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Your FSX reality versus mine...


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When I look at your screenshots (all products) they feel so real that it made me buy many sceneries and airports, however...

What I see on the screen is a far cry from what I see in your screenshots and I need a few explanations please.

Windows 7 - 64 bits - Core I7, Nvidia GTX 570 - after all a good machine that should do the work...

I have a LG screen Flatron L225WT, a good one, I don't know if it supports HD ?

So, help me please come closer to the fantastic quality that you have and show because what I have is closer to the middle age !

Many thanks,


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..... What I see on the screen is a far cry from what I see in your screenshots ......

Yep .. a screenshot is the logical thing to post, but in the interim we don't have much to go on.

Are we talking: colour rendition, clarity and crispness, ... ?? Which aspect of the visuals is not as expected?

It will be of interest that the screenshots are "v-key" captures straight out of developers computers. No trickery, just cropped and resized to fit a frame (Company policy, in fact)

From that, it will come down to how you have set up: a. FSX and b. your Gfx hardware (resolution, filtering, etc) So we'll need to know some of those things.

Note that "HD" with regard to monitor panels is more of a TV marketing term (Full HD being equivalent to 1920 x 1080 screen resolution). Monitors can run at a number of resolutions and refresh rates, which your graphics driver will be able to report back to you.

So, we need:

1. FSX Settings

2. Graphics Settings

3. Screenshot(s)

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Yes all the preview shots i take and post come straight from my v key with no ediiting at all only resized as Ian says, i dont use shade in these shots i only use JVs Enb settings with no change which can be found on this forum. I also use REX for my weather and i use nvidia inspector. my machine spec is below and is two years old this month so with the right settings you should be able to get very good results im sure. yes please post some shots so we can see and give you more advice.



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A lot of the screenshots use enb mod... but anyway you'll want to make sure you're using nvidia inspector profile and run higher levels of AA and AF...

See this thread:

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Thank you very much for your requests and help !

Attached 1 pictures taken from your website (Vancouver) and another one (V-capture) taken today from my FSX at more or less the same spot.

The difference is so big that one cannot believe it is the same product !

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Here are some of my specs (I speak french so I hope you find your way...) :

Windows 7 HomeFR 64Bit

Nvidia GTX 570 – 1280 MB DDR5

Asus Rampage III Gene

Processeur : Intel i7 950 (3.96 GHZ) Quad Core

Alimentation : Corsair TX 850W

Mémoire : Corsair XMS3 Dominator 6 GB

Disque dur : OCZ SSD Vertex 120 GB

Disque dur : Western Digital SATA-III 1TB RAID 1

Windows 7 HomeFR 64Bit

Nvidia GTX 570 – 1280 MB DDR5

Asus Rampage III Gene

Processeur : Intel i7 950 (3.96 GHZ) Quad Core

Alimentation : Corsair TX 850W

Mémoire : Corsair XMS3 Dominator 6 GB

Disque dur : OCZ SSD Vertex 120 GB

Disque dur : Western Digital SATA-III 1TB RAID 1

No overclocking


FSX + Acceleration

FTW Pacific Northwest + Fjords

FTX NA Blue Northern Rocky Mountains

Orbx - FTX Australia SP4

REX Real Environment Xtreme 2.0



Don't hesitate to ask me for any further information or specs that may help me enjoy your outstanding products !

(I wanted to upload my FSX config but don't know how to do that...)


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Thanks very much Lain for the time and effort you spent on my request.

I adjusted the setting fof the Nvidia card and in FSX exactly as shown above. Here is the result :

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Here is the picture in the ORBX website for comparison :

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The FPS dropped from a good 30 to 17-20 FPS which is too low (stutters)

The screenshot in your website still has nothing to do with mine. The colours are much better/nicer, the image crisper and it feels as if we are not using the same product...

Any improvement to get closer to what you have would be welcome. (I can buy your machine too :-)


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The other thing that can make a difference is the seasons and time the shot was taken as i say everybodys machine gives different results i see you are using REX weather as well because this can make things look different especially the sky colours and water.



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... I played with that too but the differences in quality are still too obvious between the 2 shots. See the details of each building, the clarity, the colours, etc.

Actually I bought a new PC to get closer to that but I'm still far away, changing the weather, the visibility, the time of the day and the season does not help me get closer to your screenshots.

If it's not possible, I will simply drop FSX for I spend most of the time tweaking instead of flying :-)

Thanks anyway for your help,


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Salut Just Fly ! (I wish I could do that...)

Thanks for the tip, I'm already using ENB and I replaced mine with yours.

Here is another screenshot : summer - 12 0'clock - met : ORBX N0 4 - autogen and scenery sliders to the maximum + 0.5 zoom

Still looks like shit compared to ORBX screenshot !

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The clarity of ORBX is so much better and the colour also.

Is there a way to modify the Nvidia colour profile only for FSX ?

Tips welcome. I can also buy a PC from ORBX with your settings !!! (no kidding)

Many thanks


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On dirait que ta carte graphique est surchargée. Essaye la chose suivante:

  • Réduis ton AA à x8
  • Réduis ton Anisotropic filtering à "Géré par l'application" (ou équivalent) et sélectionne Filtrage Anisotropique dans FSX.
  • Règle la résolution des textures sur 15 cm au lieu de 7 cm (aucune différence au niveau de la résolution, mais tu soulageras ta carte graphique)
  • Mesh sur 5m (2m n'est plus utilisé par ORBX depuis le patch 1.5 pour 7S3)
  • Effets aquatiques sur Faible x2 ou Moyen x2 (j'utilise Faible x2, et le résultat est spectaculaire, je t'assure, aucune différence avec Moyen x2, sauf qu'il n'y a pas de reflets de l'appareil, mais je peux m'en passer pour gagner 5 FPS!)
  • Réduis les paramètres de traffic.
Essaye déjà ça, et on verra ensuite. Jette aussi un coup d'oeil sur les paramètres recommandés par ORBX dans leurs manuels (surtout ceux concernant l'autogen - il me semble que les tiens sont réglés trop haut et tuent ta carte graphique!).
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Thats my shot :) and an old beta one too as I can see the old autogen tree textures, we really should update these on the website

OK thinking back to what I was using 2 years ago... i7-920 and a GTX285, your rig looks a LOT better than mine was then, so its mainly about the REX/FSX settings

JV's ENB file (non-DOF version) http://www.orbxsyste...ini-file/�� with one minor change:



I also remember pulling back some of the 'Bloom' in JV's file to give a sharper picture, I dont recall what that was as its been a while since I messed about with this

REX settings:

- look like True-blue for the background sky and Columbus 51, Cumulus 13, the water I cant remember

FSX settings:

- Time of day... I select dusk and then wind back the hour by 1 or 2 hours (I think you'll find this has the biggest influence on the shots)

- Anti-aliasing looks like standard FSX AA on, with anisotropic set for filtering

- weather looks like Orbx 4

- always max zoom....0.3

Hope that helps!



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I'm flabagasted you remembered any of that Tim.

I've favourited thid post for future reference.

I think it is nigh on impossible to match screenshots between users but that is the beauty of the FSX dynamic world.

Hope you get it close enough then just enjoy what you've created & fly.

That's my suggestion. ;)

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First of all a big thank you to all of you for this amazing support !

Second : believe me, it's much easier to fly an aircraft in real life than tweaking FSX (it take less time and less effort but it is more expensive...)

Third : I made all the changes suggested above (from : Flinty, Tim and Just Fly)

Hereunder one screenshot with the JV's ENB file (non-DOF version + modifications) and one screenshot without it (shift + F12) and the original screenshot from ORBX for comparison :

All setting you mentionned above have been set accordingly. I also set the visibility to the max.In spite of this I get a darke and foggy image...

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Your comments and further suggestions always welcomed !


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Yes, it's much better !

However, the ORBX screenshot is much clearer and the light is nicely spread everywhere and in a good balance (sky and ground).

So, there is still room for improvment !


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Sky color, weather (visibility), the time of day and of course the season are huge factors. Don't take a screen shot at noon with f.e. 32 NM visibility - it will look dull.

Try a Spring late afternoon, REX 'Reality' sky and unlimited visibility (or one notch below). It's actually fun to set up a weather theme by yourself.

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Thanks Heiko,

Here is a screenshot with your settings :

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ORBX screenshot for comparison :

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As I said previously, I don't know if we can edit a colour profile in Nvidia only for FSX ?

I find my colours are not good (too green) but I dont know how to change them without affecting the rest (fot all the other programs, the colours are very good)



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Thanks to all. Just Fly, I'm curious how you affect the colours in the ENB. Maybe you have some tips ?











I just dont see how to modify the colours settings (less green and more blue for instance)



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Use your Nvidia Countrol Pannel. Just right click on your desktop and when it is open ck Adjust desktop settings and the use Nvidia settings. I usally have FSX running on one screen and adjust my color to my likeing.


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Thanks Josh,

I can do that but it will affect the colours for all the other programs and I don't want that (also I will have to do what you suggest for each flight...)

What I'm looking for is to create a colour profile only for FSX (using what you suggested) without affecting the colours of all the other applications.


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Hi Geezee,

The differences that I see in the 2 pics:

- zoom level: the Orbx shot is much more zoomed out than yours. This makes the shot crispier.

- perspective: the Orbx shot is taken from a lower altitude and much closer to the city (but zoomed out as mentioned above). This makes the high rise building look brighter.

- Sky colour: try REX for different sky colours (in the Orbx shot the dark blue of the sky in contrast to the white clouds gives th impression of crispiness)

- cloud settings: again try REX for different cloud types (especially cirrus clouds)

- wave animation and water colour: again try REX settings (your water looks dull and boring)

Cheers Wolfgang

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A very nice REX wave animation is "Sparkling". I like "Buoy" as well.

If you're looking for a more "blueish" ENB profile, then try one of those you can find here: http://www.realenvironmentxtreme.com/forums/ (need to log in), in the "Free Stuff!" topic. There is an ENB profile there, which uses a blue palette, don't remember exactly which one.

EDIT: found it, it's this one: http://www.realenvironmentxtreme.com/forums/index.php?/topic/6396-bluesphere-enbplus-download-included/

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Thanks Josh,

I can do that but it will affect the colours for all the other programs and I don't want that (also I will have to do what you suggest for each flight...)

What I'm looking for is to create a colour profile only for FSX (using what you suggested) without affecting the colours of all the other applications.


You might want to create a profile with Adobe Gamma if you have it. It usally comes with Photoshop and is in your Control Panel. You will have to load the profile before starting FSX. There are also other calabration tools out ther that you can creat profiles with. The downside is you will have to re load your current profile when you do other things.


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Thanks to all !

Merci à toi Just Fly, je savais que tu allais me donner un bon truc :-)

Another screenshot with the "blue" ENB profile

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and the original screenshot for comparison :

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The blue profile helps. Zoom out to the max. Visibility to the max. Not easy to capture the same atmosphere.

Nevertheless, it gives an array of possibilities to improve the situation which is good !


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You're welcome!

You might want to try these as well: http://www.realenvir...nload-included/ (a bit darker) and http://www.realenvir...nload-included/ (more light). Did you put the blue palette file into your main FSX folder? Looks much more... blue on my end (that's why I don't use it ::) )

BTW, you had less green textures on that shot because the selected season is not the same (Summer VS green Spring)... And you definitely need to select a different sky texture, a bit darker would be nice I think. Oh, and don't forget to reduce your visibility slider to 40 NM within the FSX Weather dialog box - this is my favourite setting to get that "horizon haze" effect.

Have a look here, you might find these settings nice (post #6): http://www.orbxsyste...ortes-is-a-gem/

At least, I do :D !

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  • 2 months later...

Hello again ! Hello Lain, this one is for you !

You gave me a printscreen of your Nvidia setting and this proved very useful.

After updating my videocard, the appearance and text have changed and I am a bit lost how to make the necessary changes as you suggested.

Could you please tell me (us) wich options to modify (tweak) to get the most of FSX ?

Many thanks



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