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Just gone through and seen the post that these purchases are a problem.

How do I go about getting a refund? As these issues should surley stop people dowloading these packs until its fixed, Orbx were quite happy to take my money even though they knew there were issues


Leaving reviews right now as this is discusting. 


Well known issue but you leave the store open for purchase?! With no warning? 

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MFS Orbx
Posting here as reviews are not permitted for me (funny that)
Do not purchase the London City Airport, or London Scenery add-on right now.
I just did this, they took my money, headed me to download and it failed, no matter what i did.
The support took me to forums ( not accessible until you make an account post purchase) which then advised theres an issue with these packs.
Not impressed at all, no warning on the purchase page, so they are happy to take your money first and leave you screwed.
Trying to get a refund.
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Hello James,

welcome to the Orbx Support forums.

I see that you have been a member for one hour.

The fourth post, demanding a refund, being six minutes after your first one.

Eight minutes later, and 14 minutes since you joined the forums, you are doing

your best to blacken the name of a company you have not even engaged in a

conversation with.


This is not how support forums work.



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I didnt mean to be so abrupt i just thought it was pretty poor for a company to allow a download of paid software they know is broken.

I know these packs work and work well which is why i came here from multiple sources, it just pained me to see that until i have paid for, downloaded the install programme, found an issue then get sent to forums, only to find out its a known issue :/ If theres a know issue with specific packs i would have thought any purchases are prevented until its resolved.


Yes i have been running the game daily since release, have nearly 60hours flight time now(i do have a life, just on leave haha)

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2 hours ago, James_Cooper_89 said:

I didnt mean to be so abrupt

Personally I am shocked at your posts. I can't imagine what it would be like if you did mean to be abrupt. There are hundreds of people in this community who are willing to help you sort this out, but give us a chance, please.

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I apologise again. 

I was frustrated yesterday with numerous problems not just related to this but my screens, hotas all going pigs up. Finally got it right, was also payday so treated myself to the London stuff and got stumped. I'm pretty sure I used Orbx central and was getting the aforementioned error code. Can have a fiddle tonight again after work. 

My windows 10 is the most current version, so if those pre requisite items are not included il have to try again. Il delete the temporary downloads. Delete Orbx central, download those items and start from scratch. 

Il pop back once I've had a go if any issues but keeping fingers crossed as there's some awesome packs for previous games and I'm hoping there's many more for MFS on route 

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