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A comment worth repeating....


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I just saw this quote posted by a member of the Working Title Team at the MS2020 forum website


IMHO it bears repeating....


“Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting.” – Joyce Meyer


Asobo has found a series of bugs in the WU5 update and continue to work the issue. A hot fix is soon to be released and other updates 

will follow.


I think it is important to acknowledge that any Developer doesn't wake up and say I wonder what I can mess up today. 

The are all human like the rest of us and try to do the best they can, but sometimes mistakes happen.  


We need to take heed of Ms. Meyer's quote and remember that be it Asobo , Orbx or any other developer who sometimes has a misstep.

Behave in the fashion towards them that you would like to be treated, cut them some slack when necessary to solve the issue , and continue to support them and 

you will find that they will respond in kind.





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I hear ya Pete, I have been reading elsewhere and some of the posts are just toxic.......every sim and it's updates tends to break something, they have acknowledged the fact that some stuff needs to be fixed again and are working towards it..... it's annoying when things go south and I suffered that with P3DV5 in the past but after the last update it for me was worth the wait, also the times XP11 has been updated and nothing else works with it, all been there I guess so I am sure MSFS will be sorted, just needs time it's only been around for a year....

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