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Scenery Spikes at Catalina Orbx

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I am getting scenery spikes at Orbx Catalina. I tried basic troubleshooting including reinstalling Catalina and also deleting the Content.xml (with a sim restart afterwards). I also made sure to delete my rolling cache and disabled it then restarted the simulator. I also deleted everything in my community folder as well. Please note the image uploaded.


Interestingly, the scenery spike will go away when I get closer towards Avalon. It seems to be connected to the level of detail (LOD) radius which I presently have set to 200 (max value) on both. I also made sure I wasn't a victim of the "not saving graphic settings bug" and changed graphics from Ultra back to Medium, then back to Ultra. 


Any other suggestions? If not, may this be forwarded onto the developer of this scenery? 

2021-08-11 (1)_LI.jpg

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I have just done a flight using your guidance. Thanks.

I attach a pic that shows the 2 spikes you show, but my pic is from a greater distance away and taken as soon as i observed the spikes.

My findings are that there are several areas along that coast where spikes appear but and importantly, they disappear the nearer I get to them resulting in no permanent spikes.

The issue I think maybe with the sim and not the addon. Recent changes in LOD in the sim could be influencing this. Mesh popping up and then returning to normal are trademarks of the early Microsoft sims and carries on into P3D.

 I would need greater guidance to fully address the  spike issue as to where the cause emanates.

@Ed Correia Hi Ed. Any comment or guidance appreciated.



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Yes! That is exactly what I see. They are not permanent spikes. They go away when I go closer to them. 


Edit: I just wanted to note that changing the LOD radius in the UserConfig file to a higher value didn't seem to fix this. For example, going from the default 2.00000 to 3.00000 or even higher. 

Edited by davyvfr
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