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TV and cooling towers at least in Germany

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Hi guys,
flying around Germany for about two weeks now with MSFS2020, I've found some strange issues regarding landmarks, especially TV and cooling towers.
Seems as if the AI "sees" a circle in the Bing-map, gets a height from OSM and finally pulls up the circle resulting in a silo without any texture instead of a TV tower.
My findings so far: Europaturm Frankfurt/M, Duesseldorf, Bielefeld, Leer, and Vienna in Austria.
The whole thing leaves such a fantastic impression, so that this issues are really annoying.
I'm hopefully looking forward to something like "German Landmarks" from Orbx or Aerosoft wich will fix those issues.
Find Europaturm here:


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Oh, I know, especially the Duesseldorf scenery is great, but there are still many objects missing, and the "Orbx solution" would be a nice and easy "all-in-one" package if it would be possible to extract and convert the objects (of course by Orbx!) . Let's hope.... 

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12 hours ago, John Dow said:

Have you enabled photogrammetry?  It fixes the same problem for me in my city.

German coverage with photogrammetry is abysmal on Bing compared to Google. Frankfurt for example is not covered in Bing, as opposed to Google.

So no correct Europaturm to be had for the time being.

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