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SSD's - Defrag or Trim ?

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I have done a lot of research on this subject, all of it saying that SSD's should NOT be defragged.   And I get that.


I use Windows 10 Home Edition and when I first attempted to defrag my C:Drive which is a 2TB SSD (this before I found out about NOT defragging!), running the default Windows defrag option actually TRIMMED the drive - no mention of a defrag.


Is this ok to do this ?   Or does this method actually defrag the drive, causing more wear and tear on it ?


Any comments would be wlecome.




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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:

as you found, Windows will not do other than trim an SSD.



So Trimming regulary is safe - and useful t do ?



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39 minutes ago, BAW9DV said:

So Trimming regulary is safe - and useful t do ?


Yes to safe, useful, I really don't know, but it certainly does no harm.


All the simulators that Orbx sells products for are pretty much unaffected by drive performance,
except that the faster the drive, the shorter the initial loading time.
Once running, even the slowest drive will be able to deliver files much faster than the simulator can ask for them.

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I just checked Google and it seems advice has changed since the early days of SSDs. The advice now is to TRIM regularly, Kingston says once a week, you can can set up a regular Optimise Drive in Windows. 

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I also just went in to trim my SSDs and found that the only way I could get the full menu to allow defragging/Optimisation was via the Computer Management - Disk Management function in Control Panel, the normal Device Manager pop up in Windows 11 didn't seem to have the function.  i've set mine to TRIM monthly.

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Hi John,


I have the standard Wondows 10 in-built Defrag tool - and to be honest, I have defragged (or rather trimmed as the utility does not actually defrag!) quite regulary, say once a week or after an extensive clean up using CCleaner.


And I have noticed no ill effects at all.   The Computer is a ChillBlast system, now over 3 years old.


Again, no ill effects.   So I will "trim" on an infrequent basis.


Thank you,





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