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MSFS Menu is unstable - Inoperable

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All - so glad to see many are still here after a very long leave of absence - Hopefully everyone is safe and healthy - No joke on the Covid as I am recovering from it - I was very lucky based on likely limited viral load - so was pretty sick but not like others I know. Anyhow, as I now back messing with the deluxe version of MSFS2020 - I am just trying reinstall after an initial install that was causing a few issues - most recently, and on this current install the menu i.e when first trying to set up controls, or where to set a flight up - the menu is unstable for me i.e. not allowing me to go into the menu to set up flight controls. nor any other item on welcome splash screen. I will click it, it opens and then before I can select my throttle or joystick to configure it, it kicks me out to the main screen. That is the same for any option. Its kind of like if I had a stuck key or binding but don't from what I can observe. I have unplugged all peripherals too. Any thoughts?  

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This has been resolved. All peripherals unloaded, and cleared all joystick/Throttle assignments and remapped. 

New problem though is input lag -    virtually unflyable despite changing sensitivities. If someone is flying using Thrustmaster Hotas with smooth settings - I'd love your feedback. 

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I do.


With the TM16000 with Throttle and Pedals. Works fine after Curves and sensitivity settings.


I just changed my curves to start slow and go stronger later and put the deadzone to 8% or something for the direct controls. Didnt change anything for the throttles.

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On 1/19/2021 at 12:48 AM, Senchay said:

I do.


With the TM16000 with Throttle and Pedals. Works fine after Curves and sensitivity settings.


I just changed my curves to start slow and go stronger later and put the deadzone to 8% or something for the direct controls. Didnt change anything for the throttles.


And it is easy to experiment, because one can save any changes made to the sensitivity as another profile. I for instance have saved different profiles for different planes.

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Sure, why not :-) But take a look maybe in your original question about the problem. I gave a possible problem there (dirt inside the stick).

But i forgot to add one more, that was the problem for a handful others with this problem, including me.


If you have a joypad plugged, besides the hotas it can be that as well. The Xbox Gamepad for example, or any other, is likely to have a very tiny if not nonexistent  deadzone in standard setting. And if this is the case it affects your Hotas controls because the gamepad is also active and always has input there.


Doesnt help with input lag of course but the problematic controls can have that as offspring.

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