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KSJC and VRAM for Renault and Jack


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Hi Pete (@renault) and Jack (@Jack Sawyer),


a follow-up to my KSJC post. Turns out this does like a lump of Vram. First, my settings -


The actual target frame rate is set to 30 via NVI (or whatever it's called - the Nvidia desktop thing), I'd seen a suggestion to do it this way in a thread somewhere about CPU affinities and getting stuff off CP0. Not convinced it worked but didn't do any harm either, so . . .



Mesh resolution set to 2m 'cos I seem to remember that being the Orbx recommend option





So, on take off from KSJC with the Paramotor



this is what the GPU is doing



And if I max out the viewing distance -



it uses this -



So, not the very biggest use of VRAM I've seen, but up there. Looks scary at 100% GPU load but there are no stutters and it's all pretty smooth and on or around the target framerate. That card cost more than my "normal" (non-sim) PC but I'm happy with it - I really don't have to think about my settings any more. Might feel different I guess if the 3080 comes with more or the same memory for half the price but hey ho, that's technology for you.

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16 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Your skill and knowledge is amazing Andy.  I imagine a new board would help but at those prices it's out of the question right now.

Ha! Pete's the man for skill and knowledge - I just sniff around the fora and try out stuff others have suggested (most of which turns out to be, shall we say, subjective at best). Occasionally you get good advice but for every rose there are a couple of hundred cow-pats. The Titan was way overpriced for what it is - as far as I can tell it's a 1080/2080 but with huge VRAM - but it was the only way at the time (may still be) to get that sort of VRAM capacity. We don't spend money on going out or cars or a lot of the other stuff folks do and money's cheap at the moment so I just banged it on a card, paid it over a year and it only cost maybe 30 bucks in interest. Pretty much the same deal with the new PC I just got. Another ten months and it's all mine <grin>

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Impressed by the number of boxes ticked & sliders far to the right.

I would liken your set up to a Porsche, & mine by comparison as regards grunt & settings, an Austin A30.

However, if I can throw in a minor cow pat - I wonder what your shots would be like if your HDR Brightness was up a bit further towards 1.0??



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10 minutes ago, TigerTigerM said:

I wonder what your shots would be like if your HDR Brightness was up a bit further towards 1.0??

TTM, the answer to that is easy - "too bright for my taste" <grin>


As for the Porsche aspect, you couldn't pay me enough to drive a Porsche (or Ferrari or any of those sorts of beasts), but I've always liked to have a good chunky PC. I remember a quote from something like Byte back in the 1980s along the lines of "the PC you really want always costs around 5k" - the implication being that as prices fell generally the new tech coming along will always bump the price back up. Was a time when I just HAD to have the biggest and best and latest, and as a self-employed IT guy at the time I could always justify it to the taxman. I remember running dual-processor motherboards back around 1990, and I was probably one of an extremely small number of people who ever actually bought a Seitek maths co-processor for my 386 machine (probably about 1500 uk at todays values for a single chip!). That all calmed down when I got out of IT around 2006 and I became a regular user for a while, but this simming lark got me at it again. Like I said to Jack, it's about the only thing I spend money on these days (we finally got mortgage free a year or two back) but my system is nothing compared to some of the monsters I read about out there. Overclocked, watercooled monsters with triple 2080Tis - and mostly to pretend to run around in a fantasy world shooting critters or other players, funny old world, ain't it?


And btw, I always had a soft spot for the old A30 - a real cuddly little motor if ever there was one (and for anyone who doesn't know these, have a look here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austin_A35 )

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The A35 brought back some memories.

1965, barreling down a straight back country road near Fielding, NZ, in a hotted up A35.

I was the passenger & we were side by side with a Humber 80 that had also been tweaked. 

While the diver's were communicating in single & double digit sign language at 85 mph, I happened to notice a waterway culvert bridge abutment looming towards me.

It is a peculiarity of NZ back country culvert bridges that whereas the width of the 2 lane road  that approaches them can be up to say 16', the actual bridge clearance on the bridge can be around 12'. 

Or less.

Deftly grabbing the steering wheel I managed to ease the A35 away from the abutment.

But towards the Humber.

As both cars crested the bridge side by side there was a h-ll of a graunch as their exterior mirrors made contact & bits of glass & chrome flew in all directions.

Not much was said thereafter.

But it cost me a new mirror.

Better than wearing a bridge abutment!



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Thanks Andy

This was really interesting ....

Firstly , as you say running at 4K means that you really don't need much AA


Just comparing with my RTX 2080 super - first of all I am on XPlane Vulkan Beta at 1080p, but with all settings at Max


I love CPU-Z . :)My temps are quite a bit lower than the Titan at about 60 -65-C, my system load is about 50 -90% and my power consumption is about 115 - 120w max. Vram usage is about 7.5 GB


Most of the time with easy flying the fans can't be heard - only sometimes over London. I have no doubt that it would be a totally different story at 4K:(


But gosh - the quality of what you are doing is absolutely 1000% outstanding:)

I enjoyed your screenshots so much!!


Sometimes its not the cost of what you do , but the value of the personal enjoyment that it brings you that really matters!





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