've got a bit of work to do, but it's getting there:




Oh, the bit of timber holding the yokes upright was only there until I added the shock absorbers. They are now fitted and I'll be working on the springs and tensioners next.

As Iain says..."slowly, slowly, catch a monkey"


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Well, I had an epic failure this morning.

I've been working on the spring system for the lateral axes. Thought I had a wonderful solution, but turned out to be anything but.

Here's my fail:


I'm back to the drawing board and going to closely look at the cam system that my engineer friend suggested. It's going to take more time, but I think will offer a better solution.

I suppose they can't all be genius ideas.....


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They just aren't appropriate in the situation. The springs are far too strong and I'd need to relocate them for them to be able to operate properly.

The cam system is a lot smaller and should be a better alternative. It's on the drawing board at the moment and I'll be taking a trip to the hardware to see what I can come up with to manufacture the tensioner.

I'm also thinking of coupling the movement sensor system to it as well. That way, I could kill two birds with the one stone.

Thinking, thinking.....


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Hello Frank

May I ask what your intentions are for visuals?

I have been struggling to reach a solution. I have played with WidevieW, Triple Head To Go and the New GTX Titan card - it seems which ever direction I take I am going to have to compromise on settings and Add-Ons. I know when I'm in the Cockpit I spend very little time looking out of the 'windows' but I have always imagined an Orbx World filled with Rex clouds and online AI traffic - I am beginning to think this is not possible?

The Closest I have come is Triple Head To Go @ 3840 x 1024 res; using a zoom of .7 to give most FOV/Perf. Even wideview has drawbacks using 3 separate PC's - I may need to get a reality check with regards my expectations

I would really appreciate your view on this


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Hi Andrew.

My visuals are going to be very close to what you've mentioned.

To start with, as we all know FSX is very CPU intensive, so I have a 3970x with 32GB Ram, PCI-E SSD and the GTX TITAN as well.

This combination, even raw and not overclocked should be more than enough to get mid to high graphics.

I have a triple head 2 go digital and will be using three short (about .5) throw HD projectors. The screen will be high gain wraparound 180-220degree.

There is an inbuilt fault with FSX when using the 3 outside views (about FPS), but some bright spark from one of the forums has worked it out.

It gives you back quite a few frames and corrects the views. I'll certainly be looking into that, as well.

I am still a few months off, even thinking about my visuals, but most of my gear is sitting by, waiting.


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Hi Andrew.My visuals are going to be very close to what you've mentioned.To start with, as we all know FSX is very CPU intensive, so I have a 3970x with 32GB Ram, PCI-E SSD and the GTX TITAN as well.This combination, even raw and not overclocked should be more than enough to get mid to high graphics.I have a triple head 2 go digital and will be using three short (about .5) throw HD projectors. The screen will be high gain wraparound 180-220degree.There is an inbuilt fault with FSX when using the 3 outside views (about FPS), but some bright spark from one of the forums has worked it out.It gives you back quite a few frames and corrects the views. I'll certainly be looking into that, as well.I am still a few months off, even thinking about my visuals, but most of my gear is sitting by, waiting.Frank

Hi Frank

Thanks for the response

I am so fed up keep buying the latest hardware to little avail :(

Could you please point me in the correct direction for the 3 views please?

When I tried this I had a 'slide show' and about 5 FPS! Using the Titan is hard on the system in surround mode as I can't lower the resolution - the nvidia CP offers some bizarre ones. The TH2GO gives better Perf on a 580 than the Titan does for 3 views - maybe I should try the THTGO off the Titan?


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What's the cpu you're running in that machine, and is it OC'd?


I've run my last machine in the cockpit environment with very good results.


It was a 3960x with 32GB RAM, PCI-E SSD and a GTX680. It was running full high def to 2 x 32" lcd's throo a dual head2go diplay port.

I did not have it OC'd and was getting better frames than my OC'd 3770 Ivy Bridge on triple head2go.


I was also running a clean Win7 64bit install with only FSX and my ProSim stuff and associated cockpit software. It also took about a week to install all of the FSX and FTX goodies and tweaks (very few), but it was running faultlessly when I stripped it a few weeks back.

It's now the machine I'm typing from and my next build in a few weeks will be the new 3970x machine for the cockpit.






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What's the cpu you're running in that machine, and is it OC'd?

I've run my last machine in the cockpit environment with very good results.

It was a 3960x with 32GB RAM, PCI-E SSD and a GTX680. It was running full high def to 2 x 32" lcd's throo a dual head2go diplay port.

I did not have it OC'd and was getting better frames than my OC'd 3770 Ivy Bridge on triple head2go.

I was also running a clean Win7 64bit install with only FSX and my ProSim stuff and associated cockpit software. It also took about a week to install all of the FSX and FTX goodies and tweaks (very few), but it was running faultlessly when I stripped it a few weeks back.

It's now the machine I'm typing from and my next build in a few weeks will be the new 3970x machine for the cockpit.


Hi Frank

Thank you for the PM - very much appreciated.

My 4 systems:

P8Z68 Deluxe, I72600k OC to 4.8, 8gig g-skill ripjaws ram 7-8-7-24-2, GTX 580 (but tested with New Titan this weekend), 1200w PSU, Corsair H80 cooler, Caviar Black HDD and crucial adrenaline ssd cache.

I have 7 other PC's running Project Magenta, no software in the server but WidevieW and FSUIPC - all other software on clients.

When I did my Titan testing I had no WidevieW just FSUIPC and my add-ons REX etc.

I built these just for FSX, stripped services back to 48 while FSX is running,

That's about it I think.

Are you going to run your three windows through the Titan or Titan via TH2GO?

Thanks and Regards


P.S With sincerity - thanks for your time

Edit - if anyone who is enjoying this thread (and I see so many are) I appologise in advance for going off Topic; I will do my best to keep it to a minimum.

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Without going in to great detail, Andrew, I think (as we've already discussed) the cpu dependence on FSX is at the core of the problem.

It is my opinion (and based on my own experiences) the 2600k versus the 8 core 3960x or 3970x cpu are worlds apart in processor grunt. OC'ing can only do so much.

Again, if you look at the stats, they will bear out the difference in clock cycles, etc., but I'd think it's more to the extra cores that are providing the extra performance needed.

I went down the road of SLI in the early days, only to realise that FSX likes single gpu cards better. Whilst we've been having this conversation NVIDIA have released the GTX780, with performance equal to the TITAN card and 3 GB onboard RAM. Whilst many single screen users would never benefit from all that gpu power, a three projector set-up would eat it up.

I think this card will outperform the Titan within FSX. It's also cheaper, which is an added bargain.

Lastly, you also need to look at the underlying avionics suite. I won't go into the why's and wherefores of different systems, but I chose my suite over the other two for a very good reason.

I tested full versions of all three within my cockpit environment. For me, ProSim came out on top. It was not only the best overall package in performance, but it had several other attributes that made it stand out from the competition.

It's horses for courses, really. Nothing I've said above is meant to influence anybody, it's what has worked for me and unfortunately, it may not be the right choice for others.

So, there you have it.

I have another update coming up later today or tomorrow, so for the followers, more to come,


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Hi Frank

Thanks for your opinions and suggestions above - I am going to research the CPU scenario now.

I was taught however that FSX will only use 4 cores and that if I had an 8 core processor I would only get half the Perf of a 4 core one. I have been challenging this theory lately though - Is an 8 core CPU (stock clocked) running at 3.5ghz it's total Perf of the 8 cores, or do they each run at that clock? If they do I was taught wrong!

Anyway thanks for everything - you have been very helpful

Looking forward to the next update frank

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Well, here's an update, of sorts.

The wife and I have had a few discussions of late about our current household power requirements and the projected power requirements when the sim is fully operational.

It's pretty scary at the moment, with all of the power price hikes going on and such (look out, as of the 1st june, Qld!).

So, we decided that we should go solar. After doing our research, we've opted for a large system to get the best return available.

Finding a reputable company was relatively easy as there is ample evidence around for those heading down that path.

We've had quite a few quotes over the past few weeks and the last one came today.

We've settled on a system, panels and an installer, now.

I had plans to visit my favourite hardware store and start on the yoke centring system today, but the installer put paid to that, so there will always be tomorrow.

I did use the time wisely, tho, with a good long spot of training, so not all was lost.

I guess it could be construed that the sim has cost me the price of a new house, 5 grands worth of renovations and now 10 grand for solar, but at the end of the day, if I hadn't been building the sim, I would have bought the house and gone solar anyway.

It does appear that there's been a domino effect from the sim, but I could also argue that it has led me to some pretty sound investments in the past 12 months.

Anyhow, I now won't have to worry about running lower spec hardware, just to save on the power. And the grandkids will be able to fly the skys anytime of the day or night, as long as the old guy can keep awake....


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Good one, Iain, I've never heard that one before, I love it! You're right, mate, you are a long time dead...

Been to early morning pilates with my gorgeous little gym instructor. Then dropped in to Bunnings on the way home to buy some goodies.

Will be looking at making the spring mounted wheel for the centring mechanism this morning.

Should be a busy day.


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No worries, my friend.

That is what this wonderful community is all about, helping each other out.

Anyhow, being that my sim is going to fly the Ozzie airways, I thought it was high time I bought ORBX's latest gem, Broome.

I loaded up a flight last night from Broome to Darwin and va-va-va-voom!

Now that is some spectacular stuff. I was not only amazed at the brilliant surrounds, sounds and view points, but flying out of Broome was so spectacular.

I took some V key shots, but unfortunately I can't show them, as I've got on a new livery for OzSim and it hasn't been approved yet, so tonight I'll be doing the YBRM to YPPH, which is a pretty long flight, and I'll get some beautiful shots to show then.

The boys have produced another spectacular Ozzie icon. Certainly, when my sim is all finished, the first flights I'll be organizing will be around Australia, stopping at all of these wonderful spots.

So another big heartfelt Thanx to John and the crew for the best FTX scenery, it just floors me how lucky we all are for this amazing Company's dedication to the advancement to our hobby!


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You are right, guys.

as promised, I've posted some shots of the wonderful Broome area and a beautiful trip to Perth over on the Community Screenshots page.

Here's a little taste-tester....


It was a long and enjoyable flight, however my ATC sort of lost the plot close to Perth and had me criss-crossing the runway until I was established on the localiser at runway 03.

Don't know what happened there.

More to come.....


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I've just had the most awesome news.

I have had a small windfall from a court case and I am now going to have the funds to buy my projectors and screen straight away.


After shelling out the money for my room renovation, I'd envisaged a slow down on the project and I gave myself another 12 months to get it to a flyable stage. I will now have to revise that figure.


That is not to say, that I have to resolve my current hold-up with the yokes, which is taking some time to sort.


Wow, I'm really pumped, I'm off now to check on the projector status around the world.......



More updates, soon....





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good on ya frank,great news,i havent posted here for a while,as im getting ready to relocate to my new home,packing and more packing lol, but just seen the updated,looking awesome my friend! once again hats of to your hard work mate :)

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Hey Frank, we should set up a multiplayer flight sometime that people can join in and fly as your wingmen during your round Australia jaunt, I could even bang up some ozsim paints for some other aircraft :)

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I've just had the most awesome news.

I have had a small windfall from a court case and I am now going to have the funds to buy my projectors and screen straight away.

After shelling out the money for my room renovation, I'd envisaged a slow down on the project and I gave myself another 12 months to get it to a flyable stage. I will now have to revise that figure.

That is not to say, that I have to resolve my current hold-up with the yokes, which is taking some time to sort.

Wow, I'm really pumped, I'm off now to check on the projector status around the world.......

More updates, soon....


Awesome one Frank - good for you pal :)

Please keep us posted on the projectors; I am really interested in this part of your build. I have promised to reward myself with 3 projectors if I pass my PPL skills test this month - so am really interested in your choice.

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The current favourite is the Benq W1080ST, which is a short throw high def 3D projector.


I shot an email off to an old guru mate of mine in Melbourne, but he raised a few questions I need answers for, before parting with some well received dollars... 


The problem is that you really need to fit the projector to your room. I have the dimensions of the room and I know the dimensions of my curved screen, so it's now a matter of getting the most suitable projector for the job.


It's nice to have the loot to buy all three at one time, as buying one at a time would certainly make the whole process that much harder.


I'm also looking at the joining software at the moment, too. There are a few good solutions out there for that, too.


More info as I get it.....






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The current favourite is the Benq W1080ST, which is a short throw high def 3D projector.

I shot an email off to an old guru mate of mine in Melbourne, but he raised a few questions I need answers for, before parting with some well received dollars...

The problem is that you really need to fit the projector to your room. I have the dimensions of the room and I know the dimensions of my curved screen, so it's now a matter of getting the most suitable projector for the job.

It's nice to have the loot to buy all three at one time, as buying one at a time would certainly make the whole process that much harder.

I'm also looking at the joining software at the moment, too. There are a few good solutions out there for that, too.

More info as I get it.....


I can see on the forums people are liking the Benq - I will have a measure up and check the specs etc.

Look forward to more info when it comes

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So, the good news is that I've been busy. Today, I had a very constructive day.

I managed to nail the pitch centring. I also reworked the cross-over tube to conform more to my base. It involved a lot of drilling and filing and hammering, but most of the work is done.


I still have a ways to go yet, with the roll centring unit to be finished and installed. Then I have to make the gearboxes for the potentiometers.


I lost the mojo there for a while, but I'm back firing again now and the old brain is ticking over quite nicely, so i'll strike while the iron's hot.


I'll try and get a few pics of the modifications tomorrow.







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Well, after a great weekend, it was back to the grind again today.


I've all but finished the centring for my pitch and just have the roll to do now.


After that, I still have to draw up and make the gear mechanisms for the pots. I had contacted a mate of mine in WA, Gwyn Perret of Aerosim Solutions about it, asking how he'd done his.


Gwyn is a brilliant engineer, who's building his own 737 as well. The man is a total perfectionist and is always so busy.


Anyway, Gwyn has some left over parts from his yoke assembly and has offered them to me. I am eternally grateful to him, as I know he's busy, but that's the type of guy he is.


So, I need to shoot some pics and dimensions off to him tonight so he can see what he has there to work.


And, here's a few pics of my mastery so far:









Looking forward to finishing this off, so I can get my floor back down and start building again,





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Mum's the word on the termites, mate.


That's why I moved earlier this year. The place I was in was infested with them. I had this place thoroughly inspected, tho and the guy will be coming back every year till I turn up my toes. I got too much tied up in this to let those little pesky varmints eat it all away!!!






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Mum's the word on the termites, mate.

That's why I moved earlier this year. The place I was in was infested with them. I had this place thoroughly inspected, tho and the guy will be coming back every year till I turn up my toes. I got too much tied up in this to let those little pesky varmints eat it all away!!!


How extraordinary, we don't (at least I don't) hear about those things in England!

Keep em away Frank!!

Sim is looking good pal - keep those pics coming; really enjoying them

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Well, I spent yesterday updating the two avionics computers for the sim.


I bought a couple of GT630's for the MIP PC. It's amazing how quickly your system gets behind with updates in a few months. I'm also looking at running a few add-ons that I've acquired and tested for the sim, on one of the avionics PC's. My ATC prog and AS2012 would run nicely off either system, as they are both i7's with 16gb ram each.


So, now they are running in tip top shape. I'm hoping to have them all hooked up for testing in a few weeks.


Now I need to go do some work on my roll centring system,





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