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Removing items from Orbx Central?

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For instance, I have, in my collection England, Wales and Scotland regions. Also I have GB Central, North and South True Earths. The latter renders the former redundant, so would it be possible to remove the former from the list, in the interests of keeping a tidy house?

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5 hours ago, Ron Attwood said:

in the interests of keeping a tidy house?

Hello Ron

It certainly would be possible with no detrimental effects.

With the regions you have seasons, with True Earth it is constantly Summer.

Now, set about a tidy house ;)

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19 minutes ago, Smudger said:

I thought you were suggesting uninstalling the regions to just leave the True Earth in your library

They've already been uninstalled but the entries are still there, albeit greyed out. Don't worry about it. It was just a thought.

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