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YBRM to YPPH Black texture lines Western Australia

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Hi All


Been having an issue with Western Australia from YBRM to YPPH with a huge dark texture line that seem to be about 150 klm in length, I've done the usual things verify files, uninstall reinstall, insertion and sync, this seems to extend slightly east of Newman VOR and runs north south. It does change with focus length, but is always there day or night. Does any body else experience this? Would love to resolve this issue, 


regards Rick 





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Yep, I too have seen this on the same route. It never quite reaches the aircraft’s position and almost seems like a discontinuity between two lots of scenery. On one flight I could see that the discontinuity was like a large ditch. Nothing I did could fix the issue so I gave up and kept flying but it does destroy the immersion factor. 

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Hi guys,


I went to the same area but don't seem to be able to replicate this, in either P3D v4 or v5. The location where the line appears is a boundary between P3Ds internal grid tiles. Along those boundaries there's always a bit of a visible seam, as in my screenshot, but not normally as a dark line in your respective screenshots.


Are you using any other add-on that covers Australia, like a global mesh package? Also, have you noticed any correlation with specific display slider settings? 


Cheers, Holger

AUv2 - QMID7 seam in the Outback.jpg

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Hi Holger,


Thanks for having a look see, no mesh other than as standard, yes tried sliders in default settings and back to my own which are moderate. The tile join line as in your screen shot would be fine if that's all it was, so will try a repair on p3d v4.5, then reinstall Aus v2


Cheers Rick

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I reiterate that the black line progressively disappears as you approach it.


It actually runs next to the P3D boundary.



However, there is a noticeable colour shift along the ex black line. P3d border to the left of it.



P3D border right (now reversed direction). ex black line left.



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Hi petfy,


the fact that the seam/line moves ahead of the aircraft is due to the sim's LOD (Level of Detail) system; the lighter-colored seam in my screenshot above does the same.


The color "shift" is actually a change between different landclass types with the same content but slightly different coloring. When we worked on manually placing landclass across Australia's 10 mio sq km more than a decade ago we had different people assigned to different areas and thus their selection of landclass types varied sometimes. For AUv2 we reworked many of the more obvious boundaries but it's still not going to be perfectly seamless everywhere. 


In any case, the landclass doesn't have anything to do with the dark seam and I still don't know what it might be as I don't see it myself. At a distance the display of the landclass tiles actually gets replaced by a coarse synthetic satellite image; at cruising altitude and with clear weather one can often see the sharp boundaries to this image, especially if hue and brightness are noticeably different. However, I don't believe that is the issue here as the line in Rick's screenshots is much closer to the aircraft than the satellite image would normally display.


Another possibility is that it's a corrupt file associated with a specific add-on; sometimes these issues are seen thousands of miles away from the airport. To test that you could temporarily deactivate anything other than AUv2 in the scenery library.


Cheers, Holger  

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1 hour ago, Alex McCreath said:

Thanks for the detailed information Holger. It seems it’s potentially just ‘one of those things’ when dealing with the integration of large data sets that results in the occasional anomaly. Regards, Alex


I have noticed in the past that these sort of lines appear in high resolution display, like my 4K setting, but disappear when I use a smaller windowed mode closer to 1080p display.  So it might just be an unavoidable bug of the whole display coding somewhere.


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