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What they don't tell about ex. frame limiter


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My rig runs fine and sure made a difference with this external frame thing, but running 2 monitors undocking something and dragging up to the 2nd monitor then look and see your locked frames with the external limiter set at 30 like they say to do and watch drop to 15. So now looks like they say to set the external double which would be to 60 and i don't know if that's the thing to do. So here we go again if ain't one thing with this it's an other. I totally agree with John and no one will change my mind If you don't have 4GHZ don't even think of getting into this and leave your sim in the wrapper till you get the proper specs to run this. I have a 975 extreme -3.2GHZ and went to 2 computer shops today and not one wants any thing to do with over clocking, and some how i have to get this thing up to 4GHZ - they all says it's easy ya when you know how. I bought the weather radar from Captain sim on sale for 9 bucks and that's how i noticed the frames were dropping to 1/2 undocking it .Then in the Level D 67 i always undock the overhead panel and slide up to the second monitor and she dropped to 15 from 30 frames and was all black so sure enough i upped the frames to 60 in the external and was ok but it think it crippeled the performance but not sure yet

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Hey Caroline, don't get too hooked up on chasing performance, I think that's a quick way to stressville! Everyone seems to get so concerned with framerates when really they mean nothing if you have stutters and drops. I have decided to try and concentrate more on the smoothness of my rig. So sure, they are important to a degree, but not if you are no longer finding enjoyment from flying  ;)

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My rig runs fine and sure made a difference with this external frame thing, but running 2 monitors undocking something and dragging up to the 2nd monitor then look and see your locked frames with the external limiter set at 30 like they say to do and watch drop to 15. So now looks like they say to set the external double which would be to 60 and i don't know if that's the thing to do. So here we go again if ain't one thing with this it's an other. I totally agree with John and no one will change my mind If you don't have 4GHZ don't even think of getting into this and leave your sim in the wrapper till you get the proper specs to run this. I have a 975 extreme -3.2GHZ and went to 2 computer shops today and not one wants any thing to do with over clocking, and some how i have to get this thing up to 4GHZ - they all says it's easy ya when you know how. I bought the weather radar from Captain sim on sale for 9 bucks and that's how i noticed the frames were dropping to 1/2 undocking it .Then in the Level D 67 i always undock the overhead panel and slide up to the second monitor and she dropped to 15 from 30 frames and was all black so sure enough i upped the frames to 60 in the external and was ok but it think it crippeled the performance but not sure yet


PM me with your phone number as soon as you can and I will call you and walk you through overclocking it on a one to one. Won't take long. No problem!


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Hey Caroline, don't get too hooked up on chasing performance, I think that's a quick way to stressville! Everyone seems to get so concerned with framerates when really they mean nothing if you have stutters and drops. I have decided to try and concentrate more on the smoothness of my rig. So sure, they are important to a degree, but not if you are no longer finding enjoyment from flying  ;)

I agree (everything but the Caroline part  ;D) I heard someone say the best tweak is an upgrade. My latest upgrade is running out of the box and as long as it is over 30fps then I am happy. No need to push the envelope further. Just fly and have fun, Life is too short to tweak    ;D

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Matthew is right about 30FPS as a minimum.....what will seperate a very good rig with a better one is 30 FPS with all the eye candy on.....sure you can have a smooth flight at 20 > 25 FPS but what are your sliders at or is everything ticked in the Orbx control panel......

Also, John is right about the 4.GHz overclocking.....to me that's the bare minimun for FSX (on a quad core), overclocking is also not for everybody, don't care what component you want to overclock but by doing so there is always a possibility of killing it and some peoples can't afford to do so....

I have only one rule about overclocking and here it is...."If you can't afford to overclock don't"...

I just blew one of my stick maybe more than one, memtest86 found 37 error on the first stick).....snif snif.....good thing I had a lifetime warranty......just talked to Super Talent and they will RMA the memory to be replaced.....by the way I've never had such a good experience with a memory company... Super Talent rocks....seriously...no fuss at all, they answered me by e-mail less then 24 hours after I files the RMA form as they promissed....

I just hope they have the same rams in stock cause they are the best I ever own.....(I pushed them to far....)...now I know what's their limits....LOL

Here is a list of their high end stick....if you'r looking for some good 1600MHz they have some at CL 6-6-6-18 ...now that's fast....what can they do after a little tweaking... ;)


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Wow Stephen, that's a great proposal!

Very kind from you.

And Louis (and Caroline  :D) you can (both) rely on Steph's skills, he is an expert!

I can say Stephen talked my though my 4.2 overclock with no problem he knows his beans alright and what a gentleman he is as well Thank you Stephen.



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with all the talent on this forum eg spirit flyer ,alain and pmanhart you can acheive anything,those guys offer lots of there expirences with fsx,and have been a great asset to the forum,happy new year to you all :)

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Hi Louis,

Just checked my messages and they were there but I really fell behind in my correspondence because of being super busy this time of the year, but it is settling down now. Received your phone number and called and left a message but I will try again about 7:00pm your time.

I am actually 3 hours ahead of you in eastern Canada. Perhaps write me at: spirit dot flyer at rogers dot com if and when you get in before that, and I will call you right back as soon as I see it. If we don't connect this evening I will call again late tomorrow morning my time if that is OK.

Kind regards,

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