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EGFF not remembering settings

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My apologies, I forgot that EGFF is not a stand alone product.

Is EGFF as included in EU Wales, if so do a verify on EU Wales and your Orbx Libraries.


I have just seen your other post, has checking Orbx Libraries corrected the problem with EGFF ?

Edited by Smudger
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Thanks for responding. The animations have indeed re-appeared, I should know better after all these years. I'm not sure the boxes stay ticked in the config though, they may do something when you press save but are not ticked when you look again.


It's what comes of having to use scenery config editor to fly the PMDG NGX avoiding VAS issues. Mind you I have just bought an i5 12600 and a new motherboard after a hardware failure so flying A2A planes GA now has a nice high framerate; I just need a GPU to match which unfortunately are still rather pricey at present so the old R290x will have to soldier on for a while. I am what they call 'GPU limited'.  


Thanks again

Edited by Mike Franklin
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this reads like the long-standing problem with Orbx control panels which occurs when both

versions of a file or files to be renamed by the control panel are present at the same time.

Typically this can be caused by setting the control panel away from default and then running verify files.

A solution would be to delete ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_AA_EGFF and then run verify files for EU Wales.

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