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CTD when crossing Logitude W7* 30.00"


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Lately I cannot get through Longitude W7* 30.00" As soon as the nose of my plane hits this line my sim (P3D v4.5) freezes and will not restart. Sometimes the sounds are still working but that's it. If I click on any of my screens (I am using 3) anything to do with the sim greys out and I have to shut it down . Sometimes it crashes to desktop on it's own. As long as I stay away from that longitude all is well. I have tried crossing at different lattitudes, some as far away as 400 miles but I cannot get past it.  I even tried setting my location on the map to be L W9* 30" or further and that doesn't work either. The sim will not start and crashes. In that region I am using Orbx Global Base, Vector and Open LC Europe. This longitude runs through Portugal.  I first noticed this when I took off from LPCH to the north, after getting airbourne at the end of the runway I turn left to the west and go straight. It is not far to W7* 30.00". I previously posted this problem in Orbx General Discussion and a couple of guys duplicated my flight but had no problem getting through that longitude. 
I did also try coming in from the other side. I had to go all the way to just offshore of the east coast of North America to get the sim to go. I was only able to fly as far as W59* XX" before the sim froze and crashed. So there are 52 degrees in there that I can't run the sim in. 
I don't know if this is an Orbx problem, or P3Dv4.5, or something else in my computer or sim setup.
Has anything like this ever been reported before?

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59 minutes ago, TDog said:

Has anything like this ever been reported before?

Hello TDog

Have you any 3rd party software installed by any chance, P3D will misbehave if an old FS9 model is found.

I know it is a long shot, but as you say others are not having a problem in that area :(

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I didn't forget about that other topic. With this one I wanted to get into the support forum where I might get a little more help. I am getting desparate trying to figure this out. 

I wouldn't think that I have any old FS9 things lying about. I had been using FSX since it was released and it had been reinstalled a few times and I also changed to FSX-SE. I still have FSX-SE installed on a different SSD and I occasionally fly it.  I have been using P3Dv4.5 for a couple of years now.  I have only started this CTD business in the last month or so. In the other post a couple of people did try my flight and didn't have any trouble getting through that longitude. Once I have one of these CTDs I have to go back to a flight in North America to get things working again.  The only other addons I have installed are some A2A aircraft and a bunch of Orbx scenery.  I was using FSXWX weather before it started giving me problems. I uninstalled it but I suppose there could be some remnants. I do know that FSXWX is not totally compatible with P3Dv4+.  That's why I am now thinking that may be why I am having this CTD problem.   

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6 hours ago, TDog said:

I didn't forget about that other topic. With this one I wanted to get into the support forum where I might get a little more help. I am getting desparate trying to figure this out. 

I wouldn't think that I have any old FS9 things lying about. I had been using FSX since it was released and it had been reinstalled a few times and I also changed to FSX-SE. I still have FSX-SE installed on a different SSD and I occasionally fly it.  I have been using P3Dv4.5 for a couple of years now.  I have only started this CTD business in the last month or so. In the other post a couple of people did try my flight and didn't have any trouble getting through that longitude. Once I have one of these CTDs I have to go back to a flight in North America to get things working again.  The only other addons I have installed are some A2A aircraft and a bunch of Orbx scenery.  I was using FSXWX weather before it started giving me problems. I uninstalled it but I suppose there could be some remnants. I do know that FSXWX is not totally compatible with P3Dv4+.  That's why I am now thinking that may be why I am having this CTD problem.   



If you're willing to spend a bit of time backing up the scenery and settings you can easily completely reinstall P3D in an evening, and from the sound of it that might be your best bet.


When I back up I make a copy of the Lockheed Martin folders in three locations:  appdata\Local, appdata\Roaming and C:\ProgramData.  I can then restore my controls settings etc and anything else from these folders that I want to return to preferences.


Then I copy all the folders from the P3D folder into another drive, Generally these are Effects, gauges (not so important nowadays) Modules, Orbx, SimObjects, Scenery\World\Scenery, Texture and any other folders where you think there might be content required by an add-on, and then I also copy all the files from the P3D root folder in case an add-on has something in there as well.


You can then uninstall and reinstall P3D using the Programs option in Control Panel or your P3D installer.  A simple uninstall and reinstall should leave all add-ons in place and only require Orbx Global to be reinstalled and any files from the appdata backups such as Controls that you might have modified to suit your preferences.  If the Orbx or other sceneries are missing you can use the sync sim option in Orbx Central, or other developers routines as required.


If you still find the longitude problem persists, you can completely delete the Prepar3D folder and all its contents, reinstall, check the longitude problem has gone away, copy the backed up folders into the sim one by one and as required run Orbx Central sync sim and other routines to get back to square one.


You may need to reinstall the odd addon or scenery if a file in an obscure location wasn't backed up but I have found there aren't many that need attention.


Finally, if your Orbx scenery won't behave, you can have the backed up Orbx folder with all the sceneries in place, and use Orbx Central to Install each scenery.  With the folder in place, the Orbx sceneries will normally just replace a few files like it does if you use Verify Files but it will recognise most of the content as already there and not download it again for an install.


Hope this is clearer than mud.

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YEEOW! I am going to hold off on a compleat re-install for now.  Currently I am flying on the other side of the world.  I went over there to see if the problem would occur at the opposite longitude. It didn't.  I am going to continue on around to the east until I get to the 59th longitude where I stopped before and see if it happens again. Then if neccessary I will look into a re-install. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, I'm back with a little more information on this issue. I did go over to the opposite longitude and as I mentioned above there was no CTD there. So I flew east all the way to longitude W74* 59' where the sim stopped and CTDed. I was thinking that this was going to take place at W59* but it was actually W74* 59'.  Then I decided to go as far north as I could to try it from there. So I flew to N83* 31'  W76* 30' and started flying east when I got to W74* 59'  the sim stopped and CTDed.  So it looks like I am not allowed to fly all the airspace between W7* 30' and W74* 59'  A total of 67 longitudinal degrees and 29' pole to pole. I know I am on the Orbx support site for P3D v4 but I still don't know if this is an Orbx problem or a P3D v4 problem.  I have either uninstalled and reinstalled or verified all of my Orbx scenery. I had in the recent past ran the repair option on all the components of P3D v4.5.  I am going to try that again before I think about doing a complete uninstall and reinstall of P3D v4.5.

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Just checked this and no CTD at my end.   Given that I have every Orbx product installed I can be sure it's not Orbx causing it.


Almost guaranteed it's something that is sitting on your computer from an addon somewhere.  Very difficult to track down.  A few times I've discovered addon sceneries that have had components that go for hundreds of km because the decimal point shifted by a few zeroes, the objects were invisible but the problems were there.


It's unlikely to be an FS9 model because that causes an instant return to desktop, not a sim freeze.  In fact, your problem could be caused by a faulty component in your computer or drive, resulting in a data conflict.  If a particular part of RAM or a hard drive is corrupt it could conceivably be the cause as well.


I think you wil end up saving time if you uninstall P3D completely, reinstall and confirm that you can fly past the point then reinstall your addons bit by bit confirming the problem has gone away.  You don't have to reinstall all your addons in one go!  I once spent a month reinstalling FSX I think it was, each time I reinstalled a scenery I made sure I went for a fly, and I found some places I had forgotten about until I was literally forced to revisit them during reinstallation.




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On 11/1/2020 at 10:50 AM, Nick Cooper said:


you can refresh P3D without the need to reinstall much at all.

Here is how to do it. The guide is for v5 but if you see 4 wherever you read 5,

the process is identical.




OK, I did this exercise down to the point where it says "If you had everything outside the P3D folder, then this is the advise from Ben" 

My question now is: Do I need to do any of the instructions after this line. I had everything installed in the P3D folder, nothing outside except my A2A aircraft which are installed in C: \users\Tom\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons.  My P3D is installed in E:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\P3D v4.

I have not tried running P3D yet.

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Final results. I did Nick's method of reinstalling P3D and it went very smooth. I did not run the Delete Generated Files batch file though. I only had a couple of settings I had to fix. The good news is that I can now fly through the W7* 30' longitude without a crash. Thanks for all the help with this problem. It can be marked as solved now. 

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