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Forum etiquette and politeness to non-English speaking members

John Venema

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Hello all :)

Good news! The FTX AU BLUE Demo has been downloaded over 10,000 times in the past 3 days!  That's a huge amount of people now giving FTX a try and also perhaps needing some assistance with installation / uninstallation, or any issues they come across.

A large majority of the people who downloaded the demo are not from Australia, and English is not their mother tongue.

With that in mind, can I please ask all regular members to refrain from any remarks to non-English speaking posters which may offend them. For example, as I've been told, the French translate 'request' into demand, and 'corrupt' into pollute.  This of course, may come across to us as seeming to be rude and arrogant, when in fact it's just a simple language barrier.  I will also take my own advice, since at times I've been a bit short with non-English speaking guests when I should have shown more patience.

If you can please let Wolter and the moderation team deal with requests which seem a bit odd at first, that would be appreciated.

Remember, the more people out there that experience FTX, then better for Orbx, you and the future of the franchise.

Many thanks in advance for your understanding :)

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Sounds reasonable to me.. I will keep away from the posts that annoy me or ones that make no sense to me.. I know I am one of the offenders when it comes to VOZ and ORBX.. if it looks like an attack on us I jump in with both feet..so from now on, I will keep my trap closed.. After all, as John says.. it's the future of our Addiction that is at stake.. Teecee.

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What would be your thoughts of maybe setting up a 'Demo Questions Here' section on the forum...may help to keep questions on the demo in one place, not to be confused with freeware, and payware support...and members would be more inclined to comment appropriately.

Jason ;)

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What would be your thoughts of maybe setting up a 'Demo Questions Here' section on the forum...may help to keep questions on the demo in one place, not to be confused with freeware, and payware support...and members would be more inclined to comment appropriately.

Jason ;)

I thought about that, but in the demo user manual we challenge users to sample our support for the demo if they have issues. To me, they should be treated as though they are an Orbx customer. If our support does not stack up for the demo, then they won't have confidence in us as a company.

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Sounds reasonable to me.. I will keep away from the posts that annoy me or ones that make no sense to me.. I know I am one of the offenders when it comes to VOZ and ORBX.. if it looks like an attack on us I jump in with both feet..so from now on, I will keep my trap closed.. After all, as John says.. it's the future of our Addiction that is at stake.. Teecee.

I think I had better join you Terry ::) - and here I was, just about ready to actually start posting here now that I have had a play around on the new beast and actually see for myself what all the hullaballoo has been about all these months

Since I have been on a last warning for many months I had definitely better just hide back in the cave with my short fuse and intolerance of the way you damn yanks (including ex-pat Aussies ;D) murder the English language

(note to oneself - self - fer cryin' out loud - keep your trap shut ;) no matter what you think >:()

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I think everyone, on both sides of the fence, should try to keep calm. I am an artist, among other things, and I know that sure as eggs are eggs when a painting looks finished (after days and even weeks or more staring at it from all angles) something will not be right and reveal itself quite unexpectedly quite some time later. Yes, it is annoying, because it means one isn't infallible and all the hard work I put in still didn't produce 100% perfection and would require a tweak.

Now, developers of software (most, I would think) really try very hard to give us flight sim enthusiasts the best product they can produce, and go through the same processes I do with my paintings. But it isn't until the product is out there and being used/seen by many more people than the orginal development team could provide do we see the faults/defects pop up - a bit like an extended testing team. Okay, we pay for this stuff and expect it to be spot on, but that is rarely reality. If one looks at oneself in a mirror you may see something that you would like to change - if so (and if God did in fact make us) if what you see doesn't look perfect then even God didn't get it right. Worth thinking about.

We need the developers to keep developing and they need us to keep using their products so it is a win-win situation if we can provide polite and friendly feedback, rather than vitriole - and we then can reasonably expect that we will be treated the same way. Help the developers and we help ourselves.

I have been as frustrated and angry as many out there with anything associated with computers and software/hardware but I have learned to calm down. I am not, by the way, a developer or in that field and I do not know any developers so I am impartial in that regard.

Keep happy.

John G :)

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Forum etiquette and politeness to non-English speaking members

Tell em to get a back bone or toughen up while learning the national anthem along with Aussie slang then down a keg while firing up the BBQ then partake in back yard cricket while slurring and yelling Howzat then and only then we deem them one of us ;)

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A large majority of the people who downloaded the demo are not from Australia, and English is not their mother tongue.

Remember, the more people out there that experience FTX, then better for Orbx, you and the future of the franchise.

Many thanks in advance for your understanding :)

Thank you John appreciated :)

Dankje wel hoor! (that's Dutch for thank you...)

Scarry overhere lol

But since FTX I love this part of our virtual world :-)

Would be great to visit this part of the world in real life :) now I have to talk to the wife lol  :o

Have fun guys,


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Ja ik kan je wel verstaan hoor :) Mien Hollands is niet so goet maar ik kan et wel verstaan!

Goed man :) Not many foreign people speak Dutch  ;)

Suspected that based on you last name (typical Dutch name) you could have some relatives that are Dutch by birth ?


André Folkers

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I cant believe so many of you guys are from so many different countries around the world, but all of you chat here in english! I wouldnt be able to speak a word of your languages......makes me feel a bit dumb.  :-\

I can read binary though, so i guess thats one possitive!....ok here's a little joke for you...

There are only 10 types of people in the world, those that understand binary, and those that dont!  ;D ;D


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I cant believe so many of you guys are from so many different countries around the world, but all of you chat here in english! I wouldn't be able to speak a word of your languages......makes me feel a bit dumb.

Might have something to do with that we learn English as soon as we have learned how to read in our schools. Wonder what you guys would say if your kid came home from school saying that tomorrow they have to start learning Norwegian or, God forbid, Dutch :D :D :D

Btw, Dutch and Norwegian isn't that much different really. Some say that Dutch is the easiest language to learn for a Norwegian. Don't know if it's the same for Dutch though.

With that said, I personally think that the wide variety of nationalities on this forum and the VOZ forum is what make these forums so special and a generally friendly place to be. A big thanks to the Australian hospitality.

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Funny thing is that we as Dutch have less problems learning English as the English learning Dutch .... and yes about the Norwegian Stian, a friend of mine has his holiday house in Norway and it seems relatively easy to learn for us ............. need to go there some day and test that ::)

I think that what is most important is the willingness to communicate with others, wich sometimes can lead to really iffy situations as one to one translating doesn't give the right reflection of what one wants to say....... hence sometimes a bit of fishing is needed to get the right angle on things.

Simple example a sentence build up in dutch is completely in reverse to the same thing in Spanish, we say "acht en negentig" wich is eight and ninety (ninetyeight) and in spanish it is "noventa y ocho" wich is ninety and eight.

Wich as said can lead up to very comical situations when not having full command of those lenguages.

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Simple example a sentence build up in dutch is completely in reverse to the same thing in Spanish, we say "acht en negentig" wich is eight and ninety (ninetyeight) and in spanish it is "noventa y ocho" wich is ninety and eight.

Wich as said can lead up to very comical situations when not having full command of those lenguages.

Or a Norwegian citizen counting in Dutch  :o :o  surprise us Stian  ;D "regne til hundre



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I cant believe so many of you guys are from so many different countries around the world, but all of you chat here in english! I wouldnt be able to speak a word of your languages......makes me feel a bit dumb.  :-\

I can read binary though, so i guess thats one possitive!....ok here's a little joke for you...

There are only 10 types of people in the world, those that understand binary, and those that dont!  ;D ;D


Russ you guys are far smarter as we you just let the world talk English for ya lol

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Thats true mate, i dont know how you guys speak more than one language????? i was taught french in school every week for 4 years and now i can only remember about 6 words ???

The crazy thing is, part of our schooling in the UK includes every kid learning french for several years from the age of about 12 upwards.....yet i dont have a single mate or family member who can actually remember any of it!


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Thats true mate, i dont know how you guys speak more than one language????? i was taught french in school every week for 4 years and now i can only remember about 6 words ???

The crazy thing is, part of our schooling in the UK includes every kid learning french for several years from the age of about 12 upwards.....yet i dont have a single mate or family member who can actually remember any of it!


Same over here most of us learn English / German / French and end up to remember stuff of 2 languages lol

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Suspected that based on you last name (typical Dutch name) you could have some relatives that are Dutch by birth ?


André Folkers

I was born in de Haag, grew up in Drachten ;)

That is cool John my wife and children are born in Den Haag and that's where we live know behind those beautiful dunes ;-)

Actually my side of the family lives in the part where you grew up...

How long have you been living in the Netherlands?


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I left in 1971, so I consider myself well and truly an Aussie now :)  Married a beautiful Australian girl from the "bush" (Swan Hill) and despite Holland being so beautiful (I've been back lots of times), I could only ever live in this country now, it's so unique and wonderful a place with so much room (and GA flying is cheap here, LOL!)

There is something so special and mystical about waking up each morning to the smell of eucalyptus trees and the cries of the Australian birds. Nothing like it on earth.

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Well said John; those of us born and brought up in other places never forget our place of origin either - both the country we are from, and Australia where we live continue to be real and beautiful to us.

As to a second language, the reality speaks for itself. Cradle languages are the best of all, so if someone in the house speaks a second language then we learn both together and easily without sweat.  That's why so many European kids brought up with 'nannies' in Asian countries can argue, swear and can use in-words in the nanny's language every bit as well as their own.  My son learned gutter Spanish when he was young and we were in LA from the Mexican kids and their parents in our street without problem, while we adults struggled with polite words because we expected them to speak English.

Like so many I learned French at High School with no measurable result.  When I am in France the locals ask me to speak English!  So when our eldest daughter was young we got a French girl to teach her (no not me) the language and as a result she is fluent.

But the Scandinavians, the Dutch, the Germans all speak versions of old German, while the English do also, but we have shifted vowel sounds, and we emphasise the first syllable with the result we have a sound and rhythm unlike these other languages.

Still the French tried to make their language the world language, but it is English that won. So as the comedian said, all foreigners start at Dover.

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Hello Macca,

I paint as a hobby now and give my paintings away. I stopped selling years ago, and now just do it to give my flight simulator gear a rest (but not too much of a rest, though). I paint anything (in oil) but particularly like aircraft as that is one of my passions. At the moment I am just finishing a portrait of the little girl next door and her cat (which had been run over out the front of my house and killed). Next will be a landscape then another portait and then back to aircraft.

I find the simulator helps with getting the detail on aircraft that needs to go into my paintings (if I have them, that is). When you can get in and 'fly' them you can get a better feel for your subject and you can zoom in on parts where you need information. It helps me to relax so perhaps our cranky freinds out there should pick up a brush - it works for me.


John G

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I left in 1971, so I consider myself well and truly an Aussie now :)  Married a beautiful Australian girl from the "bush" (Swan Hill) and despite Holland being so beautiful (I've been back lots of times), I could only ever live in this country now, it's so unique and wonderful a place with so much room (and GA flying is cheap here, LOL!)

There is something so special and mystical about waking up each morning to the smell of eucalyptus trees and the cries of the Australian birds. Nothing like it on earth.

That's a long time ago lol lot of changed here on that little spot on the earth lol

Can imagine how you enjoy Australia for my mind a huge part of the world with beautiful sceneries in real and the virtual one lol

Wasn't it that those trees are extremely dangerous with bush fires (lucky we only have to fight the water) saw a documentary on discovery about that one.



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I left in 1971, so I consider myself well and truly an Aussie now :)  Married a beautiful Australian girl from the "bush" (Swan Hill) and despite Holland being so beautiful (I've been back lots of times), I could only ever live in this country now, it's so unique and wonderful a place with so much room (and GA flying is cheap here, LOL!)

There is something so special and mystical about waking up each morning to the smell of eucalyptus trees and the cries of the Australian birds. Nothing like it on earth.

What a coincidence - as a Sandgroper I ended up marrying a girl from Swan Hill also (after testing the waters 3 times lol) which made me an oddity according to my parochial younger days

It would appear that you live well outside of Melbourne to have the smell of eucalyptus  - I cant return to the city anymore - they stink - literally ;D

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