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LOWI Innsbruck Airport is no longer like it used to, even the runway is bumpy. PLS FIX

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So I pre-ordered the MFS2020, and directly after the game launched i bought the LOWI Innsbruck DLC for 16€ and went there directly in-game after the installation finished, because from the pictures shared on the Marketplace i knew it would be my most visited Airport in the game and yeah for weeks i always start my flight from there. Everything was beautiful, the views, the ambience, literally everything was perfect. but now after the update i realized some unspoken changes happening in this airport. I noticed that the view was no longer beautiful like it used to, even the runway is broken since there is now a massive bump in the middle of the runway , my plane crashed sometimes because of it. and another problem, there is no longer pushback tracktor or tugs available on this airport. what happened here? did you guys nerfed the 16€ Airport i bought? please explain or at least fix these things. Your LOWI Innsbruck DLC supposed to be my favorite and also the best Airport in the game imo. Thanks for the supp.

Best Regards,


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Olá ainda sou novato por aqui, mas vou-me registar já de seguida neste Forum muito útil .

Este cenário é de prender a respiração... e para além do Camorra, é este o meu favorito também !!!

Ultimamente no meu caso, o programa do FS2020 tem um crash total e o PC volta a ficar no desktop,
sempre que o meu avião Cessna 152 chega ao final da pista para levantar vôo deste muito bonito

aeroporto de Innsbruck (LOWI) .

Peço por favor ao Moderador da equipa da Orbx Doug Sawatzky, se me pode também dar uma dica 

de como devo proceder para ultrapassar este "Bug" causador do Crash do FS2020 neste cenário...

Obrigado .

Aproveito para dar os parabéns a toda a equipa da Orbx pela Excelência e Beleza de todos os seus

cenários produzidos para o Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 e que eu aos poucos, tenho vindo a comprar !!!

Pedro Ramalho.

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Hi Pedro, welcome to the forums


Please start by deleting and turning off the rolling cache feature of the sim.


Then close the sim and open Orbx Central and do a verify files of the airport.


Olá Pedro, seja bem vindo ao fórum

Comece excluindo e desligando o recurso de cache contínuo do sim.

Em seguida, feche o sim e abra o Orbx Central e verifique os arquivos do aeroporto.

Além disso, certifique-se de que o Bing Data esteja ativado.

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    Olá Doug !!!


Obrigado pelas suas Dicas, que já conseguiram pôr o meu Cessna 152 a voar no FS2020

no vosso Lindíssimo Cenário de INNSBRUCK !!! 

Bastou-me seguir a sua dica transmitida anteriormente ao Camorra, para colocar em "On" o

"Bing Data"  (o que quer que isso possa  ser...), que no meu caso também estava em "Off"... 


Lembre-se que eu sou novato aqui no Forum e no Fs2020 !!!

Como vou conseguir "excluir e desligar o recurso de cache contínuo do Simulador "  ???


Já instalei a Central do Orbx, mas preciso de mais tempo para analisar bem tudo !!!

Depois entrarei de novo em contacto consigo, para relatar o estado das anomalias encontradas .


Obrigado por toda a sua precisa ajuda que nos está a dar aqui neste  Forum .


Pedro Ramalho .

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  • 4 weeks later...
29 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


please temporarily remove the Asobo version.

That will fix the problem in the interim.



Ok - how do I do that please?






Edit - do I make it false in the content file?


<Package name="asobo-airport-lowi-innsbruck" active="false"/>




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15 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


I think you can, or you can just take the asobo-airport-lowi-innsbruck folder

out of the One Store folder and keep it somewhere safe.

thank you - its almost worked and to be honest it will have to do.


I have deleted the Asobo Innsbruck, deleted the content file and cleared the rolling cache.  


Its cleared the bump in the runway and MOST of the lights in the sky have gone except one small corner - if you look to the left of the peak in the middle of the screen shot you can see a small cluster and then a diagonal line heading into the sky.  Its not ideal, but its better than it was.  Not sure what else I can do, so I will leave it to see if future updates fix it.


thank you for your help - got there in the end.


(ps - deleting the content file forces MSFS to rebuild it from fresh which is useful as some old stuff was on there that I had deleted)


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