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920 CPU


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Yes works well for me.  If you look at my posts you will see what I recommend for the fsx.cfg as well.  I have mine running nicely at 3.6GHz with a quality CPU cooler.  I found that after 3.6GHz frame rates didn't increase, possibly because my video card is only upper middle range.

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920 is going out of the market, and 930 is replacing it. So i'd recommend 930, it has a lot more overclocking potential than 920.

But whichever you choose, they are great processors for fsx!

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Thank you to all that replied.  I'm not a computer guru, in fact I am sure the local primary school kids know a lot more than I do, so I thought I'd put out the call to make sure I wasn't given a dummy or I could have improved a lot with something else.  Now I'm a happy chappy.

Regards to all,


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