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Buying a New Airport !

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Hello ,


I just bought and Installed LOWI Innsbruck from Orbx Central for my msfs2020 ! 

Should i go into my Content Manager in msfs and delete the default one , just in case is in confilct with Orbx Innsbruck , or i do not need to do so ?


Thank you 



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Hello Mike,

you have three choices.

1. make sure that the top of your Content.xml file looks like this:



         <Package name="orbx-airport-lowi-innsbruck" active="true"/>  
         <Package name="asobo-airport-lowi-innsbruck" active="true"/>


2. or this:



         <Package name="orbx-airport-lowi-innsbruck" active="true"/>  
         <Package name="asobo-airport-lowi-innsbruck" active="false"/>


 3. use the Content manager to uninstall the Asobo version.


The third choice is by far the best one, you do not need both and if the Asobo version is not there, it

cannot interfere with the Orbx version.




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Hello Ron,

Asobo tell us that if the airport is uninstalled, then it should not be reinstalled

by a simulator update. I remain to be convinced.

In theory, of course they should not affect each other, as indeed they did not

when both were first released.

It does appear that the order in the Content.xml file does have an effect, whereas

in the first instance, it did not.

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43 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

I remain to be convinced.

Not just me then. I'm not sure Asobo know how to do a partial update. i.e. upload the files that have been changed or are new. Having said that, I've not noticed any downside to having another Innsbruck underneath the proper one.

I'll give it a go.

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9 hours ago, Ron Attwood said:

Having said that, I've not noticed any downside to having another Innsbruck underneath the proper one.

I'll give it a go.

 I am living here in Innsbruck since I was born and never was aware that there is another one below. Going digging now.

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I went ahead and deleted LOWI from the Content manager and while I was at it a rush of blood to the head made me delete all those 'How to' bits, you know, land, take off, blow your nose etc.

Later when I turned on the sim there was an unannounced (Well, I didn't see one) update. OMG! What have I done?

Well it didn't reinstall everything but it did delete my nice loading screen picture. (Got fed up with staring at the arse end of a C172)

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