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Cessna 310


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I have purchased the Cessna 310 from Milviz and I noticed that the compass on the window post of the glass panel model is all black (no compass bowl). For anyone who has this aircraft, is this the same with your's?

John G

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I have Aceleration and SP2 and I am not using it in DX10.

However a flight this morning in another of the C310 models had the same black box instead of showing the compass card - that is until I landed. A quick glance at the compass showed me the same black box with an intermittent appearance of a very dull compass card (came and went as I swung the aircraft off the runway onto thre grass). The whole instrument panel in each of the C310's is very darkly shaded compared to other aircraft, even with all light swirches 'On'.

I don't have problems with any other aircraft. There is a post in this Forum somewhere that said it was 'buggy' and that a patch was being looked at, or something to that affect. I could go back to Milviz but I tought I would see if anyone else was having this problem before I do that.

Other than that it seems fine. I think a tip is appropriate here, and that is the old 'launch with a default plane first, then load the C310 (that didn't cure my problem, though).

John G

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Best if you report this at Milviz, its a new model and they would appreciate feedback .

I talked about it being "buggy" but then I don't have acceleration installed . They thought they tested it in sp2 only mode  to find "that in our horror"  the test computer turned out not to be like that.  I have no worries with these guys , I feel confident we will all get sorted out properly .

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John this is a long shot but...I have a Sibwings Safir and the 91B version used to lose it's GPS display after about 10 minutes. None of the other models in the range had this problem. After a lot of hair tearing and indeed uninstalling, some suggested that I reverted to the Trike as default instead of whatever it was at the time. I did that and guess what, yep, no more disappearing GPS. From that day on I have the Trike as default and no more anomalies of that sort.

Worth a try.

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This is a nice little bird, with a couple of notable execptions (the Pasped Skylark, Epic Victory, and Quest Kodiak) I am not really into single engine GA, but I do LOVE GA twins. The 310 rather reminds me a bit of the Beagle in it;s styling

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Hi Cathy:  I've always thought of the 'whale', the Piper Aztec as more like the Beagle. 

I am sure you would have got a real pleasure from flying the 310 IRL.  When I moved from the 310 to the Navajo, I went to a larger aircraft, but it felt like going from a Beamer to a truck (Not that I have owned either).

Just a little bit of over-control on the glideslope can get a dutch roll started.  I learned to stop it quickly!

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I think in speed the Duke is probably faster,

The 310 on the Green Line is about 180 IAS.

They are two different aircraft, enjoy them both, or even just one.  For me it is a trip down memory lane, that's why I like to fly the Cessna 172, the V tailed Bonanza, the Seneca, and the Navajo - all important to me IRL flying, with supporting roles to the Baron and Beech A36.

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The original C310 and 320 had "straight" tip tanks which were notorious for getting into a dutch roll that was hard to damp out. When they went to the "canted' tip tanks, this pretty much went away. The subsequently did that with all the standard twins (excepting the 337 and 336 of course). I've flown both original and canted IRL, although 25-30 years ago or so. I remember the canted tip tank twin Cessna anythings (310/340/414/421) as sweet flying aircraft.

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Now I'd like to pay someone to take GTER and replace the rego with VH-KRZ.

The paint job is pretty much the same, and in those colours.  So all I want is the rego changed and I can fly the old girl again.

And it would give her new life, seeing that she's now stuck up on a pole outside Parafield airport as their entrance marker.

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Okay - an update on the original problem...that of the disapearing compass card.

I emailed Colin at Milviz as suggested and the reply was that they don't do things that way and I had to post my problem on the Milviz Forum - the profferred link in the reply email took me to SimHQ Forum site where I registered and posted (no replies to date and things look like they might stay that way). I then found a Milviz Forum Site (certainly was diffferent to the SimHQ site the Milviz email directed me to) so I registered on that and have not had any response - no email confirmation opening my membership at all.

And I do use the Trike as my default aircraft (in response to a question here). So out of frustration I am giving up and will forget about this aircraft. Thanks for all your comments and suggestions: I realise it isn't a perfect world in computer land and I accept that gliches do occur. Right now I'm off to the Williamtown RAAF Defence Airshow.


John G

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Okay - an update on the original problem...that of the disapearing compass card.

I emailed Colin at Milviz as suggested and the reply was that they don't do things that way and I had to post my problem on the Milviz Forum - the profferred link in the reply email took me to SimHQ Forum site

John G

Hi John,

Sorry that you have that strange problem, but for us at Milviz customer support is at least as important as the product itself.

I told Colin about that strange problem and he asks you to please forward him the mail where he gave you the wrong link to SimHQ as there's absloutely no reason for him to send you in a wrong  direction. I've PMd you his e-mail

Best regards


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As the person who rigged the animations, created the FSX Materials, tuned all the textures and coded all of the gauges, I am extremely interested in this case of the "disapearing compass card..."

Is it really disappearing, or is it just that the Gamma on your monitor is set too low? I've tried all of the models on six different LCD and two ancient CRT displays and have never not seen the compass card...

I will be recompiling all of the models within the next few days (yes, a second Service Release), and would like to find the proximate cause of your display problem. You are the first -and so far only- person to report this issue.

If you like, you can write to me directly at n4gix at comcast.net and we can discuss this further.

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After raising my gamma levels, as suggested on this forum, and playing about with brightness and contrast in my video card settings the compass card has become visible. But there is a catch: too much gamma and/or too much brightness and/or contrast and the compass looks fine but the glare hurts your eyes. All scenery etc looks pale after tweaking these settings. So, as I have now done, I have reached a 'liveable' (but not preferred) compromise with the settings.

If anyone else has this problem then look first, as suggested by Bill Leaming, at your gamma levels (and other card settings). And of course launch any support issues at the proper site.

It's a great product and now that I can see the compass I will enjoy it more.

Please note, the problem I had was with my set-up and (as I am the only one who seemed to have this problem) it may not be relevant to anyone else.

I consider this matter settled. Thanks for all your inputs.


John G

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