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ESSB - unable to start a flight from apron E (East)

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I have had problems starting a flight from ESSB with the Orbx scenery lately. I have tried everything from numerous installs/uninstalls to deleting content.xml and .dat files as well as the rolling cache. Finally I have now found the issue. If I want to start a flight from apron E, the Grafair business jet apron, the flight won't load. The progess bar reaches 100% and nothing happens. If however, I start a flight from the main apron, all is good. Checking the parking spots in MSFS for apron E, they seem to be positioned wrong with the new scenery somehow.

I have also tried with and without static aircraft to see if that makes any difference, but it doesn't. Something is wrong with apron E?


Edit: Tried apron 7 as well now, but no go. I'm investigating this further.

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It appears I thought i had found the problem, but now all parking spots seems to result in a frozen loading screen. ESSV in the same package works fine. I have now installed and uninstalled about four times, everytime deleting the content.xml, rolling cache and .dat-files. And an empty community folder. I'm about to give up.

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1 hour ago, rafgath said:

I have the same problem. Stand 7 does not work for me. I have not checked others. Likewise, the progress bar very slowly reaches 100% and nothing happens.

It's so weird how I could make it work on one occasion today, at the main apron. Then when trying a second time, I can't even start from the runway. It just won't load. As I have thought about doing a clean install of MSFS, I decided today is the day. Downloading and installing takes forever though. Have about 10% left. Will keep you updated today or tomorrow :)

Edited by EndZone
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Ok, clean install of MSFS. Nothing else. Everything works as it should. Now installing ESSB and it's a no go. I can't get the airport to load. Just a full progess bar. It did work at one point up until a week ago. Now I can't even manage to get it to work with a clean MSFS install?


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This is what I see when I'm about to start a flight. Isn't there supposed to be a terminal here? But it just seems cut off. Several other buildings are non existent as well. An uninstall and new install of Orbx Central and the scenery doesn't work either. 





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18 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:



Please open Orbx Central and go to settings/help and run the sync simulator function.


Thanks! Unfortunately this didn't work either. The sync worked fine according to Central, but when starting MSFS, the world map still shows missing buildings and the flight won't load. I don't understand this. It's a clean install, but showing the same issues as it did before I chose to reinstall MSFS. 
Orbx Central was also completely wiped and reinstalled. All files are verified ok.

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1 hour ago, EndZone said:


Thanks! Unfortunately this didn't work either. The sync worked fine according to Central, but when starting MSFS, the world map still shows missing buildings and the flight won't load. I don't understand this. It's a clean install, but showing the same issues as it did before I chose to reinstall MSFS. 
Orbx Central was also completely wiped and reinstalled. All files are verified ok.




Not sure I understand the "world map" issue. The world map from where you can choose start up location in the MSFS2020 menu just reads the satellite imagery for our scenery, it has nothing to do with what is actually loaded in the sim in the end. We clean our satellite imagery from airside buildings, cars, etc so we can place our own objects there, therefor the map will show an apron without any terminal buildings. The map is also not correctly placing out the parkings, they are slightly missaligned compared to the project mesh we have in the scenery on top of the satellite imagery.


Also the missing parkings are just parkings removed as we have static aircrafts at those positions. You can disable statics if you like in OrbxCentral if you bought the scenery at our store.


That the flight won't load is for sure a huge issue, and I hope Doug and the team will be able to track down the issue, the map however looks like it should. 

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1 hour ago, Marcus Nyberg said:




Not sure I understand the "world map" issue. The world map from where you can choose start up location in the MSFS2020 menu just reads the satellite imagery for our scenery, it has nothing to do with what is actually loaded in the sim in the end. We clean our satellite imagery from airside buildings, cars, etc so we can place our own objects there, therefor the map will show an apron without any terminal buildings. The map is also not correctly placing out the parkings, they are slightly missaligned compared to the project mesh we have in the scenery on top of the satellite imagery.


Also the missing parkings are just parkings removed as we have static aircrafts at those positions. You can disable statics if you like in OrbxCentral if you bought the scenery at our store.


That the flight won't load is for sure a huge issue, and I hope Doug and the team will be able to track down the issue, the map however looks like it should. 


Thanks Marcus, I actually thought that the world map would have shown the terminals as on Bing maps, that's why I thought it was related to the whole issue with flights not loading. Thanks for the explanation. Yes it is indeed a huge problem, and I really can't come up with any more ideas. I mean, it's a great looking airport when it actually does load. Amazing work. I really want to use this scenery.

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This is interesting. I decided to fly to ESSB from an airport close by. Unfortunately, the airports closest to ESSB (small airfields) won't load either if Orbx scenery is installed. However, I kept trying airfields in the Stockholm Area, and finally found one fairly close that would load. I then flew to ESSB and lo and behold - there it was!  The scenery is all there, but it's completely swamped with aircraft parked on almost every parking spot. Could this be the issue, that I want to start from a spot where MSFS already has parked aircraft? See, I had a look at one spot where nothing was parked. I then started a flight from ESSB from that empty spot and finally it all loaded up as it should. I have no idea where all aicraft comes from, I've never seen MSFS park so many planes there. I have no static aircraft selected and I have chosen no AI traffic. Still there are parked planes everywhere at ESSB. I literally mean on every single possible spot except a few.

I'll do some more testing here and let you know. I don't know if it loaded only because I first flew there, or if this parked aicraft thing is the issue.

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So in the effort of building my own little support division, I have now finally made everything work!


I found out that changing the Ground aircraft density from the default 50 to 0 solved the issue. No more spawned planes at ESSB and all parking spots are now working. I can start a flight again. I just don't understand how this can happen. How can the spawned aircraft stop me from taking a specific parking spot? And it's only at ESSB. I tried some default airports, but then there is never a problem. If I choose a starting position, there will be no conflict with AI. But at ESSB, if AI is parked at a spot, I'm not allowed to load the flight? Weird, but at least now I'm so happy to be able to fly from ESSB again! :)

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17 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:



My first guess would be that it is something created by Asobo in the updates to the sim.


I think you're right. It's a bit confusing that ESSB seems to be the only affected airport though. No problem for me, I'm flying on Vatsim so I don't need or want any AI planes. I'm happy as long as I can use the scenery :)

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I spoke to soon. Today I was looking forward to a flight from ESSB, but it's not loading. I've tried from several parking spots. So I decided to fly there again from another airport. Worked fine and I started a new flight from ESSB via World Map and now I can fly from there again. But if I would exit MSFS and restart it, flights from ESSB won't load until I fly there from another airport. I guess what I thought solved the issue yesterday was not ground aircraft, but the fact that I had first flown there from another airport.

Close to giving up here... 

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Actually a friend of mine had problems loading at ESSB as well and tried several things to solve it. In the end he took a flight from ESSV and everything worked fine when landing at ESSB and since then it has loaded without any problem.


I'm sorry I can't be of more help, just seems like a really strange problem. It loads fine for me, but understand that doesn't help much :)


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14 hours ago, Marcus Nyberg said:

Actually a friend of mine had problems loading at ESSB as well and tried several things to solve it. In the end he took a flight from ESSV and everything worked fine when landing at ESSB and since then it has loaded without any problem.


I'm sorry I can't be of more help, just seems like a really strange problem. It loads fine for me, but understand that doesn't help much :)



Yes, it actually works if you fly into the scenery. But only as long as you don't close MSFS and restart it. For me and many more, that is. It's a confusing thing. Yesterday I bought three more airports from you at Orbx via the central. I added EDDB, ESGG and LOWI. They worked great apart from EDDB that wouldn't load either.

So I decided to start a flight at ESSA in order to get ESSB to work, but ESSA wouldn't load anymore. Not a single airport in the vicinity around ESSB. I then tried my home airport of ESOK (Marcus, I will forever be your greatest fan if you take on ESOK as a next project. I'll be happy to help out in any way I can :) )
ESOK loaded fine. I then tried ESSA. Worked great. So I tried ESSB. Worked like a charm, and EDDB as well.

If I restart the sim, ESSB and EDDB will not load unless I fly into the scenery or first start a flight at an airport nearby, then go back to main menu and choose ESSB/EDDB. This seems to affect a lot of Orbx scenery according to the link I posted yesterday, but I think it's an issue with third party scenery overall. For some of us, that is, which makes it even harder to prove as it is some kind of random occurrence.


Thanks (eller tack!) Marcus - I really love your work and I am happy to at least have found a workaround until Asobo comes up with a solution.

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