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Everyone please read: Continous Rule Violation

Jay Kae

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Can I just draw the attention again to rule #3:

3 ) Please do not post a thread using CAPS for the subject to attract attention, it is considered to be shouting and rude. Orbx staff may use CAPS for important announcements, such as product releases or community announcements

It is my pet rule, I hate seeing caps and the exorbitant exclamation marks, to me it just indicates the user thinks he or she is more important than the other people on the forum, so please stop doing it, all posts with caps will be deleted without notification.

Also rule #7

7 ) We also do not allow posts that are sexual (even subtle sexual innuendo), political, race-oriented, religious in nature or violate Orbx community standards. The Orbx staff shall be the sole arbitrator of what does and what does not violate community standards.

I have had to remove some religious toned signatures in the last couple of weeks, signatures are considered to be part of each and every single post you make, so please do not re-add them either (user who did this was warned)

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i am afraid that i must be guilty of this so infutre i will write avery thing in small case but changing the way you where taught is hard to do there was never intent to shout or draw attention to myself

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i am afraid that i must be guilty of this so infutre i will write avery thing in small case but changing the way you where taught is hard to do there was never intent to shout or draw attention to myself

You surely caught my attention! Not everyone here has English as a first language, but I would like to see at least some attempt to use modicum of sentence structure, capitalizing where it's needed, a few commas or periods here and there, so that we can draw a breath; and then perhaps a first name at the end, so that we can direct a reply to a real person, rather than a "iflygr8" pseudonym.

Paul J.

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Emmsie may also be guilty i dont know if putting the name of a airport as say YBBN is a no no.



Good one Iain, and acronyms like PNW, NRM..etc. Personally I could care less I just read um one at a time in the order they come in.

I also note that there are options for fonts and font sizes, some might use bigger fonts to emphasize something, I have seen this. WOW. Now this is how to draw attention to your issue. Personally I just type basic sentence structure most often.

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Emmsie may also be guilty i dont know if putting the name of a airport as say YBBN is a no no. if it is i will stop this chaps and put it in lower case no worries.



I highly doubt that would be a no no Iain. If so, even Orbx is shouting a lot at its product pages :lol: Seriously, it's quite common to write ICAO codes (or abbreviations as I just wrote) in capitol letters.

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Emmsie may also be guilty i dont know if putting the name of a airport as say YBBN is a no no. if it is i will stop this chaps and put it in lower case no worries.



Iain I would really like to buy you a pint sometime! You just crack me up but maybe it is a British humor thing. LOL



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Guest strider

Can I just draw the attention again to rule #3:

It is my pet rule, I hate seeing caps and the exorbitant exclamation marks, to me it just indicates the user thinks he or she is more important than the other people on the forum, so please stop doing it, all posts with caps will be deleted without notification.

Also rule #7

I have had to remove some religious toned signatures in the last couple of weeks, signatures are considered to be part of each and every single post you make, so please do not re-add them either (user who did this was warned)

REALLY !! Thats just silly. To many rules, thats probably why this forum has been so slow and boring lately. I'm off to AVSIM so I can read all the entertaining bickering with caps and exclamations marks, lol....

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REALLY !! Thats just silly. To many rules, thats probably why this forum has been so slow and boring lately. I'm off to AVSIM so I can read all the entertaining bickering with caps and exclamations marks, lol....

Oh ok then, see you later then strider :)

@Iain, no mate ICAO's are fine of course ;)

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Just for the record .. strider was not banned for this alone. This was the last of a number of strikes / warnings.

We all make occasional misconstrued posts, but if you are able to stray over the line on a regular basis ... you earn the appropriate treatment.

Pretty simple really, and not something anyone with a modicum of sense needs to worry about.

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He was not banned, if he was his existence here would not show up at all. His account was deleted (as per Ian's post above me) if he wants it back and can behave without taunting me, he can write me an email :) Arrogant ? Maybe so but this topic was not created to start a discussion on the validity of our rules, this was created to 'enforce' the rules, nothing more, nothing less, I did not need a smartypants remark about going to AVSIM yada yada yada

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I have no issue with reminders. I was just wondering Jay though on a subject like this why is it kept open for folks to reply. There is not need to reply actually.

You are just reminding folks of the rules to help manage the forums, no issue, no big deal. Shouldn't it be locked down or pinned?

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Yeah, I guess, I just like to leave it open for people like Iain who like to ask a question, like is it ok to do ICAO's to which I can answer in the open so everyone benefits from the answer rather than in PM :)

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  • 2 years later...

Yep I admit I am guilty of that recently. I used caps and exclamation marks recently to describe how I felt about the pending release of YBTH Bathurst. For my penance I will put on the pointy hat and sit in the corner for an hour. After I finish reading the rest of the forum.

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