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PAKT sp1 ship textures not showing complete


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Hi all,

I have just installed PAKT sp1 and it is great. However I have a little problem. Some parts of ship textrues are showing black. This is at only at static ships. I have seen this at two smaller ships at the cruise ship habor and on the ship on the dry dock and a smaller ship besides it. It is worst on the dry dock ship. Therefore I have attached a shot of this one.

I have tried to reinstall PAKT sp1, the libaries and to switch between default and NA. But it looks the same.

I have seen those black textures also on another screenshot showing this ship on the dry dock. There it is on a smaller scale. So it seems to be no general problem.

It is a small issue but it annoys me a little bit because you can see those black in a big distance even when it is foggy.

Maybe someone can help.

But anyway, the SP1 is a great work :)

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Thanks for checking thst, Wolter. I dont think that it is because of textrue loading time because all other textures are loading fast and this ones are not showing up after minutes. I noticed that Dragonhorn seems to have this aswell http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/41548-ship-in-new-pakt-sp1/page__fromsearch__1 but there are less black areas than with my FSX. So I think it depends on the machine or settings. I will try some more things and report if I find a solution.

Again thanks for helping, Wolter.

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Hey Mike,

it is a dry dock. So the position is correct. But this was my first guess aswell ;)

I tried another anti aliasing mode, reinstalled PAKT, the service pack and the libs, flushed the scenery indexes and it is the same. Anyway, the scenery is great, I will enjoy it even with those little corruption.

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Seems that the different library versions between PAKT, (111225) and the older one in the support section (111207) are becoming a source of problems. It has been said numerous times in the forums that you should NOT install the library from the support page after installing PAKT and the SP1 because PAKT installs a newer library due to requirements of PAKT. Just rerun the PAKT installer and the SP1 again to have the correct library for PAKT.

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Its me again. I checked another region and found one of the ships I have those black textures problem at PAKT as AI ship. All the textures showed up correctly. So the ship textures are okay. So it has to be somehow related to the scenery. Besides Tongas Fjords I dont have any other scenery for this region.

Sounds strange to me because not everybody got this problem. I am running out of ideas.

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Long time ago we had a similar problem with FTX library cruiser ships in Ketchikan. Just like here several parts of the ships were not correctly displayed for some users.

I remember, Holger was referring to that thread, but I can't find it anymore. maybe he's reading this.

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Well, I have found the thread Dieter mentioned http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/25724-pnj-missing-textures/page__p__264377__hl__+cruise%20+ship__fromsearch__1#entry264377

But there is also no solution given. Did anyone found a solution to this problem? This one is from 2010. So it must have been solved or forgotten ;)

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Hi Jan,

this is the "Banana-Dampfer", my problem ship from April 2009 (Nord-Ostsee-Kanal, a ship in aerosoft German Airfields "Nordlichter"). You see, since 2009 is there a problem with this FSX ship and I thought it was my graphic card.

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But I must say, in Ketchikan the textures of this ship are all ok. It would be nice, if Russ can change this ship in a later patch.

Cheers. Friedi.

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