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YMML Melbourne International - PREVIEW PART 1 - Landside Terminal details

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We are in the final stages of development of YMML Melbourne International. This week I will be providing you with many screenshots as we finalise work. Today's shots are some closeups of T2 and T3 and also an overhead shot. Enjoy!

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That has to be the best looking FS airport ever!Ā  Exeptional work.

I do hope though that you blacken the shadows under the 3D cars on the photoreal roads. Looks like they all have Too fast too furious neon lights and we all know Melburnians are too sophisticated for that.

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That's just extraordinary! So glad I upgraded the PC recently - now to get the Dell 24 inch monitor to complete the upgrade!! Will post a monitor query in the forum later.... Fantastic work from you guys! :D

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That has to be the best looking FS airport ever!Ā  Exeptional work.

I do hope though that you blacken the shadows under the 3D cars on the photoreal roads.

Already taken care off Ant; just waiting on the next build of Jarrad's car models ;)

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Nurse - bandage please! I think my jaw just broke as it hit the floor!Ā  :o This looks like it surpasses even the FlightScenery Portland airport, which was IMHO one of the best ever. But this just looks....gotta love that taxi line in the second picĀ  :)

Rubbing hands in anticipation,


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I really can add nothing.Ā  I am gobsmacked by its astonishing detail, and the quite outstanding quality.Ā  That is almost faint praise. Let me say I think you are in the process of creating a whole new benchmark.

However I doubt that you can replicate the frustrations of arriving in a cab to the Qantas departure drop off with two pedestrian crossings and Virgin and InternationalĀ  traffic in between.

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no offence intended to any of of the designers and the hard work they have put into theis scenery, and many others, but it continues to astonish me what poinless small bits of detail are being put into scenery these days...like honestly, is there a need to have every sign and car park booth and person etc in the scenery?...how many people are going to taxi their 767 up to the taxi rank and have a look around? obviously computers need to be able to draw all these objects that are placed in the scenery, and here starts the reason why we get such terrible frame rates in FS these days....fair enough if it was a ground based sim, where you drive around a city of walk around or whatever, but are we loosing the roots of this simulation completey? It's called Flight Simulator for a reason...to be able to fly and be in awe of the terrain etc, not pick out the pimples on the face of a pedestrian in the car park of Melbourne Airport, or be able to read the licence plate of a taxi at the domestic terminal? Honestly, it all looks awesome, but perhaps these talents should be used somewhere else? Seems like a waste to me...whats the point?

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Truely remarkable work there guys... Stunning.Ā 

While I reckon Mozza is looking at the glass half empty, he does have a small point (up to a point).Ā  I would be really interested to see the airside of this airport as this is the area that I would get to see when I am flying the sim.

And yes, given the choice, I would vote for keeping the scenery detail as per the pictures above...

A busy and interactive airside would be the icing on the cake IMHO.

Thanks Koorbs for sharing.

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I disagree with mozza.Ā  Nothing beats the feeling of looking down on appoach.Ā  It's a buzz that doesn't exist when you're looking down at default FSX square blocks. :)Ā  I'm sure that buzz will be back when I fly to YMML soon. :)

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Quote Mozza

where you drive around a city of walk around


Mate thats just what I intend to do, after landing I'll rent a car and go for a drive, hover the helo over this incredible stuff, It's total immersion and I can't wait.

Well done boys keep it happening

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With this an FTX you be able to drive down the freeway all they way to the city and enjoy Melbourne city scapesĀ  ;D

Thanks for the kind words guys, i have never had so much fun. Don't worry airside will be just as emersive, just lots ofĀ  construction going on airside and you will need your ASIC before you can see some screen shots, though i suspect if your a Virgin fan you might be able to sneek a peak through the fence soon.

Just for info i run My Traffic X at 100% and the airport vehicles on to keep myself honest regarding performance. But like any scenery the Sliders are there for a reason.

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Awesome work guys. Detail is unreal.Ā  8)

I look forward to seeing the airside of the airport. To me(could just be me) the roads aren't very crisp up close and seem almost like coloured grass - how do the taxiways/aprons compare? are lines/markings etc. clear and crisp?

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Actually, just having seen a preview video of MS Trainsim http://www.tsinsider.com/en-US/WorkInProgress/Pages/TS2video.aspx I can really see where Orbx can capitalise on their micro detail abilities.Ā  Interestingly as MSTrainSim is built on the FSX platform, I see many detail scenery components that can easily be used in MSFS FSX if the objects were compatible.Ā  I guess the legal ramifications would be something lese though...

Sorry for going off topic, but I wonder if ACES will make an offer to Orbx for their scenery to add to TrainSimĀ  ??? The site does say they are going to model railways for the whole world.Ā  MmmmmmmmmmmmmmĀ  ;)

Thanks guys for the comments on the airside details.


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Just read Mozz's comments, and for once old mate I have to disagree with you.. I have been "driving" around airports in FS for many years now, at least back to FS2000, and it's great fun.. there are and always have been a host of driveable cars out there (it's the only way I ever got to drive a Merc by the way) and believe me old lad.. it really is a hoot. Teecee.

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