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Darrington no longer loads in XP

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I've had Washington TE, Oregon TE and Darrington 1S2 installed for a few weeks now with no problems. But recently XP began CTD's and in troubleshooting, I moved groups of Custom Scenery content in and out of XP while trying to isolate the problem. I've narrowed the cause away from scenery to X-Camera and some other factor but in shuffling all my scenery around, Darrington no longer loads. I've placed 1S2 at the top of the Scenery Pack.ini, deleted the ini and let XP rebuild it, removed and reinstalled the scenery through Orbx Central. At this point I'm running only the TE sceneries and Darrington, let XP decide the scenery priority, and the attached files are the result. Having made this mess, can I correct it? Thanks for any help.



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Thank you for the input, Sentry11. I made sure the Global Airports folder was present, the ini file updated (see attached) but the results were unchanged.


I'm wondering why a removal/reinstall didn't resolve this. Other sceneries are ok when I add them back in and let the ini build again. But Darrington remains a loss.



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Please confirm the size of you Darrington  folder.

it should be Size on Disk=448MB 934 Files, 6 Folders

Also advise if you have the make a Backup copy enabled. If so please move it safe location on the same drive.

Also Clear your Temp folder.

How to do those actions and where to find a backup copy is shown in the attached pic. Ignore the Untick highlight in the pic if you wish to keep making backup copies of your downloads.

Reboot your PC.

Open Orbx Central and run the Verify Files option for Darrington and report back.

Your Log file is showing that XP cannot find lots of files for Darrington so there is an incomplete installation or a corrupt set of files, hence we need to remove any Backup copy made and Clear the Temp folder so that a verify Files action is relying on a new reading and subsequent and download of any missing files from the server and not from the Backup copy.

Confirm please that your World Objects setting is at maximum





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Please uninstall via Orbx Central Darrington and also uninstall Orbxlibs.

Reboot PC

Run a new installation of Darrington and also OrbxLibs library as many of the reported missing files are in the OrbxLibs library.


By doing the above we are doing a completely new installation of the components required for Darrington, rather than trying other various aspects of "detective" work to see what went wrong.


Uninstall Darrington

Uninstall Orbxlibs.

Reinstall Darrrington

Install OrbxLibs

Place both into the XP directory and not any library you may have created.

Run XP and exit

Check the scenery_packs.ini to ensure that the layering is correct, like the one that Sentry11 provided.

Report back

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