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ESMS Missing Jetways

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Hi Marcus


I also have missing jetways in V5 and I do have Object flow installed and all is updated as I installed it during the last two days, so all is fresh




real Malmo






Though this installs very fast and makes no sound when "finished" like other products




I'll run the verify files tool and will also check how V4.5 looks like





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Hi again


Run the verify files for Object Flow and Libraries and no jetways ( I wonder is somethig is wrong with Object flow as other users are mentioning the loose of animations and issues with other displays)


Also run Chaseplane and it said the product is not compatible despite it shows as installed that cause a sort of error and requested p3d to restart but didn't do so and then a message of corrupted file for both versions showed up >:(

I know it is not related but is part of all I did




Few seconds after got this message




But the sim restarted alone and this other message showed up.




I swear I'm doing my best to swallow v5 but they resist me


I'll check V4 version





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Hello Carlos,

in fact, if you take a second look at the images, your problem was not the same, Jon Edward's jetways were not missing.

The solution to your problem was that SODE, which controls the jetways was evidently either missing, or the Malmo files

had not been added, or SODE might have become unregistered, or not been registered with P3D v5.

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8 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello Carlos,

in fact, if you take a second look at the images, your problem was not the same, Jon Edward's jetways were not missing.

The solution to your problem was that SODE, which controls the jetways was evidently either missing, or the Malmo files

had not been added, or SODE might have become unregistered, or not been registered with P3D v5.

Hi Nick

Yes, just realized the issue was slightly different

I though of SODE at the last very moment ( I had forgotten that)




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