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How to Lose Your PPL Licence in RW


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So, I decided to put the cat among the pigeons - and there are lots of them in London. One thing that gave me a laught, although you can't see them in my pics, were a handful of onliners flying down the Thames in Beeches. I think the thought it was cool to buzz up the Thames at 500 feet. I was sniggering along way below...

...at dusk, no lights, no smoke (sadly) and waiting for some ATC type to ask me to land immediately and hand over my scrip.








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That's obviously your choice.  I bought it and don't regret it one bit.


When I first played MSFS2020 I was super excited after seeing the Photogrammetry cities, which then left me very disappointed when I saw that, apart from Southampton and Plymouth, the UK had not the same treatment.  How did you feel when you compared Perth to the other Australian cities that had the Photogrammetry treatment?


I live near EGCB and use the Orbx TE Central and the Barton pack in X-plane and pilot friends have already commented that they use the Chill Factor as a reference point IRL.  Yet that is a flat building in MSFS (as it was in X-plane) until it got the Orbx treatment.  I said at the time, until things change I'll continue to use X-plane with the Orbx scenery for VFR flying until that level of detail is available in MSFS.  There are so many missing VRPs in the sim at this stage, when compared to actual flight charts.


I'm not so bothered if I'm flying over areas of the world that I don't know, because I don't know what I'm missing. 


London is exactly the same.  I was shocked when I only noticed 4 or 5 actual POIs in default MSFS London.  It's a major city after all.  The skyline as viewed from EGLL looks wrong.  Again the Orbx London Landmark pack went someway to fixing it.  And I think was a bargain at that price for 400+ POIs.  I honestly believe if Orbx had not replaced the 4 or 5 Asobo assets, then no one would have complained.  People only noticed this because those Asobo POIs were the only decent default scenery in the London area, default Buckingham Palace is laughable, its a tower block for god's sake.


I play MSFS as a flight sim not as I would GTA V.  Meaning that I'm trying to fly at a respectable altitude and the Orbx scenery just fits right at that level.  Yes, when you first get the Sim people are wanting to get close to see the level of detail but once the novelty has worn off it won't even be noticed.

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I agree - London is a hog, but so were many other sceneries in FSX - you have to learn how to fine-tune your settings and check what aircraft works best for you. Orbx are promising a patch to coincide with the next MFSF update (in a few days). Flying the Pitts round london is horrible and stuttery, flying the Savage Cub was smooth - even at 17 - 20 FPS.


Sadly it's very much the same as in FSX - there is no one single magic bullet and just as in FSX, it will take a while till someone figures a nice happy medium.


I must also confess to a certain amount of sadistic pleasure in watching other online flyers crashing into London - especially amusing were a couple of tubes bouncing around Heathrow. I was watching the traffic from my parking spot and I'd see the odd tube flying along trailing sparks and debris - see the next pic - that one crashed while I screenshotted this. (We really need an instant playback option that records all the planes...)



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