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Bell ringing

John York

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Am I going nuts in my old age or does anyone else get what sounds like a bell being rung once roughly every six seconds during flights?

I tend to get it toward the end of flights. It's not loud but can be heard if you see what I mean.

I always get the feeling that its an omen. Its the sort of tone you would associate with impending disaster! :unsure:


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Its certainly not the Carenado C210 Terry because I don't have that 'plane.

I've heard it when flying IFR in the the Epic Victory, Quest Kodiak and XP 20 series Learjet.

I haven't turned an engine off during flight so I don't know about that. Still, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I thought i had started hearing things and that would be difficult 'cos I've gone deaf in my left ear for the present and am waiting treatment for it.

As Iain says; ding,dong chaps. ;D


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That's funny Bassman, my wife say's the same. Do you think they're related? :-

Oh, you can also add Ants Eaglet and Sierra to that list, I don't think its actually the type of 'plane that's the cause although it may be the planes having something in common that's triggering it. Its certainly not the scenery either so Jaydor's idea it's an audio problem may have some bearing on it but goodness knows how you go about finding that!

Oh well, it's probably going to be a case of 'cockin' a deaf'n' for the forseeable future. It's not that irritating, just curious.


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Mine has started "dinging" when flying the 737NGX with EzDoc - My searching showed "low memory". I have 8 gig on Win7 64 - Will have to explore further...go fixure.......never happened until I installed EzDoc.

Good luck,


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Yes, it does seem to be connected with low memory but not RAM. Its probably virtual memory but I don't know much about that or how to manipulate it.

Apparently the recent update to FSUIPC includes the ding as a warning.

Basically, if it is VM, there should be a way to increase the amount available to FSX?


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Yes, it does seem to be connected with low memory but not RAM. Its probably virtual memory but I don't know much about that or how to manipulate it.

Apparently the recent update to FSUIPC includes the ding as a warning.

Basically, if it is VM, there should be a way to increase the amount available to FSX?


Good grief John, are you trying to test the members eyesight as well as hearing :blink::lol:

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Ok- I've just run the Windows memory diagnostic tool and it reports there's nothing wrong with the system.

So now I'm going to find out where to go in the configuration to see if I can increase the amount of virtual memory allocated to the 'C' disc. I've got 132 GB spare on it so it should have space enough.

We''ll see.


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OK - I think I may have cracked it. Have a look at this;

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This is on Vista 64. Windows 7 has almost the same configuration but the path to it is a little more straightforward I think.

I have just entered the two figures. The 'F' disc has FSX and Orbx on it and all things related to the active simulation such as aircraft etc. The 'E' disc contains all my photographic scenery, Airports, REX etc.etc.

There were no figures at all in these blocks before.

I've just completed a flight taking me through what was for me was a notorious bell ringer, OOM or frozen screen hazard. The flight was in an aircraft that can be a bit of a test, the Turbine Duke.

I'm glad to report that not only did there seem not to be any danger of a bell ringing or any of the other things, but it was completely stutterless and maintained a frame rate of 25-30 throughout even through the dangerous bits. I always have the fps limited to 30 by the way. Never have seen the point in having more when there's no difference to be seen!

I'm not counting my chickens but that's got to be good news hasn't it? ;D


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Well done John..

That was very good information you have shared there with the VM. I have set mine also to 25000 and have experienced a vast improvement to the stabillity of FSX. (Is this what we pay booster companies good money for, when it is already built in)?

So it was a good omen to hear the bells (So maybe it was Heaven sent) for us to fathom a wayout of a problem. Now winning Lottery numbers????? Solve that between us John; and we will be laughing all the way to the Bank.. :lol: :lol: :D

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Hi James,

I don't mind. Its not copyright! ;D

I'm not sure that's such a good idea if there's only the one drive though. If its system managed then its already allocating virtual memory as needed.

Still, I suppose if it doesn't work they can always set it back to what it was.


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Hi folks,

I was not getting the dinging (did several months ago) - but I re-adjusted my VM and FSX/P3D is so much smoother. Little things we forget to do.

Thanks so much and have a blessed one. cthiggin

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Yes, well, you may be lucky but frankly I was counting my chickens. I've just had a lot of doings followed by an OOM so it hasn't done much for me after all.

I still think I've got a really aggresive program running in the background while I'm flying FSX that's causing it, but I can't think what it is!



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Sadly I don't think Page File settings are a cure for OOM's, and I also think its FSX rather than another program running that is the problem... most background services consume very few resources, so unless you had multiple programs like Photoshop running you should not run into problems... anyway, OOM errors do not mean your running out of physical RAM but rather Virtual Address Space (VAS) of which a 32bit program like FSX can only use 4GB, and VAS it not page file, it is managed by the OS not the user.

Most OOM errors come from pushing your system too hard, with settings pushed too high, such as Autogen... this is espessially the case when running complex add-ons, such at certain aircraft or scenery, and the only thing to do is move some of the sliders a bit to the left and see if it still occurs.

Boris Vorontsov who created ENBseries recently mentioned he has created a way to allow FSX [and Skyrim] both of which are 32bit apps, to utilise the memory of 64bit os'es more efficiently, and he may release this as a mod... its just possible this may increase the stability and performance of FSX... so there may be some hope for those suffering these issues.

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Thanks for that Mark. I think you're right. George said more or less the same thing on the other forum.

However, what I fail to understand is why my system was working perfectly up until a month or two ago, and, when I first started getting them I had not altered any settings. Problem is, with my memory, I can't now remember what I had done immediately before the OOM's started or now, when indeed they'd started so a system restore is not really on the cards.

Having found it made a significant difference, I have removed 'aircraft casts shadows on the ground'. I've already reduced all the Traffic settings so today I'll reduce both the autogen and buildings settings and try to do a flight in the same 'plane again where I had a bad OOM yesterday. We'll see if that improves things. Somehow I doubt it.

Certainly, if Boris Vorontsov can do as he says, I would be willing to pay a bit for that modification. Being an old age pensioner, not a lot mind! ;D;)

I'll report back.


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Its a strange thing and I hear others say the same, that a perfectly stable PC and FSX suddenly starts producing OOM's... though I bet in most cases something has been added or changed.

I do know you don't like to compromise on settings, which may be fine when you don't run many add-on, but your system is pretty heavily loaded... so like it or not, you may have to compromise with something. I'd start by pulling traffic down a notch or two, and maybe knock some features off the most complex airports, and see what happens.... or hopefully doesn't happen ;-)

I will try and ask Boris what he intends to do with his app.

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I accept completely what you say Mark, but frankly, from what others say they have for settings and mine are pretty modest for my system.

I'm now back to Dense for buildings (which have already been denuded by the number per cell tweak and autogen), 75% for my Air Traffic, medium for ground traffic, 50% for road and 75% for boats and ferries.

Beyond that I will not go. If it doesn't work this afternoon, you'll just have to bring your brood here so you can get my setup back in order again! :lol:


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Ok. What I've done now is set all my working discs; 'C' and 'I' partition, 'E' and 'F', VM to system managed and using the settings above with 15 minute updates FSX real world weather interpreting REX as usual, I repeated yesterdays flight in the Epic Victory.

I don't know if its a 'blip' but I'm happy to report that although ATC managed to get me lost on the last leg of the 360 nm IFR flight (How on earth can a computer generated program manage to do that?) so I had to complete it VFR, it was a perfect flight with a little bit of excitement at the end. Not a shimmer, shake, freeze, stutter, 'doing' in sight and frame rates between 20 and limited 30 all the way.

I wonder if this machine of mine can now bloody well keep it up!

Of course, I don't know if its the very slightly modified settings (from Very Dense to Dense) or the VM alteration that's done it but whatever it is, I like it and I can't honestly claim to have noticed any deterioration in the detail of the scenery.

It is annoying when you are always right Mark, but thanks once again as always for pointing me in the right direction. ;D


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