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There is No Greater Beauty than an SBSL


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From Cooly, YBCG to Sydney, YSSY following the wonders of FTX in Prepar3D. Smooth as,

First, the Highrise at Surfers Paradise, surf beach behind the aircraft, the canal estates and magnificent boating river and estuary in front.

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The magnificent depiction of the Northern Rivers of NSW as we cross the Richmond Valley.

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Between Williamstown (Newcastle on the Hunter River - coal and wine country) and Sydney are many fantastic boating, fishing and sailing lakes and estuaries. This is Broken Bay close to Sydney and a magnificent natural area for us to enjoy.

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Transiting Sydney Harbour, utterly magnificent, with the Opera House below the right wing and the coathanger visible (the Harbour Bridge).

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Safe at last amongst aircraft my own size.

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Oh Dear, oh dear: I have stuffed up the second screen which should be this:

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Can I ask you, what the main differences are that you see with this?

I am looking into it now, and would like to know just that really it changes. Do systems bog down less in the heavy autogeb areas? What generally does it really improve that it noticible....thanks.

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Teecee and others: I have purchased the $10 a month arrangement in order to test this for myself. Legally we are getting a developer's licence and it would seem for those who love that sort of task, the SDKs and what have you are wide open and free. For the rest of us developers (sic) there is no requirement to report or do anything, it is just a neat way of allowing us on board.

There is a huge discussion on AVSIM forums, and in the P3D forum here on FTX. I have bought both of the FTX SBSL licences and the scenery as you can see comes up really well.

Benchmarking suggests that it performs very little better than a well setup FSX, so there is no need to rush it at the moment. I can't help myself as I like to test and experiment.

It is however the base code for FSX that Lockheed Martin has purchased and they have already made some improvements. I now run it without any tweaks to be about the same as my FSX. I have transferred a lot of aircraft and utilities which are all working well.

It has bugs and we are told that fixes are due. But the big thing will be P3D version 2 when it comes out. That will be my decision point as to whether I stay with it, or return. If they do a good job on the great big upgrade, and to DX11 I understand then it will be my time to leave the old FSX for the new FSX with the upgrading that stopped with MS sacking ACES. (Many of that team are now working with LM on the sim upgrade!). FLIGHT is clearly not FS11.

The downside is that there is a lot of fancy footwork going on as to whether this is a commercial, training licence for you and me because of the constraints contained in the sale. Bush Lawyers have emerged from every tree to give their opinion. Meanwhile I am having fun, I have fewer stutters, flashes and similar with P3D - but it is worth following the forums to read what can be done with your FSX add-ons.

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Thanks for taking the time to explain P3D for us mate.. It would be nice if you could update us occasionally with your thoughts on this.

At this time I see no real benefit to me as I am extremely happy with the way my personal sim is running, and I have no requirement for areas of the world other than those I already have.

That said however, this does not mean that this will always be the case, and P3D might just be the way to go. Teecee.

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But FSX/P3D/FEX/GEX (where FTX has not yet gone) remind us of the beautiful world that has been created for all of us who are the grateful recipients of so much brilliance, talent and commercial acumen.

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And this is just a stock standard default aircraft - and I have so many astonishingly good add-on planes to fly. To challenge me, and make my brain work, and with real weather added in, t make my clacker grip my simulated pilot's chair with an intensity.

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