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This is not the PNW I remember!


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I have just noticed some very odd graphical anomolies in PNW, just out of WA79. Strange geometrical shapes in the landscape.... looks very odd, and I can't remember seeing them there before. I have just installed the latest patch for PNW off the website... could this have anything to do with it... Help would be very much appreciated, thanks....

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Hi there,

we use a combination of land class and polygons and sometimes they can lead to these kinds of mismatches. In this case it looks like a forestry cutblock polygon overlapping a rural land class texture. If you can supply lat/long I can remove the poly for the service pack.

Cheers, Holger

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Ah thanks Holger, I was just unsure whether there was something going on that I was unaware of. I had lost grass on the airstrip at WA79 earlier today (now got it back) and I thought there may be some kind of corruption happening. I think maybe I was being a little over anxious! Thanks all the same for your support...

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Hi Josh, thanks for the info. No I have no other terrain, although I am thinking of getting hold of GEX Europe, I assume this would have no impact on the US anyway (?) I have just installed REX 2 though. I am experiencing some issues with FSX crashing and then itself restarting after accessing the menu bar during a flight, not always, but sometimes. If I don't get it resolved I guess I will have to start a thread...

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