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Very limited AI at Orbx airports


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For some reason I have suddenly become aware of an absence of AI at all Orbx NA airports. There always used to be several planes taxiing and landing, but as I said, for some reason I'm lucky to see just a single GA. This also happens in the summer months at weekends. There are the usual static planes but very little movement. It hasn't always been like this. I have My raffic X pro installed and unsure whether this is of any problem. BTW, I have my AI slider set at 40%, which is double what it is normally set at! Any ideas fellas?

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it could be possible that an addon installed some AI from FS9 in your sim. This will make any FSX AI not work. There is a solution for the problem however. http://stuff4fs.com/open.asp?Folder=AIFP&JS=TRUE

AI Flight Planner by Don Grovestine, click Latest Release on upper left get file name:


It can be used to scan your installation for any FS9 AI files and convert them to FSX so all your Ai will show again.

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it could be possible that an addon installed some AI from FS9 in your sim. This will make any FSX AI not work. There is a solution for the problem however. http://stuff4fs.com/open.asp?Folder=AIFP&JS=TRUE

AI Flight Planner by Don Grovestine, click Latest Release on upper left get file name:


It can be used to scan your installation for any FS9 AI files and convert them to FSX so all your Ai will show again.

Hi Spud, thanks for the input matey, but I am running My traffix X, which has a feature to search for any rogue aircraft files. The other thing, is that it only occurs with Orbx airports with GA, so I guess it must be something to do with Orbx's own AI, only guessing. I will follow Wolter's suggestion later today and report back, cheers.

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Did you try and deactivate traffic X and see if the FTX AI returns, maybe that took preference over the localized FTX AI files ?

Hi Wolter, I've just had some time spent in FSX and tried several things. First I removed all Orbx Traffic.bgl's with no change, then I tried re configuring MTX, still no change, in the end I unsinstalled MTX and found that even with traffic slider set at 40%, I could never see more than a single GA taxiing at an airport, Jefferson in fact. At most other airports all I could see were static aircraft. Something is amiss surely? I seem to remember not so long ago, even with sliders at 30% having to wait behind a couple of aircraft while taxiing. Particulalry at KORS, where now there are none! BTW, I have ensured tests were undertaken at a popular time eg. midday on a Sunday in the summer.

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Hi Howard,

It would seem you have already checked for the usual suspects in the form of FS9 traffic files so we will move on from there.

The FTX AI is quite simplistic in that it just uses conventionally compiled traffic files and FSX default aircraft. If your traffic files are in place and active (ie. without the .OFF tag), then we need to check the aircraft.

Can you confirm that the FSX default aircraft, particularly the C172 and beech_baron_58, are still in place in your SimObjects/Airplanes folder and that the individual titles for each of the variations (first line for each variation in the Aircraft.cfg file) remains exactly as per the default entry and have not been modified in any way.

If all checks out in this area, then you should check for any additional APX files which may have limited or no parking. MyTraffic X may have loaded some of these and even though MT X is deselected, those APX files would remain active. I don't have MT X so am not familiar with what it includes or how it interacts with FSX.

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Hi Graham, right, I'm back from a hectic Monday! As a matter of info here is a screenie of the files found when I run the traffic bgl finder with MyTraffic X

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I have both the two default aircraft in the aircraft folder. However, the panel folders are turned off with each of these aircraft as I do not have any default aircraft active in my hangar. Although they are present in the simobjects folder, I have no default aircraft active.

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As a matter of interest Graham, to give you some kind of idea as to the amount of AI I experience... I have just finished a flight from Vashon, via Olympic field, Diamond Point to KORS and during that time I encounterd only a single Cessna, leaving Diamond Point! This is with the AI slider at 35%

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Hi Howard,

Can you check your fsx.cfg file for the line 'IFROnly=' and make sure it has a value of '0' (zero). Anything else will knock out all your VFR traffic.

It would be easier to relolve this issue if you had no AI at all!!!

Next time you spot an AI aircraft, can you see if you can identify the Cessna model and registration number. That way I can track down which traffic file it came from.

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Hi Graham, yup, it is IFRonly=0. I'll follow your lead and try and track an AI... I've just spent the past 20 minutes trying to find a moving GA. I found a jet at Skagit without a registration. Here's a pic,

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Hi Graham, I cannot edit my previous post above, so have to start afresh. I have just checked my AI and I notice that I have the same problem with small airfield in UK, so I guess this is a global problem...(?) All my airline traffic is fine...

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Well this just gets curiouser and curiouser. That Learjet looks like the one in the Skagit Traffic file but is not set to appear until the GA Aircraft activity slider is set at 45% or higher. You stated above that you are using a setting of 40% so that does not compute for me. The best way to identify AI traffic is to activate the 'Show Aircraft Labels' options in the Traffic settings menu. This will show selective information about each AI aircraft including the aircraft registration number.

If it is the Skagit Learjet, then that will show the traffic file is working and the problem could then be with some of your individual aircraft. Could you please provide a screenshot of the Aircraft.cfg file for your default C172. Just the top portion of the file with the [Fltsim.XX] variations will suffice.

Incidentally, I don't believe the MYTraffic X feature actually identifies problem traffic files. From my understanding, it is just a feature to identify all the active traffic files on your system. You will still need to run something like Don Grovestine's AI Flight Planner to identify if you have any FS9 traffic files active.

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Well this just gets curiouser and curiouser. That Learjet looks like the one in the Skagit Traffic file but is not set to appear until the GA Aircraft activity slider is set at 45% or higher. You stated above that you are using a setting of 40% so that does not compute for me. The best way to identify AI traffic is to activate the 'Show Aircraft Labels' options in the Traffic settings menu. This will show selective information about each AI aircraft including the aircraft registration number.

If it is the Skagit Learjet, then that will show the traffic file is working and the problem could then be with some of your individual aircraft. Could you please provide a screenshot of the Aircraft.cfg file for your default C172. Just the top portion of the file with the [Fltsim.XX] variations will suffice.

Incidentally, I don't believe the MYTraffic X feature actually identifies problem traffic files. From my understanding, it is just a feature to identify all the active traffic files on your system. You will still need to run something like Don Grovestine's AI Flight Planner to identify if you have any FS9 traffic files active.

Ahh, OK Graham. I'll follow your lead and get back later. I really hope I can sort this out... thanks...

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Hi Graham, here's the C172 cfg pic...

I have to say that I upped the AI slider to 40% and saw a cessna depart from KCMW within a 10 minute period. I am a little perplexed, there is traffic, it's just that it's far less than before and I don't know why...

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Hi Howard,

All looks well with your C172 aircraft config so we can move on from there. This one really is starting to baffle me.

You report that you are seeing some AI, just not as much as before. If we were dealing with an FS9 traffic file on your system it would suppress all FSX ones and this does not appear to be the case.

Perhaps the best step from here is to concentrate on one airport and try to resolve that one. Let's try Skagit. The traffic file for Skagit has 13 AI aircraft. Can you set your traffic sliders to 100% and let me know how many AI aircraft you are seeing please. The aircraft labels will not show for stationary aircraft but I think you should be able distinguish the AI from the statics. Or better still, deselect the statics in the KBVS control panel. A top down screenshot of the airport and a note on the time of day would also help me here.

I am running out of ideas here so hopefully this process may give us a clue or two as to what is happening.

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Hi Graham, thanks for the help. I followed your advice re unticking AI in KBVS control panel and set AI slider to 100%, here is the pic... There was in fact two planes taxiing?? I did re configure MyTraffic again today, not sure whether it has helped or not.

I don't really know what is going on. Earlier I sat at the end of RWY27 at Gatwick, the second busiest airport in the UK, with sliders set at 100% and counted a single A320 taxi in the space of twenty minutes, with no take offs or landings!! Am I asking too much of my AI?

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I suspect you may have refreshed the scenery prior to taking that screenshot as all the aircraft are duplicated. That would indicate there are 9 AI aircraft in that shot (18/2). That would be about normal for any given time as it would be very rare for all 13 aircraft to be present at the airport at one time.

I'm not sure what more I can do for you as all looks in order from where I sit. I can't speak for MyTraffic as I do not have that package and am not familiar with how it interacts with FSX. Perhaps if you are still worried, you can do the same as above for one or two more NA airports and we can check that they are ok.

Perhaps a visit to the MyTraffic support forum may be warranted to see if others are experiencing the same issues as you.

I'll hold off marking this as Resolved/Answered for now but will do so in a couple of days if I do not have more information in the meantime.

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I suspect you may have refreshed the scenery prior to taking that screenshot as all the aircraft are duplicated. That would indicate there are 9 AI aircraft in that shot (18/2). That would be about normal for any given time as it would be very rare for all 13 aircraft to be present at the airport at one time.

I'm not sure what more I can do for you as all looks in order from where I sit. I can't speak for MyTraffic as I do not have that package and am not familiar with how it interacts with FSX. Perhaps if you are still worried, you can do the same as above for one or two more NA airports and we can check that they are ok.

Perhaps a visit to the MyTraffic support forum may be warranted to see if others are experiencing the same issues as you.

I'll hold off marking this as Resolved/Answered for now but will do so in a couple of days if I do not have more information in the meantime.

Hi Graham, thanks for all your input matey. You say I may have flushed the scenery, how is that done? I did not do anything consciously. I have posted on the MTX forum, but as usual there doesn't seem to be a satisfcatory answer. I will persevere, thanks again.

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