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~ Pipsqueak goes to Stark's ~ ... evening flight, CRM to PNW


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It's gear up. Up, up & away...






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5 miles out & nearly to Enterprise, climbing to 7K' asl.






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The Lotus Simulations L-39 Albatros remains my favorite FS plane years later.





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Crossing the Wallowa Valley, former home of the noble Nez Perce nation.






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" Departure angle on viewer, Captain."






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Cool view into the Eagle Cap Wilderness.






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Circling around to LaGrande. "Right turn, Clyde!"






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Already across the Blue Mountains of NE Oregon & arriving over Pendleton.






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The beauty of this fs aircraft is in all of the many details.






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Having followed I-84W we now join the Columbia River.






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Arriving at Boardman, Mt. Adams in the distance.






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What a fine evening to be flying.






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It's really cool the way the windfarm tower's red clearance lights flash at staggered times. Mt. Hood off in the distance.






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Could fly this FTX scenery for many years & not tire of it.






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More windfarms, this time on the Washington side of the Columbia. Mt. Ranier off on the horizon.






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Approaching The Dalles, Oregon.






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Magical evening, Mt. St. Helens at the far right.

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Thank you, Iain! :)



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This is one VC I really enjoy flying in. The glass doen't darken things too much, Sun's reflections on the glass simply amazing.






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Here comes the next flyby. Approaching...






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...passing... Mt. Hood with Mt. Jefferson in the background.






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...See ya!!






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Here's an interesting shot. From left to right: Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Ranier, Mt. Adams.






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Approaching the greater Portland area, beginning our descent.






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Almost to Troutdale, downtown "Stumptown" visible.






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Almost a full moon this evening. My. Hood in the background.






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Nice view of downtown as we continue to descend...






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Will always remember the way to Stark's Twin Oaks. Have loved the airport since day one & she only gets better & better.






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There she is... see her yet? (above the starboard wingtip)






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A tad bit high but it's okay. Have taken the L-39 in to Stark's many times.






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Still a wee bit high but better. Looks okay...






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Here comes boxcar!






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Oh la la!






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Hard on the brakes, slowing in plenty of time.






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Haven't been gone all that long but I've missed Stark's Twin Oaks. Is good to be back again.






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Canopy open, helmet off, let's get out & enjoy being here, eh?




Thanks for flying along again! Hope it was good for you as it was for me.


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Thank you, Ronny. Your good words are appreciated, sir.

This is quite an experience here to wake one up these past 16 hours. After posting this yesterday (which took a considerable amount of time, effort & care) this post was driven straight to the bottom of the page in less than one hour by a member posting on each & every post here on the front page with the exception of this one... dozens of posts did he comment on... & when checking back a short time later this post was already on page 2. Well, this morning it wasn't very far from page 3 after another member made over 30 posts in commenting on other's threads. What's up with that, man? Posted Image No problem, people. Have honestly enjoyed most of your screenshots here & had hoped for a place to be able to share our love for simulated flight, but as things stand I am admitting I was wrong.

Hey, maybe this can be driven off by another member in less than an hour this time... s'okay, have fun, if that's what you call it.


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That shot w/ Mt Helens Mt Rainier and Mt Adams on the horizon is my favorite, but all of them would look great on a desktop.

I always enjoy threads with context and narrative the best myself, and this one was excellent. What rex settings were you using?

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Thanks, people. It just hit me way wrong at the time, seeing all the hours & hours of efforts here fall off into the abyss the other day so quickly. Truthfully, am not so sure now that I'm even ready to post regularly again in any fs forums, the grief of personal losses these last couple of years not fully worked through, it seems. Not anybody's fault, really, it's simply the way it is. Am apparently just too sensitive still right now. This, too, will pass.

Have posted mostly over @ FlightSim for almost a decade now, 8K+ posts over the years, & am even struggling there. Have learned long ago that when we are struggling then we must still be quite attached... hence, the indication that I'm "not there yet" to continue posting regularly. Won't stop me from flying, just from posting so frequently until working through many losses. S'okay, as it all helps to make us who we are. It's All Good.


~ ~ ~

Boogus- The Lotus Simulations L-39 Albatros is remains my favorite fs plane years after purchase. The accurate detailing in virtually every aspect of the simulation is truly amazing still. She only grows on you instead of growing old to you. You really feel like you are flying a real aircraft.

hughp- Am using REX, yes, but not their weather engine. Am generally creating my own weather environment, chosing various REX textures for different applications. The sunset sky here was "Heat Wave" & the cirrus set #18 also pulled down to 16K' for effect & better distance displaying towards the horizon, the REX waters I designed darker & with less chroma ("color intensity"), the wave animation was "FTX Calm". 50 mile visibility, as being recalled, layer pulled up to 11.5K' for uniformity (i.e.- no Mt. Hood top peeking through a lower-set layer, being 11,000 feet high).


~~ ~ ~


Again, good people, thank you for the good remarks, appreciated.



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